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Nigel Mackay

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Everything posted by Nigel Mackay

  1. Be aware that when Garritan say octave 0, in Cakewalk it is octave 2. Cakewalk starts with note 0 being in octave 0. Very often, note 0 is in octave -1. Cakewalk doesn't have negative octave numbers. Garritan keyswitches start 2 octaves up, because most people don't have keyboards big enough to go to the 2 lowest octaves. So playing live/recording would be difficult. You have to be careful with that. With these maps, to use them with Garritan you need to add 24 to all the note numbers.
  2. I tested it and the virtual controller works. 😀 My previous reply seems to have disappeared. 1) Do you click the Record Button as well? The Red button on the track is Record Arm. 2) While you are recording, do you hear the drums?
  3. I have created an articulation map for Ample Sound Guitars. It should work with any of their guitars. Adding Orange Tree Samples Evolution series. Ample Sound Guitars have been updated. Ample Ukulele added. Here is the link.
  4. It would be nice if we could click on the Key/CC# dropdown and type in the note number. Make it easier when entering 18 sequential keystrokes.
  5. Also, move the mouse pointer to the area under the track number. Mouse pointer changes to up-down arrow. Drag and drop the track where you want it.
  6. For the admins to take note. Is there any interest to have a dedicated location to share drum maps?
  7. Probably why it is now free. EDIT: Yip, just had a look at their products page. All the stuff that is still only 32-bit is free.
  8. Yes, a dedicated forum would be better tan having to store a link to this topic.
  9. Let's do the drums. Use Views -> Browser or press b on the keyboard to open the browser. You will see something very similar to this: Click on the icon that looks like a tiny keyboard. You will see something like this: Click on the + next to Drums, click and drag the SI-Drums under the tracks that are in the track pane. Looking at your bottom screenshot, on the extreme left is the channel strip for the midi track. At the bottom is O for output. It currently seems to be going to the Microsoft General Midi Wavetable. Click on the drop-down and select SI-Drums. Press Play. Now do the same thing for the bass MIDI, except use the SI-Bass Guitar. Make sure you point the bass midi channel strio to the guitar, don't accidentally reassign the drums. 😀
  10. Nigel Mackay

    Export to Bandlab

    There isn't Export to Bandlab, only Export. The Export module doesn't seem to be visible on your control bar. Right-click on a blank spot on the Control Bar. Go to Modules and make sure Export is selected. Then right-click on the Export module, select Resize Export Module and experiment with the sizes to get what you like. If you still can't see it, resize some of the other modules to collapsed (or don't display them) in order to get it visible. Having got it visible, if it isn't where you want it, right click on an empty spot on the control bar, and make sure none of the 3 "Lock" options are selected. Then click and drag it to where you want it. You can then experiment with the 3 "Lock" options to see what you like.
  11. The ones at r-koubou don't import. No error message. Nothing happens.
  12. Using the Early Release version and Cakewalk exits while loading MPC Beats. There seems to be a bit of a problem with it.
  13. And a big thumbs up if that happens. Cakewalk does get treated a bit shoddily sometimes. Undeservedly. And it will happen that if someone asks about choosing which product to buy the would get the advice "Buy the BabylonWaves one, they have Cakewalk articulation maps."
  14. 1) Please provide a link to the Creative Sauce video so we can begin to guess what you possibly did wrong. Together with that, maybe you don't have any sound coming from Cakewalk. Is the track actually blank (ie no midi info in the track) or do you just not hear anything? A screenshot of your trackpane after trying to record will help. (A picture speaks a thousand words.) 2) A screenshot please.
  15. @Wookiee It is off, but that makes no difference to the adjustments. It just has that weird notch. 🤔
  16. Question was asked and answered on Page 3 of this topic. 😀
  17. You can't do: Articulation Maps -> A -> B -> xx.artmap Articulation Maps -> A -> C -> yy.artmap Articulation Maps -> A -> D -> zz.artmap There MUST be an Articulation Maps -> A -> ???.artmap, otherwise B, C and D are ignored. Sub-folders need a dummy.artmap to survive. But we are getting there.
  18. The whole problem is with converting expression maps to articulation maps and with restarting and renaming and restarting. It seems you need to convert everything, then arrange folders, then start Cakewalk. Not complaining, just saying. I can now do Spitfire BBC Orchestra in a top-level folder with sub-folders Brass, Strings, etc. Nut had to work towards that.
  19. It looks like a notch at roughly 12kHz. Shouldn't be there. Take the notch away and it as it should be. What version is this? Perhaps update to the latest.
  20. With the Spitfire BBC Orchestra I extracted the sub-folders and called them Spitfire BBC Orchestra Brass, Spitfire BBC Orchestra Strings, etc. A bit of work if nested more than one layer. 😟
  21. You have to find the drum map somewhere. Then you place it in your templates folder. (Edit -> Preferences -> File -> Folder Locations will tell you where that is.) Then restart Cakewalk. You're in luck, Google found the instructions here.
  22. @Jean-Philippe ROGER Looks like your installation only half worked. It knows about articulation maps, but the dialog doesn't. The entry should be at the bottom, below Arranger. Try re-installing.
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