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Everything posted by Johnbee58

  1. Dave, this is so great. I LOVE everything about it. So much energy in the music, singing and imagery. The eagle fits perfectly. ๐Ÿ˜€ John B
  2. I wonder who really makes their strings. Could be D'Addario? Could be Martin? Could be Earnie Ball? You know Amazon doesn't make strings. They buy from somebody else, put their name on them and resell. ๐Ÿ™‚John B
  3. Sounds like a great start but could use a bit more development. But you're probably already working on that. Unlike some of the others above, I think the bass is OK as is. ๐Ÿ™‚ John B
  4. Nigel, your productions, both musical and video, are always top notch and a pleasure to partake of. Your singer has such a lovely and unique contralto. Beautiful! ๐Ÿ˜€ John B
  5. Johnbee58


    I think this would've worked GREAT with a fireworks display, but unfortunately so many organizations want to stick with only "professional" productions because they know the audience will relate because they've heard it before. It would be nice if they approached it with an open mind and tried something new for a change. ๐Ÿ˜€ John B
  6. @Kevin Walsh-Thank you for listening, Kev @Jesse Screed-Thanks Jess @noynekkerThank you-As far as explanation of lyrics, Sorry, no can do. I'm not quite clear myself what I'm saying. I can tell you that "my love's all right now" is not referring to a person. I think it's my music. @Bajan BlueThank you, Nigel @Lynn Wilson-Thanks so much, Lynn @bjornpdxThanks Bjorn! ๐Ÿ™‚JB Oh, forgot to add. Thanks for pointing out the bass volume issue. I wanted to work on that today but didn't get around to it. When I do I will post an updated mix.
  7. @Douglas Kirby, @KurtS, @David Sprouse, @ABull Thanks so very much, guys. ๐Ÿ˜€John B
  8. Johnbee58


    I think it's spacey and futuristic. Would make a great soundtrack for footage from that Mars drone they're always showing or an Elon Musk video. ๐Ÿ˜€ John B
  9. Johnbee58


    Open up your mind and use your imagination. The Bowie thing you're looking for will most definitely materialize. I can hear him in my head on this too. ๐Ÿ˜€ John B
  10. "Come to America" Good grief, why would anybody want to do that?! ๐Ÿคจ But I love, love love the song!! I can't really hear a problem with your mix at all. It has a pro sound to it comes through as well thought out. I wouldn't change a thing. ๐Ÿ™‚ John B
  11. Meandering thoughts. But the piano chords are kinda cool. Solo viola and cello by UVI Orchestral Suite. Ensemble by Session Strings Pro 2 NI https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14084758 ๐Ÿ™‚ John B
  12. Brings up an interesting question. Suppose I buy a new PC and opt to not install Sonar, just CbB. Would any of my archived projects suffer? Because I have both on my current system does that mean I will need to have both installed on any future devices? John B๐Ÿ™‚ EDIT-I should add that my original setup was with Sonar X3 STUDIO and not Platinum so I really had much less goodies from the git-go. But would I still be losing something in this scenario? I really would like somebody to answer this.
  13. What I find absolutely amazing is the fact that so many people can keep a thread going on for so long over one guy's paranoia. ๐Ÿ˜John B
  14. Something similar has been happening for me since about 3 updates ago. If I launch a project by clicking on the .cwp or .cwb file the project loads but both scan windows remain on the screen until I "X" them off. However, if I launch Cakewalk first and then launch the .cwp or .cwb file via the Start Screen the scan windows go away by themselves. Their remaining on the screen doesn't interfere with my working but they still take up the space. ๐Ÿ™‚ John B
  15. Thanks Scook! I did mess around with it a few minutes ago and found how I can do that and I was about to come back on with a "Never mind. I found it" but you did give me some very important additional information here. You are a very kind person. Thanks again. ๐Ÿ™‚ JB
  16. Could some kind person here explain to me how to save and load settings you create in any of the Sonitus plugins? It doesn't seem to act the same way my 3rd party plugins save and load. Thank you very much in advance, kind persons (peoples๐Ÿคช) ๐Ÿ™‚John B
  17. Stupid me!!!!๐Ÿคช I was using the XPS file on the wrong plug in effect. I was using it on the Renn EQ when it was created for the E Channel Strip. That'll dood it. But thanks anyway. ๐Ÿ˜€JB
  18. I updated yesterday (5-18) and went to launch CbB today (5-19). Didn't need to ask permission from anybody. Started right up like always. I think you're misinterpreting something, my friend. ๐Ÿ™‚ John B
  19. Hello; I use Waves Renaissance EQ and SSL Channel frequently. I have several settings that I have saved to an XPS file. They loaded in the past (quite recently)but no longer do. Maybe this is a Waves problem but maybe from a Cakewalk update that I just need to correct in preferences. I'd appreciate any help on this. ๐Ÿ™‚ John B
  20. Enjoyable tune for sure. I like the chord progression and melody movement. Agree that the vocals could come up a tad at some spots. ๐Ÿ™‚ John B
  21. @bjornpdx @Bajan Blue Thank you both so much! ๐Ÿ™‚JB
  22. I love the song and the concept. You guys are naturals to work together because your styles compliment each other so much. It does have a "live" sound, but I think some of Mark's suggestions above would take it to an even higher level. ๐Ÿ™‚John B
  23. Thanks so much @thegaltieribrothers, Paul. ๐Ÿ™‚JB
  24. Thanks so much, @freddy j, & @thegaltieribrothers (Paul) for listening. ๐Ÿ™‚John B
  25. @noynekkerI did worry about it before I posted it on Monday, but I threw caution to the wind and just did it. Then, a few hours later the first thing the very first reviewer said was that I was being "co dependent" and I thought to myself "Gee, I thought this was a music site, but apparently it's become a psychological site". So, being psychoanalyzed from the git-go I saw as a bad sign. Kinda made me feel "dirty" for being that way and writing the song for a few seconds. But after Lynn's post I began to think that, as music is self expression, I shouldn't worry about it. It's not as if I'm expressing feeling that I want to commit mass murder. It's no worse than Lennon singing "Yes, I'm lonely. Wanna Die" ("Yer Blues" The Beatles 1968). So I put it back up. Call me crazy if you want. I'm in good company. ๐Ÿ™‚John B. EDIT-And thank you, noynekker, for your kind words.
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