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Milton Sica

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Everything posted by Milton Sica

  1. Adjusted ! I did the following tests: 1) Deleting tracks in a project containing only one instance of the plugin. 2) Deleting tracks in a project containing 5 plugin instances. 3) Deleting tracks in an existing project, containing other instruments and tracks. 4) Deleting the instrument with folders and tracks. ALL WORKED! Thank you very much.
  2. Thank you very much. This solves the problem. It would be very interesting if the application when executing this operation did what you solved.
  3. I keep having application termination when trying to delete tracks from BBC Symphony Orchestra VST3.
  4. Thanks for the considerations. Something that came to me as a result of this reflection: Some time ago I had problems on my M-Audio Keyboard that seemed to enter commands as well as if I had moved the keyboard (wheels, volume). The information I got was that the problem could be happening in the cable and its movement in the connection. I switched to new cables and the problem persisted. Anyway, I think my problem could be overcome if there was a more direct MIDI DEVICE ON/OFF BUTTON in the Panel and, not, having to go into Preferences -> Delete -> Apply Adjustments.
  5. I thought that resetting the knob values such changes would not change the PAN values I've been suffering. It is quite uncomfortable doing a mix and realizing that the value it should be centered has shifted either to the right or to the left. That was my attempt as there is no other solution within the DAW to turn on/off CONTROL SURFACE. I'm lost without knowing where to look for a solution.
  6. Hello, I'm thinking of putting the Knob of PAN in Nano Kontrol 2 as 0 to 0 instead of 127. Where are the settings for each Control Surface stored for me to try via Kork Editor?
  7. Hello, I already tried to use your creation, I currently use Cakewalk's own creation and the problems are the same. I've tried with Mackie Control - 1, Mackie Control XT and they all end up with the same problem. I have placed the commands for my MASTER,BUS. So I can better visualize when there is any PAN change. To avoid more problems I leave the PAN controls centered and the volume controls at 0.
  8. Hello, some time ago I opened a topic of my own and made comments reporting that my PAN controls are sometimes changed. I use a Nano KOntrol 2 and found that the changes, even without any movement on my part, only happen when the surface is active. So for me it would be important if there was some way to turn NanoKontrol ON/OFF without having to go to preferences and disconnect. Do you have any suggestions or tips for this operation to be better performed? Maybe some BUTTON SENSITIVITY command?
  9. Could constant program interruptions when deleting tracks from a VSTi Plugin be a problem with this new version?
  10. Thank you very much for your kind comment. Yes, the way you said it is possible, but I would like to have something more direct, such as turning the audio engine on/off.
  11. My question is if there is some sort of button/config that allows a controller console not to command anything in the MIX. I know of a case where the operator accidentally bumped into a Volume button, increasing his level without realizing it. So my wish is to know if I could temporarily suspend the use of the mixing console MIDI device with a button or command. I'm not talking about the audio engine that already exists, but something similar.
  12. Thanks for the comment. So I don't feel so "out of context with the problem", thinking that I was the only one experiencing it and being guided by some friends on the forum to withdraw my comment or post in another topic. Thank you very much.
  13. Thanks for the comment. So I don't feel so "out of context with the problem", thinking that I was the only one experiencing it and being guided by some friends on the forum to withdraw my comment or post in another topic. Thank you very much.
  14. Hi, thanks for your kindness in helping. I clarify each of your questions. 1) I don't use any MIDI controls. 2) I had already created a topic with this problem, but I didn't get much help. I thought it could be a problem that has been replicating in the versions. 3) If it is not the case that it is here, I can remove it.
  15. PAN UNCONFIGURING I have noticed that the PAN controls of some tracks sometimes shift from CENTER to different percentage positions. I'm not sure what the origin of this change is. I ask if it is a version problem or if there would be some MACRO command to configure all the PANs for the Center.
  16. I share what I got and I think it will meet my main objective now, which is to have a comparison between my MIX and a CHOSEN MIX. Follow my step by step. 1) In a project I created 2 tracks that I called: MY MIX and REFERENCE. 2) I created a STEREO BUS where I put the VOXENGO SPAN. 3) On track 1 (MINHA MIX) I put the created STEREO BUS as OUTPUT. 4) Track 2 (REFERENCE) I put SPAN 2 - INPUT 4 as SEND. The basic VOXENGO SPAN settings I made: 1) I used the STEREO-MASTERING preset. 2) In ROUTING in the INPUT ROUTING option, in addition to L/R that appear in 1/2, I informed 3 in IN3. 3) In GROUPS ASSIGNMENTS I entered G-3 in 3. The visual and sampling time settings I did to my liking. The important thing now is that, after including an EQ on track 1 (MY MIX), I can now visually move my MIX closer to the REFERENCE I chose. Hope this helps more forum friends.
  17. Thanks for your answer. I've seen several videos on the topic. Including the one suggested in this same topic above. Unfortunately, none address usage in Cakewalk. There have already been some clarifications from friends on the forum, but I'm still bumping into routing. See if my statements are correct. 1) Routing is only possible in VST2 version when ports 2, 3 and 4 are opened on plugin inclusion. 2) Includes a stereo bus where the VST2 plugin has been included. 3) I opened a track for my MIX and put as OUTPUT (not SEND) the stereo bus where the plugin is included. 4) I opened another track for my REFERENCE and put as SEND the stereo bus where the plugin is included. Here the doubts begin: 1) Which plugin PRESET should I use? MID/SIDE or STEREO? 2) How to ROUTING so that the two tracks (MIX AND REFERENCE) can be observed. Once again, I appreciate your kindness and that of anyone who can enlighten me.
  18. Could you do a step of how you managed to do the visualization? I'm trying to compare my mix to a reference mix.
  19. @msmcleod Hello, I'm also trying to perform this operation to compare my current mix with the reference mix using Voxengo SPAN, but I couldn't do anything. Can you configure this operation within Cakewalk?
  20. Thank you very much. After reading the documentation, I further confirm my opinion that, as well as audios and other files are searched in the folder registered in Preferences by default, the videos imported into the project should migrate to their own folder within the Project folder as a way of maintaining their integrity. his. as I suggested above
  21. Thanks. I understood. Serves as the default to fetch but not to keep. It seems to me that the way each of the folders is "seen or handled" in related DAW operations is not very analogous. Some serve to search by default, others to search by default and write by default.... Could you tell me in the documentation where is the description of how the folders work?
  22. I am experiencing a situation that only occurs with BASS MODE after it has been frozen. When I open some projects where I have the BASS MODE frozen, the WAV content is not loaded in the project. I need to thaw and freeze again.
  23. Thanks a lot for the help. In fact, I thought that, like the configuration of the other folders, the video files would also be in the folder I configured as the Videos folder in Preferences. But that's not what happens. What would this folder be for then ????
  24. Another question that occurred regarding importing video. I have it clear that the project has a reference when importing the video to the folder from which it was imported, always looking for the video in that folder. Question 1 - Is it possible to change the reference of the video source folder in the project? Doubt 2 - If I put the same video back in the source folder from where it was deleted, can the program resume the reference?
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