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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    Peace Be Still

    I think you would be surprised how simple can be extremely complicated is to achieve. Do not underestimate yourself you do some very wonderful music, that make these furry ears smile.
  2. Nice did not understand a word, but well produced.
  3. Nice enough track might benefit from a small breakdown somewhere but it works as is.
  4. I never really now where the music is going to take me Lynn, thank you for your kind words and your ears.
  5. Have to admit to never being much of a fan of TT, but you have treated this well. Nicely played and captured, good production job.
  6. Wookiee


    Nice tune, well played, though as noted by Bjorn it could do with a little added width, even just a subtle pan of keys to one side and axes to the other only by a few percent.
  7. Peeps moan about the Z3ta+ synth but this proves just a powerful instrument it is, I understand Vangelis bends even if Tom doe snot . Really clever piece @bjornpdx. I do like it.
  8. Not my thing, but not something I would turn off either, nicely executed sir, thanks for sharing.
  9. Wookiee

    Peace Be Still

    Beautifully simple, expertly executed, nice Tim, nice.
  10. Oh nice bass drone sweet. Good tune all round mix works well her eon the Adam's. Nice to know that all the elves survived.
  11. Wookiee


    @Hidden Symmetry I suspect the furry ears are going to be smiling all day after listening to this, thank you.
  12. Nice chilled tune @kennywtelejazz with a heartfelt thought behind its theme. It has been tough since an issue that started in August last year, which was then was aggravated by the brown sticky stuff hitting the fan in early March, I have barely left the Millennium Falcon, only about 5 times. The only people I have spoken face to face to are delivery peeps delivering our food and Ms W. Being a furry alien from a galaxy far far far away they have notified me I am considered at risk, because of injures along with diseases received in the course of a life defending the galaxy. Possibly also some questionable life style choices. Thank you for sharing your music.
  13. @jack c. Thank you sir you are most kind. The Piano is the new Arturia Stage 73 V Version 2, which is supposed to be completely different from version 1 as it has a new sound engine.
  14. ??????????? Thanks for listening, hope you enjoy. I never mentioned what instruments and FX I used VST I Cherry Audio Voltage Modular, CA2600 Softubes Parallels, MONOment Bass Arturia's Farfisa V Organ, B3 V Organ and the Stage 73 V version II VST FX Arturia's Rev Intensity x 2, Phase Bi-Tron, Audiority's ECHOES T7E MK II Boz Digital Width Knob and +10dB Compressor (Bass in Parallel mode) Overloud's Breverb Cakewalks, N Type Channel, Channel and Buss Compressors, Quad Curve EQ, Tape Simulation. Post Production Youlean Loudness Meter and Span in the Finalising chain, Soundforge Pro 14 for cropping conversion to MP3
  15. Must have been my Furry ears not being awake then.
  16. @Starise sorry mate @Lynn Wilson was spot on the nose far far far to short, this was just beginning to build and you cut it off at the knees. ?
  17. Wookiee


    Gentle soft easy jazz in the early Sunday Afternoon, cool grooving, cool grooving, sweet.
  18. Wookiee

    my anger

    @jack c. 1:25 of the same riff is enough to make many peeps either turn off or just get mad. Not my thing so I will leave it there.
  19. Not over analysing this as the furry brain is not in the mood for deep analysis. So I just listened with my none producer furry ears on and you should know @mark skinner they smiled.
  20. Epic sound, but @Starise hope you do not mind me saying it sounds just a tad MIDI, perhaps nudge here and a nudge there just to move the timing around a bit.
  21. @Paul Bush Parallel or New York Compression is a technique where you mix a compressed signal with an uncompressed signal. Both of the supplied Pro Channel compressors have the facility the last knob on the bottom right of them that has the word Wet/Dry under it. As you turn this up it introduces more of the dry, uncompressed signal back into the mix. With this technique you can compress the signal quite hard to give it thickness and more body, then when you ad the uncompressed signal back in you are able to balance the lightness and air of the original signal but keep a good solid sound.
  22. You honour me with that statement thank you sir. Thank you too you are most kind
  23. I thought you might have paid a visit to Norfolk when I first saw the title. As ever the shine and polish of a Staypress production.
  24. @Paul Bush Could I suggest trying a little parallel compression the default Buss compressor that comes with CbB does an excellent job of such.
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