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Everything posted by paulo

  1. That doesn't happen for me. Once set it remains the same until I change it whichever way of inserting a synth I try. (via menu/synth rack/browser or the + button you mention. Try Insert>soft synth>plugin layout>select to whatever preference you have then close project and re-open.
  2. Spending far too long wondering why your Netflix programme won't rewind before remembering that you're actually watching a DVD that requires a different remote.
  3. Press + button > Insert Synth > Plugin layouts ?
  4. Must have taken ages to colour all that in. Good work.
  5. Billy Joel though......... For many years and for no reason whatsoever I always imagined that guy was a boggle-eyed onanist of the highest order. Turns out I was right.
  6. What happens if you click the down arrow on the plugins tab?
  7. I used to like playing the drums in the middle of the night which is just as well because the annoying neighbours were always shouting and banging on my walls so I wouldn't have been able to sleep anyway.
  8. Not that slow. You figured it out before I could finish typing how to do it.
  9. I heard that in the business of accumulating wealth that the first million is the hardest, but it gets way easier after that, so I decided to skip the first one and go straight to work on the second one.
  10. Phew, for a minute there I was fearing that you'd gone all misty eyed bromantic and would soon be asking for man hugs..... Does clicking the orange "Quote" not work for you?
  11. I'm sure there are some quite unnecessary cushions that you can draw her attention to....
  12. You told her? Rookie error. Forgiveness is always easier to obtain than permission.😉
  13. It was a few weeks ago, but the deal expired. I dare say it will be back at some point.
  14. paulo

    Tiny World - 53mph

    Mix 2 sounds much better on my laptop speakers. Shades of Jean Genie meets T-rex to my ears.
  15. I really didn't like the delay to start with, but as it went on it grew on me, though I can't honestly say that I wasn't sitting here wanting to hear a little less of it. As ever you've nailed the style though and the mix sounds good on laptop speakers. I often think that your songs could find a place in films set in that period as they sound quite authentic to me.
  16. I've never considered myself to be much of a blues guy, but I enjoyed this. Coming across really well on laptop speakers.
  17. I've never heard of the original or the artist, but this is coming across very well indeed on the lappy speakers, which is something I never seem able to manage to do. As has been mentioned the vid is rather distracting because of the constant re-focusing, but other than that it's all good. In fact I could go as far to say as it's the best thing I've heard in these parts in a long while.
  18. I'd be happy to give you absolutely nothing for your Samp v4 licence.😁
  19. Hands up how many people read that and thought........what's this Verion 6 DAW that he's on about and why have I never heard of that brand name before? Ok, just me then.😑
  20. Being serious though, this thread would probably get a better response rate if it were posted in the computers/hardware section.
  21. The 2019 award for the most honest thread title goes to.........
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