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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. @Kurre, I'm writing this on a 13 year old, entry level Dell laptop. This laptop was one of the last Vista laptops and was eligible for upgrade to Windows 7 so it became one of the first Windows 7 laptops. When the upgrade to Windows 10 was first announced several years ago the Microsoft update wizard blocked the upgrade stating the hardware was too old and not supported. I tried again last month. The update went through and the process was easy. Since the Windows 10 update I've been impressed with Windows 10 and how well this laptop works. My point is if you have the ability to upgrade to Windows 10 I believe you should. Windows 10 works better than Windows 7. On a related note my vote for an alternate version of Cakewalk would be for a return of the 32 bit DAW. Windows 10 can be installed 32 or 64 bit but 64 bit is the default install. I believe the 32 bit DAW should be available as long as a 32 bit operating system is available.
  2. I don't know which feature addition I'm looking forward to learning to use better, the Arrangement Track or Pro Module presets. But wait, there's MORE! Per output Instrument tracks, the VST3 bug fixes and audio driver immediately updates. All wonderful.
  3. Welcome to the wonderful world of Cakewalk by BandLab. Thanks for introducing yourself. Here's wishing you great success.
  4. How about +++ UVI Workstation +++ or +++ Plogue Sforzando +++?
  5. I thought the Drums On Demand product giveaway was thoughtful and generous. At first only mailing list subscribers were included in the giveaway but the next day they opened the giveaway to everyone. I was able to purchase a $60 US song construction kit (multi instrument loop package) for $10 US. Unfortunately it seems their generosity was abused by some people downloading multiple selections. What is it they say, "No good deed goes unpunished". Years ago Drums On Demand provided Cakewalk with a sample song construction kit for distribution with Music Creator. That is how I became aware of Drums On Demand and their loop packages. I've always wanted a complete package to play with and now I have one.
  6. BandLab is a music conglomerate with music stores, instrument manufacturers, social music platform, magazine, music hardware and likely other music related things I've overlooked. BandLab has shown an interest in anything related to music. BandLab saw an opportunity to obtain a mature and full featured DAW for pennies on the dollar of what it would cost to create a similar product from scratch. Along with the intellectual property BandLab was able to retain some of the team, the old website and the Cakewalk name. Finally, Bandlab gained instant name recognition from the Cakewalk audience.
  7. @Deric Love, Perhaps you can receive more responses if you ask your question in a new thread; it's a little off topic for this thread.
  8. The introductory and walk through videos lead me to believe that is an awesome looking, well designed and most importantly, great sounding multi-timbrel VSTi. All the instruments seem to be instruments I can use in my music. While I'm sure the software instrument is worth every penny of the $189 US price Fluffy Audio is asking, the price is beyond my pay grade. For those in need of a piano, Fluffy Audio is offering their "My Piano" acoustic upright virtual instrument for $10 during this pandemic. https://www.fluffyaudio.com/shop/mypiano/
  9. @sarmad, Thanks for taking time to respond to my questions and comments. Please explain how you would like for Cakewalk by BandLab to handle external fx plugins. Shouldn't your interface handle external hardware routing?
  10. It's a no for me. I think it would be hard to get everyone to come to a consensus agreement about how the feature should work, what the feature is and why it's needed.
  11. I looked back at the webpage and saw this note was added: That's too bad. The quantity of choices to choose from dropped from about 16 to 6. The selection I chose, Band On Demand: Country Kit # 2, is one of the choices removed.
  12. The R8 drum pads are internal sample triggers., the keystrokes are not intended to be exported outside the R8. You assign drum patches to each pad and can then play the pads in real time during R8 track playback. I believe you can also record keystrokes to create a drum sequence. There use to be a Zoom Yahoo music group and a Zoom user forum. I was the owner and moderator of the Zoom Yahoo Music Group. I deleted the group because of a lack of activity. The Zoom user forum moved to Facebook at the beginning of 2020.
  13. @Robert Bone, one solution might be the use to modify the existing guitar audio through a plugin that uses impulse responses to modify the audio into 12 string audio. Check out this discussion: You might also want to check out @msmcleod's post on using IR:
  14. I watched the video. While watching the video a number of questions came to my mind. I hope you'll share your thoughts with me and clarify your suggestion. It appears Logic Pro is capturing midi in the video, please correct me if I'm incorrect. Does the feature capture audio when the input is audio? Is the DAW going to record in the background every time the play button is hit and the feature is enabled? Do you want the feature to be enabled and disabled with a transport button? Aren't you afraid the feature will mess with storage access by recording while the user is in the process of setting up a sampler or another feature that requires storage access? What's to remind you when the feature is enabled or disabled?
  15. @msmcleod, Thanks for your initial post. The demonstration and explanation really helped me to understand how guitar IR pulses can be used. I just couldn't wrap the idea around my head. Now it makes sense. Great tool to have in the musical toolbox.
  16. @Steev, which one didn't work out as expected, installing the PRE.sys into the Alvarez or getting married ❔ (running for cover!)
  17. @Bill Phillips & @User 905133, Again, I apologize. I understand using an impulse response to recreate a space but I am not familiar with using an IR to recreate the sound of an instrument. Thank you for your responses. I missed @msmcleod post first go around so this post didn't make sense to me. After checking out Mike's post, this post makes much better sense.
  18. @Bill Phillips, Excuse my questions but I've never heard of impulse responses (IR) used in thae manner your describing so I'm trying to better understand your process. So you're using the impulses to help your electric guitar sound like an acoustic or to make one acoustic brand sound like a Martin? What plugin are you using the impulses in?
  19. Misha, Have you checked your profile notification settings? Go to Profile > Settings > Notification Settings. Sometimes these change if the forum application is updated.
  20. Many laptops have touchscreen in addition to a keyboard. Even with a 13 inch to 17 inch screen, some of the items have a small focus area.
  21. I think having a translate button on the reply window menu is a great way to indicate this forum welcomes all users of Cakewalk by Bandlab and BandLab to the forum. The Google Translate webpage settings recognize the computer operating system keyboard selection and takes an educated guess of text language pasted into the translate box. It is also possible to use an intermediate translation if needed.
  22. A user's idea of how Windows looks depends on the Windows theme and display settings you set the operating system to use. You can make Windows 10 look like Windows 7 or earlier if you desire.
  23. Google Translate is also a webpage. I envisioned my suggestion as a link that opens a new webpage to the Google Translate webpage
  24. The MIDI 1.0 specification was adapted in 1983. Initially, the MIDI 1.0 specification was only available to the public for a $60 US fee. The Midi Manufacturers Association or MMA charged the fee to cover the cost of duplicating, collating and mailing the specification. In 2016 the MMA began providing the MIDI 1.0 specification as a downloadable pdf file . The fee was finally dropped. This time the MIDI 2.0 specification was released in January, 2020 and is available to members as a 4.6 MB zip file download one month later. Membership is free to anyone with an email address. That's progress! To me the interesting information right now is not that the specification is available as a download but that a committee is actively working on the transport specification for MIDI 2.0 data packets over USB. The USB cable connection is the most common method of carrying MIDI between devices. Getting that specification finalized and published will open the door for both MIDI 1 and MIDI 2 data messages to be moved between devices.
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