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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. Open the PVR and change the keyboard on the left to drums.
  2. Behringer interface that don’t have Midas pre amps are near the bottom of the Bench tests for Pre Amps. So are Pre Sonus. Behringer interfaces with Midas pres are near the top. The deal is if you spend only a few extra bucks you won’t need to think about waisting money later on a dedicated pre amp. The SSL-2 mentioned above by @Gary Carey is an example of an interface that has top notch pre amps. Just saying why it’s important to do your research. I get a big kick that everyone is quick to recommend Focusrite. When you compare to others in same price range they are hugely lacking in features and quality pre amps. They are good interfaces but there’s better stuff at that price.
  3. I posted this in your thread you started a while ago. I don’t know what set you off and said I was bugging you or something? That was weird. Anyhow it’s the internet and people get stuff wrong and assume things that aren’t reality. I was only trying to tell you that I really believed that your solution was to purchase a better audio interface. I’m happy you figured that out on your own. In all my years on this forum I have only wished to help people who are just starting out. Often people read me wrong because that’s just my bad communication skills at work! I put 2 months of research into this video. I also highly recommend you Google “Best Audio interfaces” and cruise through some of those as well. There are many and most are worth your time. I think once you have done that you will have a clear view of the choice’s best for you. These people are testing dozens of the latest audio interfaces and you will quickly see most come to the same conclusions about many brands. I myself have owned at least 6 interfaces in the last few years. I have also used a few USB mixers. Some of the above replies after doing my research I disagree with those recommendations as example of why you need to look a lot wider than a place like a user group. Most important feature for you will be good quality pre amp for your vocal mike. Anyhow do a little watching and report back. https://youtu.be/YcDGKuBJ2VI?si=NH1QWsZtR-jdMVM-
  4. Ya, for that situation the other person can just use Cakewalk. This might change down the road if Sonar add new features but at this point very little is different enough to matter.
  5. Just remove the desktop icon and change Windows to always open midi and CWP files with Cakewalk.
  6. The action will only effect any highlighted, selected notes. You must be selecting more than one note. Possibly change your zoom horizontal and or vertically so your notes are more visible will help. I have to change to the Mercury theme to have a white background to work effectively in PVR. Black makes it hard to see stuff like this for me. Other than that you can lasso groups of notes or click on the keyboard to the left to select all of a given notes.
  7. Overloud was one of the kind hearted vendors that took pity on us when Gibson shut down. if you asked they e mailed you a serial number. We just needed to take a screenshot of our About screen which shows we had a legit license for Splat.
  8. And thanks @Starship Krupa for putting in the time to finally put this topic to bed. I will include this link in the video I’m working on that will bring people up to date. This forum only represents a very small group of Cakewalk users. And the good news is this totally implies that Bandlab has been listening and there’s a good probability of. Perpetual License in the distant future.
  9. I used Cakewalk as a VST instrument host to play keyboards in a band. I set up 8 instruments in tracks and rack was assigned a midi channel. I simply changed the keyboard midi output to what ever instrument. I could also set up a split. I then set up midi learn and I had control of each Tracks level as well as I set a second control for effects. The only thing that is super important is to always make sure the controller is powered up and recognized by Cakewalk before you open the project you set up for this.
  10. I think the point was even though some keys are not on the list they still function because they are part of windows and often require CTRL as well. I actually assigned the V key to save. It’s handy right in the middle.
  11. I’m not understanding what you are doing wrong. For me I take all the views and size them etc I save that as a workspace and then every project I open uses that workspace. I used to have a bunch now I use only 2 like I demo in the video. Same set up for years now.
  12. OK thanks. as long as it was on your list.
  13. Templates don’t store your views. You save it as a Workspace. I only have 2. One screen and 2 screens.
  14. John Vere

    Activation woes

    The answer from a Staff member is that this is the price of using free software. Lots of demos and free versions have nag screens. And what I’ve noticed is because I’m logged in to a paid Bandlab membership account I never see that nag.
  15. I was wondering if Cakewalk/ Bandlab have any plans to make official tutorial videos for Sonar and Next? I noticed almost all the other DAW’s have good quality videos some are built into the start screen. The collection of homemade videos is now overwhelmingly huge and the quality is generally not very good. I realized that CbB was free and there was very little budget for that but now things are going to take off I’m hoping they could appoint a Staff member to developing at least a beginners series. Note that this question has nothing to do with my own dabbling in making tutorials. I only did that as I saw a need. It’s way overdue for replacing Mortens collection.
  16. Back in the day of 4 and 8 track recording a trick I learned was to take one guitar track and then send it on the mixers auxiliary sends to a couple of amps in the live room. Then we would place a few mikes at different locations and distances. This gave that original one guitar track 6 or 8 channels on the mixer. So from there you used panning and EQ to create this wall of sound. All from one track. It was very organic but possibly the same idea could be duplicated ITB
  17. This is true. I don’t think they had Cakewalk users in mind when they developed it but what you find is a lot of stuff is Cake friendly. I asked the staff about a few missing features and they seemed totally open to suggestions about future updates. I have a feeling Next will slowly grow into a very useful DAW. It’s simplicity is what makes it appealing. It loads up in 2 seconds. It has a lot of built in instruments and effects. It has a lot of loops and a sampler. It can perform stem separation a tool I’ve possibly used over 50 times now. You can sort of transfer projects to Sonar but that feature is still needing a bit more fine tuning. My wish list is: ARA support A mixer view midi export meters show db reading Smart Tool
  18. This was good timing as well as thanks for the good news about the continuation of the free version of CbB. Sorry it didn’t seem to get through to a few people who might not have read the statement. Now people can stop calling it NuSonar and just ask questions about Sonar. Cool.
  19. There’s been a few scattered questions about Next and generally the most common one is “ where can I ask questions about Next?” So this is great. Discord really wasn’t my cup of tea. There’s a lot to like about Next mostly for me is that it is so simple. Im slowly learning about its many limitations and how to get by without certain features I’ve come to rely on in Cakewalk.
  20. There’s something not right if you out of sync using a Focusrite interface! The timing should be dead on. The whole point of using interfaces that have proper ASIO drivers is that they always keep your overdubs in sync because they report the latency to the DAW and the offset is adjusted accordingly. You should never have to manually adjust. Make sure you are actually using the latest driver from the Focusrite web site and nothing else. You should be able to test it’s accuracy using this https://oblique-audio.com/rtl-utility.php I’ve always found all Interfaces are with in a few samples of reported latency.
  21. It would be useful to know the brand and model. I’m assuming that it runs on Phantom power. If it has a battery option try that. I’ll also assume you tried a few different cables.
  22. I see you still had the track in record standby. That’s probably why. You can’t work on regional effects when track is still armed.
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