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Everything posted by Johnbee58
@KSband, @Dream Art Scientists (love the name), @Bajan Blue, @Lynn Wilson as well as @DeeringAmps & @Old Joad Thank you all! ?John B
Hi @Old Joad And thanks!? "Surely there is someone who cares" So we should be able to accept changes that hopefully (could) result from learning from our past mistakes and not be so bull-headed to think we're OK as we are. If we cannot "We may regret this in the long run", meaning we may look back someday and wish we would've changed. Hope this clears this up for you. ?JB
Thanks Tom. Syllables for the melody. I needed 2. "We have" uses 2. "We've" only uses 1. If this is grammatically wrong I guess I'll just have to claim literary license. You have a point with the "We made so long ago". I may go back and change that.
One of my favorite quotes is from Spanish philosopher George Santayana (1863-1952). “Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them”. This song is mostly instrumental but there are two short vocal verses towards the end that reflect my interpretation of what Mr. Santayana was saying in light of modern times. ?John B https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14482893
Amazing what two people can put together. Great. ?John B
@ABull, @freddy j, @DeeringAmps& @evadianepug -Thank you all so much for listening and your feedback. @Old Joad-Thanks!
@Sidney Earl GoodroeThank you so much!!!? JB
I'm trying to make a lead sheet for my melodies. I figured out how to write lyrics into the grid, but the default always puts the bass and treble staffs together. Is there any way to make it display just a single treble staff showing ledger lines below D? Thanks ?John B
@Bajan Blue-Thanks so much, Nigel! ?John B
A minor annoyance. Nothing major. But I do thank you for taking the time to address my issue. ?John B
@KSband-Thank you so much, Bro!! ?John B
Hi Again; My Alpha Numeric keyboard is the type that has a mouse controller built onto it. As a result, sometimes when I'm scrolling across Cakewalk I accidentally "pick up" the Control Bar and drag it someplace where I don't want it and minimize it. Is there a way I can lock this to stay in place on the top of the DAW? I know this might be an elementary question but I've been dealing with this for awhile and would finally like a solution, if there is one. Thanks ?John B
@Tim Elmore, & @David Baay Thanks so much guys. I tried this and it worked. ?John B
Thanks so much, @markno999The horns took me days between the arrangement and then the mix. I appreciate your mentioning it. ?John B
Hi; I put this question in the Q&A section yesterday. Shocked that nobody has an answer!? Hoping somebody can help me here. The Question: I don't use the Comp feature. I prefer to over write. I take notice lately that when I'm recording a vocal track, if I open the "Lanes" button I find that it has created several lanes from when I punch in/out. Should it be doing this? I always took for granted that overwriting was erasing and keeping the track on the same lane. Is it something that needs to be changed in Preferences? Thanks; ?John B
Beautiful cover work. As I was listening I googled Ennio Morricone. He has quite a repertoire. ?John B
Enjoyed the listen. Chorus is exceptionally catchy. ?John B
This is very nice, Jerry. Very impressive. We don't have enough people today making this kind of music. I'm glad you're taking it on. ?John B
Hi Again; My Alpha Numeric keyboard is the type that has a mouse controller built onto it. As a result, sometimes when I'm scrolling across Cakewalk I accidentally "pick up" the Control Bar and drag it someplace where I don't want it and minimize it. Is there a way I can lock this to stay in place on the top of the DAW? I know this might be an elementary question but I've been dealing with this for awhile and would finally like a solution, if there is one. Thanks ?John B
@bjornpdx, @Bapu & @mark skinner-Thanks so much, guys! @Bapu-Your primate Daryl? ?John B
Hi I don't use the Comp feature. I prefer to over write. I take notice lately that when I'm recording a vocal track, if I open the "Lanes" button I find that it has created several lanes from when I punch in/out. Should it be doing this? I always took for granted that overwriting was erasing and keeping the track on the same lane. Thanks; ?John B
I think that's Mr. Heatmeiser from "The Year Without A Santa Claus". My kid used to watch it all the time. Quite a departure for you, Dave. Sounds great! ?John B
Catchy melody. I like the words too. Was this inspired by your own brief hiatus from the forum or are you referring to somebody else? ?John B
I did years ago. Clarinet too. I still have my Conn alto that my first sax teacher sold me in 1964 and I still have my Buffet Crampon clarinet. I bought new reeds for them a few years ago and tried to play them but my asthma just wouldn't let me get out more than a note or two before the huffin' and puffin' started. My Buffet is leakey because it needs a new tenon cork which I'll get around to replacing someday. But I played tenor sax in my high school band (centuries ago). I'm very impressed by the sound of your "cheapo" horns. ?JB
Hi Daryl! Great to see you back. I've been successful (knock on wood) so far in eluding the dreaded "C" word. Came close but managed to keep healthy so far. Your compliment is of the highest order. I love the Nightfly! ?JB