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Everything posted by ALC

  1. These products are available from Plugin Alliance, so if you’re patient, with the monthly voucher, you may be able to get these for less.
  2. Congratulations! So, what plugins were used in the production of the track? You've managed to justify the purchases of all of them.
  3. Thanks, IK. I appreciate that Apple Silicon Native support didn't require a paid version upgrade.
  4. Run the IK Multimedia Product Manager. ARC 3.1.0: Added native compatibility with Apple Silicon processors General reliability improvements T-RackS 5.10.0: Added native compatibility with Apple Silicon processors Introducing The Farm Stone Room reverb General Reliability Improvements
  5. Installed on macOS and iOS (and eventually Windows after I get home). Thanks.
  6. I ended up purchasing VST Live Pro for $50. It includes HALion Sonic SE 3 (with Pro/Artist/Basic), Padshop Pro 2 (costs $129.99 standalone), and Retrologue 2. I've been looking for a VST host for live performance (that's not a DAW) that's straightforward for others to pick up. For my own use, I've been using Gig Performer, but it's a bit complex for those not familiar with it (modes!). I like the VST Live GUI as it's built around sets/songs/part. Feels to be a cleaner design than Cantabile (granted I've only used Lite), Gig Performer, and Camelot. Gig Performer has the best plugin manager (being able to hide unused plugins)--I hope Steinberg can improve VST Live's plugin management. Addendum: more info ... I use Gig Performer for hosting guitar plugins and it's capable of handling complex flows. VST Live seems to be cleaner/faster for straightforward hosting keyboard/synth plugins (nothing complex, I just want piano/e-piano/organ/pads at the same time, and be able to adjust the levels, and swap them around, and recall configurations).
  7. Another thought ... the software on the S-Series keyboards is linked to the hardware (was the case when I bought a refurbished S61), so if you sell the keyboard, the license goes with it (and conversely, you can't sell off the license by itself). In this case, Komplete Select wouldn't be associated with the keyboard, so if you don't need it, you could possibly sell it off.
  8. I thought Komplete Select was already bundled with hardware, but I realize that it previously only applied to the higher end hardware (like S-Series). I would consider it a $100 value (what Komplete Select would cost during the summer sale). Not bad if you don't already have Komplete and are considering the NI controllers. I rather like NI keyboard controllers.
  9. It works differently. You choose a drummer that plays in the style of a real well known drummer (but the names are changed). Then you can direct the MIDI output to trigger another drum VI.
  10. I recommend trying out the free version. It’s usable. The paid versions just add more drummers/styles. On the Mac, the beta is also available (but still from 2011). It has some visual glitches, but basic functionality works. I hope Ray can fix and release a new beta soon.
  11. I would value them at $15 each. That’s the price I would get them in the past (but that was before the change in management).
  12. The ToneX price is still at the pre-release prices for standard ($149.99) and MAX ($249.99). You can get SE bundled with iRig 2 HD for $99.99. That’s probably the best deal if you’re in the market for an audio interface. ToneX CS is free, so at least get that, at the very least.
  13. Been playing around with Unify after purchase … On Mac, I’ve been deleting AUv3 and VST plugins, leaving only VST3 in place. On Windows, I’ve been only installing VST3. The unified libraries expect VST (for the most part). Is there a way to change the library patches to use VST3 instead of VST? Otherwise, I’ll have to reinstall the VST plugins.
  14. This is an old product. You want to get Amp Room which is $43 on Softube.com right now.
  15. ALC

    PRS Amp Sim (Waves)

    I’ve been using MConvolutionEZ. The other free options I have are not yet M1 Native. AA’s IR loader is not yet M1 Native either. Two Notes cab sim is a bit complex—I never gelled with it. They have a new one that’s in beta that has a cleaner design makes more sense to me. I’ll have to try it out.
  16. ALC

    Valhalla Updates

    AFAIK, they don’t have sales (at all).
  17. ALC

    PRS Amp Sim (Waves)

    I picked this up as one of the Waves freebies (with purchase) in the the past year, though I had to wait a bit before it was available as an option.
  18. Thanks for the recommendation. Which version should I get? https://www.pluginguru.com/products/megamagic-pads-v1-for-unify/ https://www.pluginguru.com/products/megamagic-pads/ https://www.pluginguru.com/products/megamagic-pads-k5/ (I have K6)
  19. That only applies to sound libraries. There’s no timeout on application downloads. So, it doesn’t apply to AmpliTube.
  20. Thanks for the thread. It has certainly increased my awareness of the Wurli/Wurly. I found this page to be interesting, which reviews a number of Wurlitzer plugins (breaks down the features of each plugin): https://adammonroemusic.com/blog/best_wurlitzer_vst_plugin.html Can anyone weigh in on the SampleTank Wurly Model 120 (since I have it)?
  21. The legacy V3 ToneBoosters plugins are available for free. https://www.toneboosters.com/support.html ReelBus v3 is included in the above installation. Very generous of them.
  22. TONEX SE is now bundled with iRig HD 2, which is currently on sale for $99.99. Good deal for those looking to get SE.
  23. Here’s another vote for IK’s Hammond B-3X. If you’ve got existing organ VIs, you can try adding the Leslie speaker sim from IK (in AmpliTube, TRackS, or Mixbox).
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