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Everything posted by Xoo

  1. I'd run a chkdsk 😄 /f to check for disk errors. Also worth trying as a different user in case the profile is corrupt.1
  2. Remember that it's going to depend on the soft-synth too: for example, Cakewalk's older Dimension Pro doesn't support patch changes (probably doesn't need to); neither does Big Tick's Cheeze Machine II (where it would make sense). So it's not a panacea.
  3. Interesting as there were no mix changes! The only differences were I exported as a 24 bit wav from CbB, loaded into SoundForge, reversed it and stuck it on the end (I said it was black hole like!) and exported from there - same bit rate too, so presumably (and I haven't listened closely) the export algorithm in SF is "better" than CbB's (or it's psychosomatic?).
  4. You can also key bind a key to go back 1 measure and use that.
  5. These MSR buttons and tools in Piano Roll view you mean? They are there in Staff View too:
  6. I'm not a huge reverb person (there are some reverbs on individual instruments and quite a few delays too). I have a super-extended mix to post later (it's a cunning one that fits in nicely with the idea of neutron stars colliding). Black Hole Mix
  7. It's because there's no way for CbB to "know" which audio/MIDI tracks should be solo'd as that routing is managed opaquely within Kontakt (or other plug-ins; this isn't Kontakt specific).
  8. That's really great to hear - it was all done on headphones (monitors currently mothballed for space reasons) so I was a bit worried about how the frequency balance would work. And I was having to work with (not that I knew at the time) a failing PSU on my audio interface...maybe I should work more like that 🙂
  9. I'm really liking this - even more than my own Tungsten+ theme which I posted here! My one "complaint" (which applies to virtually all the themes I've looked at) is that the PRV looks awful unless you change the background colours to pale - the Mercury ones are actually pretty perfect). I also (and no fault of the theme) had to change a couple of the colours in Preference\Colours to work a little better - something like Marker colour doesn't come from the Theme but from the Preferences\Colours section.
  10. Same URL, but no longer a WIP - I didn't make it 30 minutes long, just 4 and a bit 🙂
  11. What version of Windows (10, I assune) are you using? I wonder if it's something in, say, the 2004 build that causes this.
  12. Also, remember that the Pro Channel EQ has a decent frequency plot built in.
  13. No argument from me!
  14. This would preclude (without some horrendous Reaper-like GUI :-)) mixing multiple tracks/busses to feed to a sidechain input - the CbB approach is more flexible than this.
  15. It does indeed seem to crash with the VST2 version - but I can't get the VST 3 version to crash, so use that instead.
  16. Make sure you have Track and Bus Automation ticked on the export dialog:
  17. Sapphire theme next then? 🙂
  18. Look up clip FX in the help.
  19. Just a *little* deaf? 🙂 Thanks - I do intend to extend it, just not sure if it'll make the 30 minute mark!
  20. There's a VST3 version? Is that a recent addition?
  21. http://www.alien8.co.uk/audio/AftermathOfCollidingNeutronStars.mp3 Although I normally do space-rock tunes, this is a bit of a different direction (ambient/synthy). Very much a Work In Progress at the moment, but I think it's still nice as it is. Listen on headphones!
  22. Drop out of comping mode into sound on sound and you don't get the split at least - I agree this is bizarre and unwanted behaviour so should be changed.
  23. Can anyone get the "SurgeEffectsBank VST3" to do anything in CbB? I've installed it, it appears in the right folder, but doesn't get picked up as a VST in CbB (check the registry, not just CbB).
  24. Makes sense - I work similar to how you do (no looping) but haven't seen this, so it's probably some subtlety in recording mode or similar. I'm going to check out how it behaves for me now...
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