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Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Morgon-Shaw

  1. You're all wrong..it was Midge Ure and Bob Geldof who started it ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjQzJAKxTrE
  2. I have never had them overlap that I know to but yes the popup does stay on for a few seconds. It would be easy to fix What I find more annoying is that after the double click the property box does not automatically change if I select a differnt note ! I have to cancel or press Esc first. Also..and I am not sure why this happens ( it's probably me ) but sometimes clicking a note selects all the notes in the clip and not just the one I want...if anyone knows what I am doing wrong please tell me. I have gott used to selcting notes by lassoing the one I want now.
  3. Because there are some gaping holes and workflow issues which are important for producers that need to be productive and have looming deadlines, one guy I know made 500 music cues in 2017 ....not in Sonar !
  4. Great idea..Kontakt is widely used by media composers , Cubase seems to handle the keyswitches much more intuitively
  5. Thanks Daryl , I don't think some folks quite realise hopw much easier it is in something like Abelton live to just drag a sample from the Browser and be able to play it mapped out across the keyboard virtually instantly. Such a massive workflow improvement even over a good 3rd part plugin
  6. Thunderbird for me ...Enjoy a glass whilst reading my emails
  7. Which probably explains why Cakewalk is not as popular as it once was ! Times have changed. If you are going for broad appeal Hip Hop is now the dominant genre in US music. If you are saying it wouldn't benefit the majority it's because that majority have either left or never considered Sonar and now use other DAWs that have better workflows for modern music production ( like Studio One ) . It's as though Cakewalk has become the default DAw for guitar playing Dad's. I'm pretty sure that's not how Bandlab want it to be perceived with their young App savvy user base .Well I hope Meng & Co are ready to move in a more progressive direction, kids making beats on their phones today are the DAW users of tomorrow
  8. Then I am guessing you are not big on producing EDM / Hip Hop or R&B Intergrated tools should offer a better workflow for busy producers
  9. And I am saying it should be part of that core application
  10. Bandlab seem to be a forward thinking company and I believe their App will draw in a lot more EDM, Hip Hop and R&B Music Producers to Cakewalk I know we have had various things like Dropzone - Cyclone - Beatscape over the years and there is also the Matrix view but I feel there is a gaping hole in CBB for musicians who build tracks around samples which should be addressed. Competing platforms have their own well thought out and intergrated samplers and have flourished and overtaken the DAW formerly known as Sonar because if it. It's an ideal opportunity to redress this. My starting point would be the Browser. It's already the default place to audition loops and one shot samples so why not put it on steroids ? Imagine undocking it and dropping it into the MultiDock to view the fully fledged sampler. This could incorporate all the best attributes of those old plugins as well as new features but much more seamlessly. No VSTi to instantiate, a fluid workflow as you move from browsing sounds to working with them. Looping , chopping, editing, mangling and making samples playable across the keyboard would all be possible within the expanded Super Browser. Once you're happy with how it sounds, drag across to the track view and drop your newly edited sample instrument into the project ready to perform within your track. This will now act as a standalone sampled instrument that can be refined within it's own instrument if needed. Quick easy worklow for modern producers - Let's make Cakewalk best in class for sample based musicians
  11. Yes I believe that would be ideal . Better still it all exists already. It just needs displaying elsewhere..consistency of GUI is important to workflow
  12. Yes ..they could allow you to it drop into the Multi Dock
  13. I thnk that would be a massive move in the right direction , displays have come on leaps and bounds and it's set to continue. It doesn't seem that long ago that a 17" CRT was de-reguer and I had a 24" widescreen TV.....now I have 2 x 24" panels and a 43" LED TV for about the same as that 17" cost me in 1997 !
  14. I already asked for that in another post a while back " Nested Folders "
  15. One million percent this !!!!! Before the X series this was the default and I still think it looks so much clearer
  16. I agree it's useful, you can often tell just by looking if a sample could fit well with your track. Where would you put it though ? If you drag the Browser to the Multidock then there is plenty of space but not so much if it's down the side of the Track View although this can be resized to taste. Perhaps at the bottom where by default the Help View appears? I like this idea too. I suggest Ctrl+Mousewheel whilst hovering over the sample name so the volume of individual samples can be offset realtive to the Preview Buss..assigning a plus or minus value that persists also would be cool so it would remember next time.
  17. Fabfilter's new Pro-Q3 has an awesome implementation of this
  18. Related : I was watching a tutorial and I think they were using Logic to make a ' slowdown / tapestop ' type effect and it was built in to the DAW just like an automation line you can draw on any track. I would love that feature.
  19. I dunno..there are SO many VSTi's out there that you can grab for free I don't see any big need to bundle them..just a lot of bloat for those of us that are not interested. The only bundled thing I ever used was Z3ta , and maybe TTS-1 to make my own metronome. The studio Instuments are a waste of space for anything serious.
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