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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. No I was not really looking at Ron, I was just concentrating of finding the ever elusive Am bass note.
  2. In our community of about 20 bands Ron was the most respected and (of course) the best drummer around. And, we were a damned tight rhythm section for Chas to lay on top of.
  3. I'm confused, it does not say ProTools but it shows a picture of ProTools. Is this support plan just for the plugins or is it for ProTools too?
  4. My UAD don't own list is down to 50 items: 14 items that I don't really need but would like to have one day. 24 items are already owned by other vendors (IKM, PluginAlliance, Softube, Eventide & Sonnox) That leaves 12 LUNA based items I'll def never need. I don't intend to go to LUNA on my Mac.
  5. I'm not only a member but I Am the president and founder of plug-a-holics.
  6. Thanks for the listen bjornpdx
  7. Dare I say it?????? Oh yeah, one more serial number down and installed.
  8. Yes and no. It's a 360 cab and power amp but an Acoustic 150 head used as a preamp.
  9. That was either before we had or after we lost our lead singer.
  10. Soooooo, did you want to sell it? I've a ten bob note up my nose burning a hole in me pocket. BTW, I'll get me coat.
  11. "I recently bought a fretless bass, and decided to record "Bright Size Life" to demo it. Bass and guitar parts performed & recorded live in a very old version of Cakewalk Sonar, while capturing the video on probably the cheapest device imaginable. Drums performed later in multiple passes on a keyboard controller. Enjoy the grumpy concentration face, which is kind of my go-to."
  12. Bapu

    November Jam

    I like the tones. Not a bad jam either.
  13. The AAMS version is a little less 'cloudy' to me. I like it more than the first version.
  14. Bapu

    On The Run

    Nice song Douglas. Backing harmonies were very good. Classic rock groove and message. A+ from me on the mix.
  15. I enjoyed all three parts of Get Back. It brought back so many memories of bands I was in. Ringo being bored while the lads worked out arrangements. Been there and seen that in my band. The buffonery with lyrics and such. Been there and done that too. For me the biggest payoff was watching the song Get Back come into existence from Macca just strumming on the bass and mumbling some lyric ideas. And then later he and John working out lyrics by just spit balling ideas about Arizona and California/grass.
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