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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. There are some really nice sounds in this. Well balanced. Very interesting production. Sounds modern and current to me.
  2. Jim Fogle

    Summer Daze

    Pretty neato song. I like the singing. Normally hard pans wouldn't work right but for this song it does. I wish there were some backing vocals (oohs and ahhs perhaps) in places. Great period sounding instruments, The guitar outro is spot on!
  3. Nice production. I would be interested in knowing the total number of tracks on this song, how many are instrumental and how many are vocal. As others indicated, I don't think this is your first audio production. Stellar arangement.
  4. @thatoneXman, I get what you're saying; I really do. Of the four DAWs you've tried so far, which do you like best? Many of the forum users here use more than one DAW so by knowing your likes and dislikes a little better and more about what you are want to use a DAW for we can help. I have looked at LMMS, OpenMPT and SoundBridge so I have a small degree of familiarity with them. Of the three, SoundBridge likely operates most similar to Cakewalk. In my opinion LMMS and OpenMPT are strong at working with prerecorded music like loops or creating beats while Soundbridge is more about creating midi or audio recording from scratch. Like Soundbridge, Cakewalk's strengths are recording, editing and mixing.
  5. What a great response. I really like the way you used color to emphasize how echo works.
  6. Good idea. It makes sense that, whenever possible, the different screen views should operate the same.
  7. Presently there are not many VST3s that exist as VST3 only. Most VST3s have a VST2 counterpart. When both VST2 and VST3 are available I will try the VST3 version first. Normally the VST3 will have the same feature set as its VST2 counterpart. Additionally there is a better chance the developer will continue VST3 support. If the VST3 doesn't work out then I delete the VST3, rescan and use the VST2. In all cases I'm trying to use 64 bit VSTs and eliminate 32 bit VST2s from my VST collection.
  8. Sending CC data endlessly implies a midi input and output are somehow connected together. When that happens the CC commands continually circle around in an endless loop just like you dexcribe. Perhaps you have midi echo enabled when it should be disabled.
  9. @Craig Anderton, Nice to see you posting on the forum once more. We've missed you here and missed your columns in Sound On Sound. Just yesterday I read a post wondering about the absence of your Sound On Sound column .
  10. @msmcleod indicated in another thread that pre/post Prochannel setting is presently not saved in a template but that it should be. He has presented a bug report to the developers.
  11. @razor7music, thanks for starting this post. It has generated a really great discussion with many, many good questions and answers.
  12. @Fred's Gratis Scores, By the way, welcome to the forum. Thanks for stopping by and asking your question.
  13. @Starship Krupa, I saw @msmcleod mention in another post that Cakewalk by BandLab was updated to include many of Mark's control surface features. You may want to look back through the release notes. I've connected my Korg nanoKontrol2 to my older XP computer with Cakewalk's consumer product, Music Creator 6. It did everything I wanted including switching between plugin and DAW when I changed focus. I haven't connected it to my new computer yet so I haven't tried it with CbB.
  14. @Jim Roseberry brings up a good point of discussion, development time is precious. One solution would be to adapt and integrate a free sampler that already exists. One example is the Windows only free sampler from One Small Clue, Grace. Here is a review of Grace by the Bedroom Producer Blog: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2015/09/14/grace-sampler-free/ and a download link: https://github.com/s-oram/Grace/releases/
  15. There has been several requests in the Feedback Loops forum section requesting the addition of an integrated sampler into Cakewalk by BandLab. Perhaps it would be faster and easier if Cakewalk integrated an existing sampler rather than developing one in house. Big Fish Audio introduced a free sampler called Momentum. According to Big Fish Audio, Momentum Here is a webpage that offers a deeper description and video links. I've created a poll for use as a guide to help BandLab develop a feel for how much desire exists for an integrated sampler. Thank you in advance for responding to the poll and for your comments.
  16. @JohnK, Thank you for taking time to answer my question. I understand you're two note example is just that, an example. In my mind I agree that you've demonstrated a bug that can easily be duplicated.
  17. @JohnK, thank you for providing your response to my question. Your description and screen shot answered my question. I do not use the trimming command so I am not familiar with using it. I use forum questions and responses as a learning tool. I was having trouble understanding how the program was supposed to "know" what you wanted without you telling it. Normally there is more than one way to perform a task. Alternately could you have split each clip again adjacent to each note and then deleted the resultant two empty clips?
  18. I'm not understanding. At step # 3, "I try to trim the first clip, but it does not change." and then at step # 4, "I manually trim the end of the clip a little." If you manually trimmed at step 4 what kind of trim did you attempt at step 3? Will you clarify step 3 please @JohnK?
  19. The icons include a Ludwig kit (ugly), TAMA and DW. It would be nice if they had a Gretsch or Premier kit too. Strange how times change, Ludwig use to be in Illinois. Now their factory is in Wilson, North Carolina a nice day trip from where I live.
  20. Greetings, While reading another thread about a similar issue with another chording VST @Matthew Sorrels suggested I had this thought after watching your video. On the track where midi data was recorded, look at the event list. Look at the velocity level for each note. My gut feeling is it will be zero. If I'm understanding the Chordz screen correctly, each note has a slider you're moving to set when the note triggers that determines when each note is output. To the right is a rotary knob that sets the velocity for each note. I'm thinking that when the slider is moved, velocity goes to zero. Here is a link to the thread. There are some more thoughts that may help: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/9338-captain-plugins-from-mixed-in-key-anyone-got-this-to-play-nicely-with-cakewalk/
  21. I use the start screen and I agree there are some neat looking icons. The icon of the Slingerland drum kit is what made me think of the path I provided. I used that icon. That sucker's pretty.
  22. Greetings @Dd, Welcome to the forum and to Cakewalk by BandLab. There is a good chance the software developers may miss this post and your observation. The developers have started a thread to post feedback on the current version here:
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