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Everything posted by Fwrend

  1. Seems to be unchanged. You and Garrigus have long been Cake supporters and invaluable info disseminators. e.g. you could have just presented the idea to CbB for profit but no, you graciously just do it and lay it at their doorstep. I would only think it would generate even more enthusiasm for this new era. Thanks Craig & Scott for all you do!
  2. I think it is redundant at best and confusing at least as the majority of "general" discussions begin with a question and most "questions" result in a discussion. Clearly not so clear.
  3. Hmm, thought I'd check as well. I sometimes have to reset from Magix Low Latency ASIO back to my MOTU Pro Audio ASIO driver. However, deleting these from the AUD.INI did nothing. While the MOTU selections in Preferences/Devices remains the MOTU driver, the Magix driver still shows and persists in Preferences/Sync and Caching/ even when I change it to the MOTU.
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