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Lynn Wilson

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Everything posted by Lynn Wilson

  1. Jeff, thank you very much for your idea. I did raise the drums a little, and I like the result. Good ears!!
  2. Lynn Wilson


    Such a satisfying song. This just keeps playing in my head (in a good way), the way a good song should. Encore!
  3. This is fabulous, Mark ! It's always the unexpected with you-one of your greatest strengths.
  4. Superb! Your performance is smooth and compelling. This raises the bar for all of us around here.
  5. Your passion is showing! Your vocal is heartfelt which makes the lyrics come alive. Another winner for you!
  6. There's much wisdom in your words! But how to get people to listen? Writing catchy songs like this is one answer. Your words are poetic, your music is addictive. This is another in a long list of hits, Fred!
  7. Thank you for your comments, which are greatly appreciated! I've been enjoying your smooth, jazzy songs for a while, so your words are meaningful to me. Thank you so much, kind sir!
  8. I had trouble with this upgrade, too. Usually, CW is easy as pie to update, but this wasn't advertised, and there was no information on how to activate it. I had to dig for a while until I figured it out. This wasn't the best rollout of all time for CW, and they could have made it a lot easier and quicker had they put information in the early access page. One shouldn't have to be mocked for being confused over this issue!
  9. Thank you so much for your kind words! I appreciate your comments so much, Nigel! You've been an inspiration!
  10. Thank you very much, Steve! I'd love to do some pints with you and talk about lyrics. Yours have always intrigued me, and I'm just trying to keep up I hope you enjoy EZKeys as much as I do.
  11. Nice, Terry, very nice! Your mix is clean and balanced, and your vocal is moving. Sorry for your loss - this is a good tribute to your friend. Keep it up!
  12. Good job, Paul! You got your message across very well. Keep up the good work!
  13. I second what everyone else said. This is brilliant stuff! Long live Cakewalk!
  14. This is one of my favorite tunes of yours, Jack. It's progressive and quirky, but it carries a lot of weight in its message. This is the kind of song that becomes addictive after a few listens! Keep up the good work!!
  15. Thanks for the lift, my friend! I can hear it modulating up a minor third for 8 bars and then back down, but it doesn't need that, really. This stands on its own, and kudos to you!
  16. You've long since mastered the art of the mix, so I'll just say what a cool song this is. Having listened to Steely Dan and Jeff Beck so many times, this is right up my alley. One of your great strengths is your versatility! I never know what to expect from you, and I'm never disappointed.
  17. I think you've done a good job of mixing this interesting song. Until I heard the alternate version, I was going to suggest turning up the vocals. Your mix is clean and punchy, and I think you did a fine job with the drums. The other version has a wider mix, but your panning is well done regardless. This is much better than my first attempts at mixing. I'll give this a B+, and you're only gonna get better!
  18. Terrific song and production! Music like this deserves a huge audience. Keep cranking them out!
  19. You just can't beat a good pedal! Good song and a good demo that went by very quickly. I'm gonna play this a few more times.
  20. This is a haunting vibe, all in all. Though I've never been on a battlefield, it causes a visceral reaction in me. The production is very good and one to be proud of! Keep it up.
  21. Thank you, Mark! Very encouraging words from a master! Your words are greatly appreciated! I'm feeling even more encouraged. Fred, you've always been very supportive of my music, and I'm always grateful! Comments like these make it all worthwhile.
  22. I appreciate you, Daniel! I did let this one simmer for quite a while, but I'm starting to see the endzone, at last. Hi Jack, thanks for your suggestion. The drums are preset grooves from Superior Drummer 3, so if anything is loose, it's probably the guitars or bass. I'll listen for that.
  23. Hi Treesha, I'm successfully using the latest CW with the same version of Melodyne that you're using. Have you tried changing algorithms? I typically use the melodic algorithm, but if it flatlines, I change it to polyphonic sustained and get the proper notes showing. Or, it may be a different algorithm for you, so try a few. Good luck!
  24. Daryl, thank you two times for listening. Your words are highly encouraging! Bjorn, I'm sorry about the earworm, but whatever it takes You encourage me, as well! Thanks a million!
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