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Everything posted by abacab

  1. And the biggest drawback is being cutoff from your own work if you ever stop paying. ?
  2. I've already got the plugin. ? But as you mentioned, it isn't a technical issue. If that was something they were willing to do, they would probably have done so a couple of years ago.
  3. Maybe selling plugins, and then supporting them, doesn't fit with the current BandLab business model. Which I have the impression is for first getting the Cakewalk DAW as stable and bug-free as possible under the BandLab brand. Further spreading out the limited technical resources (Noel & his team) would take away from that primary mission. It's obvious that BandLab doesn't need the money, since they are giving the DAW away for free.
  4. Tracktion is supposed to be releasing their new FM synthesis instrument F.'em sometime this year. Caught a NAMM promo about it, where they mentioned they've been running a bit behind in development. Letting the devs, including Wolfram Franke (former Waldorf dev and now current Biotek dev) take a deeper dive, or something to that effect. Might be interesting... It's a 13 operator FM synth with 8 operators as classic single cycle wave operators, plus 2 sample oscillators. Plus loads of modulations like Biotek has.
  5. You really need to get a handle on what is using your system drive, by folder, by size and percentage. Then move the largest to another drive. You clearly are using too much on the system drive. For example, my system drive is only 500GB, but only 50% used. It contains all of my program files, and several DAWs, and plugins (over 500 of them). And scook just made a great suggestion.
  6. If you had it in your old Cakewalk.com account, you still have access to it. That, and many other former Gibson/Cakewalk Sonar plugins have never been made available by BandLab since Cakewalk by BandLab was released. Meng, the CEO of BandLab, has committed to keeping the Cakewalk DAW free, but never implied that the former plugins would be released for free, or at all. We can always hope, but I wouldn't hold your breath. I would love to get my hands on Rapture Pro, which I only had a demo of when Gibson shut down Cakewalk.
  7. Aha! Thanks Peter, that clears up my mystery! ?
  8. I tried to add it, then discovered that the SLO-100 had been added last year. So I'm puzzled by that if it's new? I acquired Amplitube 4 Max last year, then installed Amplitube 5 CS when it was released. All of my AT4 gear made the trip over.
  9. Right on! That's the reason I refuse to subscribe to Adobe's Creative Cloud. They don't even allow you to buy a licensed copy any more. No ownership allowed! I'm not a pro, just a home hobbyist that doesn't make any money with music or art. I just want to buy my tools and not subscribe to nothing!
  10. I installed Doom 3 on a Win XP virtual machine that ran OK.
  11. He's quite a drummer! Here he is recording his own drum loop...
  12. Thanks for the tip. But I expect that it's going to take me years to just get through the bundled Ableton packs in Suite, including the free Max for Live devices. I just recently upgraded to Suite in a pre-release no-brainer deal.
  13. Day 1 - Stratum Transwave Synth, that's a SONiVOX instrument. Funny they are now using Akai Pro to market it, LOL! ? https://sonivoxmi.com/products/details/stratum-transwave-synth#overview
  14. Pretty much same here, except that I had an old license for v5 that wouldn't even install on Win 7, that I upgraded to v9 Standard a few years ago after Gibson shut Cakewalk down. Have taken advantage of the upgrades since to keep it current. Fascinating stuff!
  15. If you are curious about Ableton Live, my suggestion would be to sign up for an online video course by a certified Ableton trainer, instead of watching random YouTube producers. I can vouch for: https://www.ableton.com/en/certified-training/j-anthony-allen/ He has a complete Ableton Live curriculum at Udemy.com for low cost. Get it on sale frequently. Currently one day left at $11.99. https://www.udemy.com/course/ableton-live-10-complete/ Just use the trial version of Live Suite for the course. Get all the features of Live 11 Suite free for 90 days. https://www.ableton.com/en/trial/ You should be able to decide within 90 days if it's for you... and since many Live demo projects and courses exceed the capabilities of Live Lite, you will probably be much happier if you can follow along using the full version demo.
  16. Don't recall ever seeing a crossgrade offer. Just the upgrades from intro and standard, plus the version upgrade deals. I think that if you already have a DAW you like, you don't really NEED Ableton. But it still offers a lot in the way of sound design creativity, and experimentation for any style of music, not just EDM and DJ - at the cost of a huge learning curve. It is different from other DAWs, and that is what can make it a good complement to your existing DAW. It is also rock solid for live performance.
  17. Fyi: uHe Zebra is a synthesizer, not a sampler... It is packed full of synth presets!
  18. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/graphics-cards/gtx-1650/ These were in stock for $150 last year. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1585942-REG/asus_ph_gtx1650_o4gd6_phoenix_geforce_gtx_1650.html
  19. I have all of the expansion packs for this thing. I quite like the synth pads and textures that it can produce! I skipped the marimba. That's so cliche.
  20. I agree. That's the first thing I would add to that PC to make it useful. Although I use a self-built Win 10 desktop with SSD for my DAW, I had a fairly recent Acer laptop with only a HDD and it was dog slow after I upgraded it from Win 8.1 to Win 10. With Win 10, an SSD drive for the OS makes all the difference in performance! Best return on investment that you can make! I replaced my Acer laptop with a Dell Latitude i5 Win 10 Pro refurb for $350. It had everything I needed, except an SSD. As I was upgrading the SSD in my desktop, I just swapped the older SSD into the Dell laptop. It runs great!
  21. Creating instrument definitions https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=Instrument_Defs.04.html
  22. $159.99 for Window 10 Pro, plus a free refurb PC!
  23. Audiffex has a very nice Gallien-Krueger LE for free. Adds a nice bass amp sim to your bass VSTi.
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