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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. Update : last night I got an email from a real person asking for the dump file. So at least they do get the reports from the help menu.
  2. I opened the dump file in note pad and it’s all gibberish. I simply excluded Session Drummer from my plug in list. That’s what I tend to do with any plug ins that crash.
  3. Hey Annabelle is all this happening because you installed Cakewalk by Bandlab on the same computer as Sonar 8.5? It seems Cakewalk has over written some settings in what must have been a shared folder. I am thinking there might even be some other stuff you might not have found yet if this is the case. I wonder if re installing Sonar might fix it?
  4. Yep we all have lost work from time to time and we all come up with ways to prevent it from happening again. I’m sure you won’t do it again. At the end of a busy day I take the project folder and drag and drop it to my backup drive. I prefer this over save as. Save as is great but then I open the wrong version from the start screen the next day!! No big deal once I sort that out. But I have 4 different places that important projects will be stored. Working drive G Back up drive F. 124 GB USB stick and my Laptop. And then every so often everything is also backed up to an 2 TB drive that just about has all my work from the last decade on it.
  5. This thread is 4 years old. The people who originally posted all were killed in a tragic accident 3 years ago! So not sure who you are talking to??
  6. My go to horn section I created using xPand 2 by Air. It is always on sale for like $10. If it not on sale I think it’s still a great synth sort of like DimPro but it has 4 separate players you can assign different channels or layer up parts like I did to make the horn section. Gives you total control of panning and 2 different effects sends. I noticed it was also included with the free version of Pro Tools. But I have no way to verify if it installed the VST version as Pro Tools uses AAX
  7. There’s also software called Virtual DJ that does this with the simple movement of sliders. Cakewalk is to clunky to do this. I think even Audacity can do this easily.
  8. Because if USB power saving is on it will disconnect. That’s why it’s the most important default setting to change.
  9. Seems like you haven’t optimized you computer for audio One of the steps is disable USB power saving.
  10. He hasn't logged on since September and yes I did tag him a long time ago on the off chance he subscribes via email.
  11. Yea Steve last posted I think Sept 5 2023. I hope he just switched DAW’s and that it wasn’t like Jimmy Buffet’s sudden passing. I had a personal theory that they hired him to re write the new Sonar user guide. He most certainly knew ever page of the old one. But we know nothing about the person. He/ She might have been 20 might have been 90.
  12. I posted the video that helps you set up midi controller and use soft synths but you didn’t seem to watch it.
  13. What is your audio interface? You might want to try also removing the pre amp from the signal path when you get the Beta. It might colour the sound. I’ve never had any issues using interface pre amps other than my Focusrite 6i6. I didn’t like the sound I got from those so I bought a Joe Meek pre amp. But when I then got the Motu M 4 it doesn’t have proper impedance on the 3/4 inputs. Now I have a Zoom L8 and it’s the best sound I’ve ever had overall. But in the plan is the SSL 2. People who have reviewed it claim the pre amps are top notch out of the majority of interfaces and stand alone pre amps.
  14. I’m glad @Kalle Rantaaho agreed with what I said above. Where as, yes, it is ideal to mix in a properly treated room I myself have rarely ever had that option for a home set up. Everything the OP has said makes me think it’s the capture of the vocals that is flawed and not what can be done after the fact. It is the oldest studio practice from the beginning of time. Find the right mike! Large Capsule Mikes have always made me sound terrible. I tried over and over waisting a lot of money, only to end up going back to my Beta 58. A mike I have depended on for 35 years. I now can use my SM7 for stuff like harmonies and it’s hard to hear much difference. And I’m not saying the Beta will work for everyone. There’s a lot of top quality dynamic mikes to choose from. It’s a life long quest to find the right mike that works with your voice. Alway start at the beginning, not the end!
  15. It’s all in the video. The link @Will. Posted is the latest version which doesn’t include the TTS-1. You need a full installer from 2023. You can tell but the file size.
