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Everything posted by abacab

  1. SM 2.9.9 has animated the envelopes, wavetable, modulated knobs, etc, so you can see them in action now. That is a strong point with Vital. I have both of them. If you try out SM, make sure to use one of the new sT (satYatunes) skins. I prefer the Tranquil Blue XT skin, but it's also available in Dark and White, with scales from 100% - 200%. The older factory skins are still available for compatibility, but are no longer maintained in the latest versions, and may have some glitches that will never be fixed. The reason for this per the dev is that some GUI programming changes were needed to keep up with the latest Mac OS compatibility, so no going back. Use the newer skins!
  2. Here's a quick video that John did a couple of weeks ago that demonstrates the power of layering with Unify! John is sure having fun here! 😁
  3. I have the full Analog Lab 4 & 5. The crossgrade for me is the same $399.
  4. Just FYI, but a regular on this deals forum uses a Mac, and goes by the name @Fleer ... so you might want to keep the Mac bashing to a minimum here. 🙄 He's actually quite a connoisseur. And a character, LOL!!!
  5. Yes, very cool! I have U-he Repro, and purchased the Unified library and the Power Pack for that. They did a nice job there! Plus there are free Unify libraries for Pigments, Pendulate, Surge, Spifire LABS, and others. What the Guru did with Pendulate is nothing short of amazing. This is a free mono synth, that he created a number of bonus poly patches for using their MIDI plugin 'Polybox'. He creates a voice pool using a Unify layer with 8 instances of the mono synth, and then groups them all with Polybox to have an 8 voice synth. Try doing that at home without hurting yourself!
  6. It does support VST3. It even comes as a VST2 and VST3 plugin version. Finds and loads VST3 plugins OK. The developer just prefers the VST2 format plugin versions for the factory Unified presets he creates. Comment on the subject from the developer, Shane Dunne:
  7. @Aloe DukeYou should probably search the forum first for the other 9,000,000 times this question has been asked, and questionably answered... 😉
  8. Some that don't use Cakewalk are on Mac. Not an option for them. But they have access to Apple Garage Band for free, Logic Pro for cheap, plus all the other cross-platform softwares on the deals forum. 🤪
  9. I got the Repro Power Pack a while back. It's still on sale for $20. Not part of the current promotion, but well worth it if you have Repro.
  10. Livestream Release Party Tonight! 90 min LIVESTREAM release party tonight starting at 7pm PST I'll be showing the new abilities and playing the new patches so come by and say HI!
  11. Yep, I tossed LastPass out. There are easier ways to create a secure passphrase that you can remember, instead of a complex sequence of random characters that you are totally dependent on an app to remember for you. That's interesting to know that Francisco Partners is involved with them.
  12. Wow! Have never seen or used a SSHD. Good heads up info, and thanks for posting your solution. Glad that you finally got it sorted!
  13. Is that out of the box, or how many hours did you spend setting that novation up?
  14. The email servers are shut down at the old Cakewalk site, so they are never going to send out an email verification. The accounts were left online so users could access the products they had purchased. But you will need to get all help with your old account from BandLab at this point. The BandLab support team can help at: support@cakewalk.com
  15. As far as MIDI keyboard playing notes, just about any one will work with CbB. But for new out-of-the-box controller support with CbB, that ain't happening. There will always be some necessary user setup required, involving manual reading and fiddling with MIDI CC control parameters. There might be some brands that can be setup more easily than others as transport controllers, but I'll leave that to others who have experience with new models. Been a while since I setup an old Roland A-300PRO controller that was made for Sonar, and apparently still works with the Cakewalk ACT control in CbB. For reference that was the A-PRO series. But I'm not aware of any other manufacturer that made an out-of-the-box compatible keyboard controller for Cakewalk since then.
  16. SM 2.9 is actually a good ways beyond "nice and cheap" regarding sound quality. I think its sound quality is as good or better than many other virtual synths on the market. And I have U-he Repro and Arturia Pigments in my collection as I'm making sound quality comparisons. Both of those are at the top of the game in quality and features. The former is a meticulously circuit modeled reproduction of a classic analog hardware synth. While the the latter is a modern beast of a virtual synth that is not trying to emulate or model anything, unlike the mainstream Arturia modeling collection. SM doesn't attempt to model any specific synth hardware, but the current version has back-ported the newer zero delay feedback filters designed for the SM One synth. It's like a chameleon in its capability for emulating many types of synths, and does a very convincing analog emulation, especially with preset expansion banks designed by Big Tone and Nori Ubukata. Where SM may be perceived to fall a bit short against the "big boys" is in the GUI and workflow, as user experience is now key for those spending the big bucks. Almost any virtual synth sounds good these days, so we'll have to see what KV331 Audio cooks up for SM 3.0 re-design.
  17. Yes that is correct. The second one drops in price for you, AFTER you have purchased the first. There is no bundle discount for buying both at the same time. Just pick one and add it to your wish list, then buy the other!
  18. I have the Voltage Modular Core, so I just tested out the host module as I had not tried it yet. Thanks for the tip! I can see that host module would come in handy, but after trying both demos (SEM & 8 Voice), I settled on the SEM for now. I preferred the full integration with the modular workflow.
  19. If there ever was a no-brainer, then at this price, this is it! SM 2.9 is one of the most across the board useful synths out there, that can be used for nearly anything. I am amazed at the scope of the expansions (I have them all in the "everything bundle") that display it's brilliant capabilities, thanks to a group of very talented sound designers. It's not a sampler, but you can import your own samples or wavetables into the oscillators to create your own sounds. Can't wait to see what SM 3.0 will bring! Beyond the needed GUI and workflow improvements, the dev has previously announced plans for more layers, granular synthesis, and an on-board wavetable editor. Plus it will load presets from SynthMaster One as a new layer. So you will have access to all previous SynthMaster presets in 3.0.
  20. Plus, with the SEM modules one could always build a monster 16 voice modular ... why stop at 8?
  21. As I recall the upgrade to 3.0 will only cost something like $30-35. Not a bad deal! Or upgrade free for "Everything Bundle" owners.
  22. It would be cool if Cherry would bundle the two. I already have Voltage Modular, and was wondering which Oberheim to get? The module, or standalone?
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