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Everything posted by Will.

  1. In correct. CbB wont remove the DLL memory if your scan settings has been set to manual.
  2. I have had this happen multiple times. First make sure your Automatic Save projects is turned off. Secondly: The fix is to redirect your project to the folder. In your case, its not an error. You have a duplicate project open that wants to resave the same project.
  3. I know why. Because they wouldnt have had another forum to spy on for new ideas and features to steal. 🥴🤣🤣🤣
  4. The reason was to fix previous issues/bugs users had in the DAW. This was also to help and give users some time to transition over to the new affordable paid version of Sonar. This new EA are not running on the old servers as what the others have - hence the long wait for this years release.
  5. Well, dont expect any update and bug fixes for this version. It is sadly in the process to collect its 401k. An early retirement.
  6. First of all you guys are overthinking this way too much. Secondly: No one is driving me "bonkers." That makes it not an accurate mono insert. Not even close to what I was doing or saying. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Okay, John. Do this (which is exactly what i am saying.) Insert a synth, go to the Track Tab in the TV, Select bounce to Track and Split the Channel Format to "Spilt to Mono." Delete the right track which was created, pan it back to center and do your with plugins too. You will find that no 3db will be added. That is how synth track should be handled under the hood. And yes, right now with how it works when toggling the interleave - the mono synth sits within a stereo track that is why the 3dB gets added. Pitty CbB will be discontinued though. I am looking forward to Sonar and next to test and try out though.
  7. A stereo track is essentially two mono tracks/channels that are panned hard Left & Right on one track. So by removing either one of the channels you get a true mono track.
  8. How is throwing away one channel of a mono synth in a stereo format track bad, when it give the channel a true mono insert? If i wanted a stereo synth, I would use a stereo synth - come on now. 🤣
  9. We are not talking about stereo tracks. We're talking about MONO INSTRUMENT INSERT TRACKS that sits in (on) a stereo enviroment (track.) This is clearly demonstrated in the videos above - a mono insert with mono information that still gains a 3dB increase when you collapse the channels. Where a true mono track are being demonstrated in video 2 with no boost even when the channel formats are being collapsed to one mono interleave/track/strip.
  10. You only have 6months available to use it with that activation. All previous versions are no longer being maintained. The latest version is kind of just taking a joy ride running on their new servers as mentioned. Sad news for the CbB product.
  11. Yeah! This was a slap in the face. I still feel it, because its not what was said by other staff members, or in the EA release notes on the site. It kind of makes you negative to hear this- well, it stopped me from carrying on with what I was mixing and testing.
  12. If you have information on both L&R channel even if the data on this track is "true MONO" collapsing this to a single channel format (Mono track) will add that 3db increase in gain. You do get mono synths. I have a few. Its because of them, i started noticing this issue in CbB. So, my workaround was always to get the melody first and split the channels to get a perfect unaltered true "Mono track" before I start mixing. So, whatever i throw on this tracks stays the same volume even if i toggle the interleave between mono and stereo, because theres no second channel to collapse to. This leaves the track in true mono format.
  13. Current mono inserts with instrument interleave. Mono Insert.mp4 How CbB/Sonar should handle mono inserts with interleave. Mono Split.mp4 The second track in the video is the same track, but was split and bounced to two mono tracks with the right channel deleted and the left channel panned back to dead center. So what i was asking is, cant we let Sonar and Next handle its mono and stereo tracks separate from one another? Meaning: for them to split the channel format under the hood to create a mono track with only the left channel for both Audio and Instrument tracks. This leads to no increase in volume keeping this balanced. 😩 I hope presonus dont steal this idea first. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  14. The discussion of how instrument per track output handles its Mono inserts. Right now it collapse both channels to one mono track which adds that 3db gain in volume as oppose to just splitting the instrument track to create a dead balance volume with no gain increase on the track. Think of the Bounce To Track window where you can Split the channel format to you get both L&R channels when you press OK. So cant we have Sonar to split the instrument track insert of its stereo interleave to get a mono insert by splitting the channels under the hood and deleting the Right channel when creating the mono interleave.
  15. So will this be carried over into Sonar? Cause it does eat up precious headroom.
  16. Everything is all good and well, i honestly didnt think you were trying to argue. I'm gona try and explain this again, because i really do want you to be onboard with this. So I will attach videos.
  17. I've installed my EA 9mins after it was release on the site. I immediately fired up CbB, went to the HELP TAB and it couldnt find the update. There were no breakfast toast for me. So, i downloaded mine from the google drive given in the Link.
  18. No tone was brighten up here Tim. Just trying to make it as clear as possible.
  19. When you split a stereo track it creates two mono tracks that are panned hard Left and the second track hard Right. To phrase this better, a stereo track are two mono tracks that is panned L&R on one single channel. But we are not talking about PAN SETTINGS HERE! What IM SAYING, as i have said above in my previous reply so clearly is - when you record audio the INTERLEAVE STAYS STEREO, but with MONO information on it. Is this clear to you? Good! Stay with us, cause heres the problem coming my ears and eyes tells me. When you mix your mono recording on a stereo interleave, CbB handles this as a stereo track when you mix. With all your plugin inserts being converted to stereo. So, if you've forgotten to change the interleave to mono when the track was created, changing it to mono later in the project adds a 3db increase to the track and mix. Are you still with me? Good! Now, what i am suggesting is: When you click on the interleave to set it to mono (for both audio and instrument tracks) it should than split the track into L&R and delete the right channel instead of bouncing the two channels together which creates a 3db. Are you following?
  20. You still get a stereo interleave. Which means if your switch it to mono, you get the 3db increase.
  21. I cant seem to recreate the issue with the nodes, but this is something that keeps happening. Another issue with CbB that always bothered me, was its instrument track per output inserts. When selecting the mono input for instrument tracks both L&R collapse to one channel as expected of course with the 3db increase. This robs the user with some precious headroom on the insert with certain instruments dynamics getting squashed - it is something i have always noticed. Sometimes this is a pleasant effect, other times we do not need it. My workaround then would be to create my melody, and once im happy with it, I would split the channel format and delete the right channel and pan the Left channel back to center. Not only do i retain the original dynamics without the increase in volume - i also have a nice clean mono track. So, please bakers would it be possible for the Mono instrument insert to split the L&R channel and delete the Right one under the hood for an accurate mono channel when it is created. Let this control for inserts carry over into Next and Sonar too. Another plus would be to have this with the Audio tracks as well when we want to insert a mono audio track (which cant be done in CbB of course.)
  22. You literally can get support with this at Link
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