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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. @Keith Wessel - we've done some work on the Audio Export dialog to support accessibility / screen readers. We've also removed the default binding of the Tab key to "Move to Next Transient Marker", so that the tab key is available for general control navigation. Of course users are free to manually re-bind this key within Keyboard Shortcuts. This will be available in the next release.
  2. This happens when you've got more than one track showing in the PRV. Notes that aren't on the active track are greyed out to stop accidental editing, but there so you can line your current edits up with notes on other tracks. You can choose / see which tracks are being shown/editing by looking at the PRV Track Pane:
  3. Just gave it a try here, and its working fine for me. I tried it with several ASIO buffer sizes ( ranging from 64 to 1024 ), and it played fine. BTW - It's meant to stop at the mouse cursor. You're meant to drag the mouse cursor along so that the play head "chases" it.
  4. No, the i7-3770 isn't overclocked. It's not the "K" variant, so it's locked at the base frequency of 3.4Ghz. Interestingly, this processor replaced an i5-3550. which ran at the same speed but was 4 core / 4 threads vs the 4 core / 8 threads of the 3770. Although there's a slight improvement in general application responsiveness with the 3770, as far as audio processing goes, there's very little difference to the 3550. Your graphics processor won't make any difference to audio performance. It may improve general display performance with a large amount of tracks, but it definitely won't affect things like bounce or freeze. Older plugins can become unstable on more modern operating systems, simply because they weren't designed to run on at operating system. It all depends on how well they were written, what operating system calls they're making, and how those have changed in newer versions of the OS.
  5. Unfortunately AD2 doesn't work this way - it listens on one MIDI channel. Probably the easiest way to get around this is to use per-output instrument tracks, which gives you a combined MIDI & audio track for each output, so you can record just the one drum on each track.
  6. @Ronny.G - can you post your SessionDrummer 3 track template here? I've followed the steps in your original post, but can't reproduce the issue... works every time for me. Maybe it's something in the template itself that is causing the issue.
  7. One thing worth noting is CPU speed can be a large factor in audio performance, especially when using effects and software synths. 1.8Ghz / 2.2Ghz isn't particularly fast. I've got a very old I7-3770 processor, but as it's running at 3.4Ghz it copes pretty well with most projects. The other thing to bear in mind, is that there's a limit to how much distribution across processors the audio engine can do. For example, although several effects can be distributed across several processors, if one effect is taking more time to process in a chain, then it'll hold up all the rest waiting on it to finish.
  8. This is tragic news. IMO Dave had one of the best voices in prog. My thoughts go out to his family.
  9. Jam Origin MIDI Guitar works just as well as the Roland GK pickups + MIDI converters. For tracking & latency, it's certainly on par with my Roland GK3 / GK2A + GI-10. I got best results are using an ASIO buffer of 128 and 48Khz sampling frequency, but still found it to be a bit unstable and prone to crashes. As such if you do use it, I recommend doing it in a separate project then exporting the MIDI afterwards. Personally, wanting MIDI from guitar is rare for me nowadays, but when I do I normally go back to using the GI-10 or more often I just record the guitar and use Melodyne's polyphonic pitch to MIDI.
  10. No - this setting should be True for almost everyone, except for people using a Digidesign audio interface.
  11. Establish what as the default setting?
  12. After digging into this a bit further. I think it probably is... it seems restricted to lasso select within the clips view. I'll get it added to the bug queue.
  13. @Bob Ouellette - can you confirm whether you're using actual MIDI tracks on their own, or whether you're using any software synths? You mention you're hearing samples/synths ok - are these separate hardware devices, or from within Cakewalk ?
  14. Sounds like you've set Cakewalk to run as administrator. You shouldn't need to do this, except in some rare circumstances (such as the first run of Dimension pro), but even then it's only ever needed once - not every time.
  15. In that case, your clock source should be set to audio, but check your timing master within Preferences->Audio->Driver Settings->Record Timing Master.
  16. IIRC when recording with JUST midi and no audio at all (i.e. you've no audio tracks and you're not using any software synths either), you have to change your Source setting within Preferences->Project->Clock to Internal. By default this is set to Audio, which is what it should be if any audio is being produced, as is the case with using software synths and/or audio tracks - but if all you have is MIDI, then there's no audio to sync the clock to. Alternatively, you can just add an empty audio track.
  17. For (1) change your Audio Export Folder within Preferences to %PROJECTFOLDER% ( i.e. remove the \Audio Export part )
  18. @sjoens / @Promidi FYI - I checked this on SONAR Platinum on Windows 7, and it has the same issue. I tried it with SONAR X1, and it was fine... however the naming convention is different. It prepends the project/track-name. Interestingly enough, changing the naming convention to ensure unique clip names fixes it for CbB. I'll need to discuss this one with the team, as this change was done way before my time. I need to understand why the naming convention for clips with no names was changed.
  19. FWIW - In my experience WD HDD's have been the most reliable for me in the past. I've usually got close to 10+ years life out of them (depending on use), and even then, it's usually the USB enclosure that goes way before the drive itself - in which case, I just put it in another enclosure.
  20. Append Instrument Track will take the next highest MIDI channel / synth audio output available. If it's greyed out, then it's either run out of MIDI channels or Synth Audio Outputs. I posted a fuller explanation as to what is going on here:
  21. In this case you should use Copy Special / Cut Special / Paste Special , and ensure tempos, markers and key/meters are checked. Ripple Edit All causes everything in the project (including other clips) to move along with the thing you're moving. In the case of Ripple Edit All Delete, everything in the project in that time range will be deleted, and the gap it would have left is closed up.
  22. I regularly switch between my RME and my Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, and also occasionally my Yamaha 01X. The way I do it is by making a backup copy of the following in %APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core : AUD.INI Cakewalk.ini ctrlsurface.dat INSTRMAP.INI TTSSEQ.INI I've got a set of backups of these files from when Cakewalk was configured for each interface. When I want to switch, I close down Cakewalk, copy the relevant backup back to %APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core , then restart Cakewalk. You could easily make batch files and put them on your desktop to do this for you.
  23. The Export Audio dialog respects selection, so if you've only got the end fade out selected, that's all it'll export. For a complete song export, either select nothing (CTRL + SHIFT + A), or select everything ( CTRL + A) before opening the Export Dialog. Personally, I prefer to go with no selection when using the Export Audio dialog.
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