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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Is this Wim Hof approved? 🤔
  2. Why's that Shane? If you've got something to say, you don't need to wait for the bass solo you know. 😆
  3. I used to have the non-Geddy Lee version, pretty awesome actually! I bet I still have the patches saved somewhere...
  4. Keyword that the buyer missed, highlighted above.
  5. Of course your ears are lying, everyone knows that tone is in your fingers! (That said, my fingers lie... 😬)
  6. Remember that Emergency Broadcasting System? I wonder if we'll be hearing from it in the near future... 🤔 😏
  7. General examination notices interesting titles and laughs, swoosh!
  8. Now read my reply assuming that I got the part in red originally! 😉 (Of course, with the current f***ed up social-political climate, you might have to make a few more threads! 😆 )
  9. I see what you did there! 😜
  10. Gotta love accurate weather forecasting, ya? 😏
  11. I hear Windows 11 comes bundled with COVID-21...
  12. This album (20 Years Of Jethro Tull) got a LOT of play at my house: The other 22 albums did too, just not as much! 😉
  13. You'll want to search for the threads where Jim explains what's important for an audio machine (speed, cores, threads, etc.).
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