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T Boog

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Everything posted by T Boog

  1. Hi John. I once tried assigning a diff piano vst to the soft synth track I recorded using the TTS-1's piano and it was very low volume. Is this because it's a diff format? If I bought the Sound Canvas, would I be able to assign it to the midi tracks I recorded using the TTS-1(as a soft synth) or how else could I get around that?
  2. Thanks. Forgive my ignorance but what is the advantage(s) to downloading the entire installer? And does it matter which download I choose as far as the TTS-1 goes?
  3. I only have CbB. I havent done the new update yet. When I do, will I lose access to the TTS-1? (I have current projects that use the "piano 1" in the TTS-1). Thanks!
  4. Cheers guys. I wanted to give an update. It seems I was fighting two diff problems. Firstly, I ended up trying the new iTwo and it gave me the same issues as my friend's iTwo. I then plugged my friend's iTwo back in and downloaded an old version driver I found specifically for the iTwo. It actually worked fine. However, on one project, I was still getting that 'popping then no sound' problem. Well, yest the Behringer came in. The driver works perfectly, it sounds great and it's quiet enough for my needs. However, when loading that one project, it's still doing the popping followed by no sound. Well, I found this... Im hoping its just a plugin or two that's not playing nice. I'm currently trying diff things to narrow it down. (Note... One time, the song loaded perfectly but when I switched off the compressor on the master bus, it made the popping noise then I lost all sound again). So yeah, it seems I have the driver issue fixed. Once I straighten out this particular project, I think I'll be good to go. PS. For anyone who cares... The iTwo was better than the usb96 in EVERY single way(Noise level, preamp quality, headphone volume, layout, etc). I wouldn't suggest the 96 to my worst enemy. (Unless they need a door stop/paper weight) The Behringer 204's preamps have much more volume and a very nice soumd quality. The only thing I'm going to miss about the iTwo is the low latency. On my system, it was super fast. The Behringer, not ao much. But I think I'll be fine with it.
  5. God bless! That did the trick. I'm gonna try to reinstall again. Thanks mettelus!
  6. Thanks. Did that, now when I try to delete it, it says "This action can't be completed because the file is open in PreSonus Hardware Access Service"
  7. Btw, I cant find this "Quit" option. Here's what Im doing... 1. Pressing Windows key + E 2. Clicking "This PC' 3. Double clicking"Windows (C)" 4. Double clicking "program files" 5. Double clicking "PreSonus" ...That brings up the "Universal Control" folder. When I right click on it, there's no option to quit. And when I open it, it list the new and old files... The top 6 listed are file folders from 2/17/24. Below that are 9 listed as "Application extension" dated 4/6/23, then there are 2 listed as "Application" also dated 4/6/23. The first is "PresonusHardwareAccessService.exe" and the other is "Universal Control.exe". Btw, when I double left click the "Universal Control.exe". It opens the Universal Control.
  8. Yeah bud. I think I've tried literally everything u guys have suggested and more. I did have(& deleted) the duplicate entries and I tried a diff usb cable. Nothing made a diff. Btw, I love hearing the umc204 has it's own asio driver. Youre giving me some hope again. It should be in tom and I'll immediately give it a try.
  9. Wow man, I didnt know that. Let me ask u this, All this time Ive been trying the universal control with my friend's audiobox iTwo. The new iTwo came in today at my daughter's house but I figured it'd be the same thing. Is there a chance that having the registered driver could make a diff?
  10. Well I looked at the 2i2 first but it has no midi. I gotta have midi. And yeah its too late to cancel the order but I don't mind returning it if it doesnt work. I'm hopeful it'll work though(call it faith 😉). Oh, about my last question... Is there anything special I need to do to switch over besides following the uninstall directions?
  11. Thanks Promidi. I just did that and it only showed the one new version. Btw, I took ur advice and also ordered a diff brand interface. The Behringer umc204. All reviews said the preamps are low noise and John mentioned it uses asio4all. Im hoping that helps. It should be here monday so I think Im just gonna wait and try that one out. I'll be sure to update yall once I give it a try. Btw, Any advice for swapping over to the new asio4all driver? Im guessing I just follow the audiobox uninstall directions again then follow Behringer's driver install directions?
  12. Thanks a lot guys. Well I may have found a problem. When following the Audiobox uninstall directions, under "program files" > "Universal Control" file, there's both old and new presonus & Univ-Control files that wont let me delete them. When I try to delete them it says... "File in use, The action can't be completed because the file is open in Universal Control, close the file and try again". Could someone please tell me how to do this? How do I close the file yet delete what's inside of it?