  16. Most good interfaces not only have an ASIO driver but they will need a Windows driver for playback from apps that can’t use ASIO. Another situation is when you want to use 2 or more different interfaces together to add more inputs to record a live band. You can’t use ASIO so you switch Cakewalk to WASAPI or WDM mode and now both interfaces can be chosen as inputs. In my collection of 6 interfaces not all of them support WASAPI because they are old. Then my brand new ones don’t support WDM mode. Only ASIO and WASAPI. The deal is it really doesn’t matter for live recording or editing but only ASIO reports the latency to your DAW so it can adjust the offset. Look in sync and caching in ASIO mode and note that it says use reported latency. Now switch to WASAPI or WDM and look. There’s nothing there. It’s guessing. All overdubs will be probably out of sync. ASIO is all about communicating system latency and fixing it for you. I’ve never managed to test if ASIO 4all behaves this way.
  17. I bought an Atari 1040 St I guess it was 1986. I paid $1,400 for it. I brought it home and turned it on. I had never used a computer before so wasn’t sure what to expect. You could move this pointer thing around with the mouse. I might have done that for 15 minutes. But what does it do? Nothing it would seem. Later I learned I had to purchase software on floppy disks to do anything. Otherwise it just sat there doing nothing. Many years goes by and my son tells me I should try Linux Ubuntu. I installed it and it sat there staring back at me doing nothing? What do you do with this? This is like going back 30 year to the Atari? Say what you will about Apple, Windows and even Android. At least you can do something with them. Oh Waveform is a great DAW. Try it— it is absolutely free.It will be what will replace Cakewalk for people who need free.
  18. It is no longer included with the last version of CbB or Sonar but if you have it you have it. As long as you don’t uninstall CbB I would think. Just don’t ever loose the CbB full installer from last fall that did include it. In the future if you build / purchase a new computer you might not be able to save projects from CbB but I would think you would be able to install it and therefore still install the TTS-1. There’s always the Roland SC VST. It’s only around $70. I have a video I made exploring the options.
  19. I was actually using the MOscillator to test the Concrete Limiter. It’s interesting when you team it up with the MAnalyzer and test stuff. Even with headphones on I couldn’t hear the C1 35 hz but it was putting out 0 db .
  20. What does 5 Hz sound like at 140 db? I guess nothing can reproduce it!
  21. And don’t except to much from free plugins. In my tests the best free piano was Addictive Keys. It’s just missing the lowest and highest octaves no big deal for rock and roll. You have to sign up at XLN and install the product manager. You also get a set of Addictive Drums missing the Tom’s. The TTS-1 piano sounds better that a lot of the free ones. Even though I have it already I hope they bring back True Pianos.
  22. Lots of things to consider. First You need to learn your monitoring system or purchase ones you trust. If you use monitoring that results in your mix sounding incorrect on all other systems then it needs replacement or adjustments using software you can purchase. Example I’ve used my Yamaha NSM 10’s since 1995. I’ve used them in dozens of different spaces from terrible to properly treated rooms. My mixes will always be within the ballpark of accurate. Same goes for my very old set of headphones. The foam is falling off but I’m reluctant to replace them. I have about 10 others. But then I will proof my mixes on as many systems as I can. My favourite is a cheap mono Bluetooth speaker that is easy to play exported mixes through Media Player even with Sonar still running. There’s also SonoBus to send to my cell phone which I can use it’s built in speakers and a set of terrible Bluetooth headphones. All that at my desk. USB sticks are handy and work in the car and truck as well as my getting blaster in the kitchen. But my other question is why are you requiring a lot of EQ for your voice ? That makes me think you are using the wrong mike and signal path. My guess is you went and bought a Large diaphragm condenser mike and as you said you don’t have a treated room. Try a Beta 58. Best vocal mike for untreated rooms. My songs are all over the internet so listen to them . My vocals are done on a Beta 58 into various different interfaces and only EQ is hi pass at 100 hz. Only processing is a touch of compression and reverb, We all hate the sound of our own vocals so keep that in mind too.
  23. It won’t be an issue as someday soon nobody will be using Cakewalk anymore. The questions about actually using it have pretty much dried up on this forum now. A good gauge of interest in it is reflected on my YouTube channel where only videos with Sonar in title are being watched and very few views for the Cakewalk videos now. Why do you think Mike had to start a new channel. What will be confusing is people Googling for information about Sonar on the internet. And it doesn’t help that there’s still web pages offering to sell it that are for Sonar Platinum line up. Other than the topic of activation and purchase there’s no real difference in the actual use of the two versions.
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