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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. garybrun

    Simon's Song

    Thanks SpaK... great advice. I don't see you as being big headed at all. As I have said I ask for advice and comments... I wont people to be like my monitor speakers 🙂 The picture on SC is from my TV show on History Channel "Hoard Hunters" I think that was taken after I found a 40bc Gold coin 🙂
  2. garybrun

    Simon's Song

    Thanks Spak... good ideas. I want to knock myself out as I want to get better and understand it. Im going to add three tracks with the recording I have.. and try the LRC idea... very good... thanks. Gary
  3. garybrun

    Simon's Song

    Yup... I've revolved around the sun 55 times 🙂 I'll give the arrangement ideas ago for sure... Thanks for listening. I just can not seem to get the accordion sounding correctly. Most instruments I hear in my mind and can get... if you understand what I mean... but the accordion I cant seem to get to fit in. Its recorded OK.. but the tone of it. Would you mix the same as a piano? I've tried 800hz boost and also cut.. I just dont get it!! I can bring it out front.. but it doesnt sound correct and warm as I want it. I've restarted the mix about 8 times... just leaves me with a blank. Also with all the latest techno software.. Nutron 3 and mix checker etc... when checked against their recommendations its correct. Blinded by science!! Think I need to give it a rest for a while.
  4. Very nice. Take a look at this plugin... it works really well. https://www.masteringthemix.com/products/bassroom try the demo on your track and see what it gives you.
  5. This song made me smile 🙂 Some very nice mixing skills in this... sounds great on my Focals. To be honest I don have any criticism. Dont get me wrong Ive listened to the song 4 times to find some 🙂 You should be proud of that one!!
  6. garybrun

    Simon's Song

    Thanks so much for the comments... very helpful. When I ask for comments you dont hurt my feelings ... as I want it all full barrel. This is why I post here. Its OK having all the gear... but you also need the ability. I am finding it hard with the accordion and dont have a reference track to relate too!
  7. garybrun

    Simon's Song

    I have now redone the instrumental and will work on adding the vocal. Found the vocal was too harsh and the compressor was over driving. Thoughts please. Thanks in advance. Gary
  8. garybrun

    Simon's Song

    I wrote this song when I was 19 years old and finally got around to recording it in my home studio. Its demo stage at the moment... and I need to separate all the instruments as its quite muddy. I would value your thoughts and comments.
  9. Nice groove and 70's vibe. I agree with the comment about the guitar hum at the beginning... thats the first thing that catches your attention. I also would like to hear a little more bass... but again thats me. Like your song... well done!
  10. I liked this one... panning and stereo image is great. I nearly wrote it could do with more low end... then I realised I had switched the bass of my Focals. 🙂 Very Scifi ish?? and great title too. Was it hard to mix with all of those frequencies. I personally have never tried to mix synths.
  11. garybrun

    Dad's Song

    I hope this doesn't sound disrespectful.... but your song makes me smile... especially when I can see who you are singing about. Assurance of hes in a better place... love the lyrics about the block Chevy. Keep rocking fella 🙂
  12. garybrun

    Dad's Song

    I think its brill. Dont know your dad... but I bet he's looking on down feeling well proud his son wrote a song for him.
  13. I liked it. Harmonies are excellent. Mix separation is good too. Chorus guitar on the right could tickle my ears a little bit more to match the left. We all paint different pictures.
  14. Good work on your song! I tried your project file and it does not crash on my system,
  15. Hi. I tried to listen but dark cinematic art is not my thing so I cant really comment. So my apologies there.
  16. Hi John. I have listened to your song quite a few times now and it is quite complex. Also quite sad... reckon the song comes from experience? Lots of great little bits in there with horns and other instruments. Did you pan your voice slightly to the left (10 o'clock) to the left and not center. It through me a little as I thought my speakers where out??
  17. Well you certainly have got the feeling in those fingers. Well done.
  18. I am sorry you had remove your song before I got to comment on it. I for one understood your message and that music is a form of personal expression not matter what the subject. I was not offended in anyway and could relate to your song and your message.
  19. @MUDGEL Well I hope you get to use your equipment soon mate. Not good feeling a bit below the weather. All the best!
  20. I must say that is really good song with great lyrics. Mix sounds good with good separation on my Focals. Vocals are very good too. When you sing "invisible"... "mystery" in the sort of falsetto. I would raise the volume a touch on those phrases in some parts if the song was mine. 🙂
  21. garybrun


    Welcome to the forum. A little more bass and grit on the vocal would be a thought.
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