  13. Hi guys. I've been using my Audiobox usb96 interface since I began recording about 2 years ago. Well, a few months back, I started having problems with it. When I'd load a project, I'd get a loud crackle/popping-static sound and then no sound at all. I had to reload the project multiple times to get it to work. (I think the problem may have started when I plugged the interface into the wrong usb port) Well, about a month ago, I made a couple changes(like uninstalling an unneeded synth driver) and my interface started working perfectly. My whole computer started working faster and better. The only prob I was still having was excessive hiss. So two days ago, I borrowed my friend's Audiobox iTwo interface and sure enough... its way quieter and better sounding. So I ordered a new iTwo like his which I should receive in 2 days. HOWEVER, later that night when I restarted the computer, my friend's iTwo started having the same crackle/pop then no sound problem. Plus it caused my whole computer to keep getting stuck. But as soon as I unplugged the interface, my computer worked fine again. Both the usb96 and iTwo use the same Presonus "Universal Control" driver. I tried reinstalling it a couple times but the problem still remained. I then plugged my usb96 back in, and it works perfect. So anyway, that's my issue guys. I have a nice, quiet, new interface on it's way but I'm expecting to have the same connection problems when I get it. Any ideas on how to fix this? (before I put my head thru a wall 🤕)
  14. Cheers Max. Well I play a few diff styles but mostly classic rock & old school pop type stuff. A little latency wouldnt be a big issue for me cause I usually quantize or manually adjust the timing afterwards. I'm wanting the kick pedal more for arrangment purposes. It'd give me more of a real drum kit feel for composing parts on the fly. Playing the kick drum with my finger has never felt intuitive. It interferes with the natural flow.
  15. Thanks bud. I'll give it a try again this evening. I realize that with a sustain pedal I wont have velocity control but I'd be fine with that. I usually adjust velocity afterwards anyway. Thanks again for the response.
  16. Cheers guys. To record drums, I've been using my synth(korg pa500) as a midi controller into Slate 5.5 drums into cakewalk. It just occured to me that i could prob use my sustain pedal as a bass drum trigger/controller. So I checked youtube and, sure enough, there's some guys doing this. A couple were using cubase. So can anyone tell me(in laymans terms please cause I'm half Cajun 🙃) how to assign/midi route my sustain pedal to trigger the bass drum in the slate plugin? Thanks!
  17. Thanks Promidi. I reinstalled the driver and the problem hasn't showed it's head yet so I think I may be out the woods. Cheers my friend!
  18. Cheers guys. Ive been working on this project for months. Lately when I turn on my computer and open my project, I get no sound at all. I have to restart the project once or twice more then I finally get sound. However, sometimes it does work on the first try. Also, the same thing happens if I adjust the buffer size towards either extreme(fast or slow). It shuts off the sound. It won't let me record or play any faster than 11.6 msec. I'm using an Audiobox interace. Could reinstalling the interface driver possibly help? Btw, the project does contain a few virtual synths all going at once. Could this be a prob of too heavy of a project? Thanks
  19. Careful what u say about those 3 letter agencies Glenn. I don't want u to get set up. You do know they don't allow music recording in Federal prison, right? ...Not even on 4 track 😟
  20. Hi Jonesey. They were just the cheap wired ones that came with my computer. I'm not really suprised they failed, just suprised they failed pretty much in unison. It may just be a coincidence, then again, it may be part of a larger left wing, Chinese communist conspiracy. Someone should really look into it 👀
  21. Thanks Dave but I'm a cheap skate. I bet that high quality mouse feels great though. I'm sure there's no going back to a cheap one once u get spoiled to it. This is why I only date ugly women. I'm afraid I'd get spoiled to a pretty woman. Besides, pretty women don't like cheap skates like me. 😪
  22. Cheers Steve. Well this is my first time really working seriously on a PC. I used to record with digital workstations. But although two years ago feels like yesterday, I have put in A LOT of hours on it. And I'm sure the keyboard & mouse were of pretty cheap quality. It was just the strange timing that had me scratching my head. Oh well, I guess all those bumper stickers were right... "Sh*t Happens" 😉
  23. Hi guys. I just had to share this crazy story. I've had my computer & mouse for about 2 yrs now. Last week, some keyboard commands started glitching, soon followed by glitching mouse commands. I spent days going thru Cakewalk & computer settings trying to find the problem but to no avail. 2 days ago, I went buy a new mouse & keyboad just to try out and everything now works perfectly. I never really knew that keyboards and mouses periodically go bad. But esp not within HOURS of each other. And the problem is def not interactive. Out of pure disbelief, I swapped just the mouses a couple of times, then just the keyboards back & forth and it's official... They're both broken. Anyway, I just had to share this. Talk about odd timing. Cheers!
  24. Thanks. I'm just using the Sonitus gate in Cakewalk. Tomorrow I'll try to adjust the release time and see if it helps stop the chattering.
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