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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. This is one of your best piece’s I have listened to !! you have that amazing full vocal sound that sounds very professionally recorded. Rich and warm. Here is a few artifacts that I hear you might have missed. 2:00. Something sounds weird in either the bass or the left harmony. Like a not quite right note of the scale. 2:26 a lip smack? Some upper frequency artifacts 2:48 missing bass note? Also 3:14 and 3:40 3:07 time seems to jump, at least the bass does. It does it again at 3:33 or is this a push? Anyhow it sounds odd. 3:44 another lip smack or digital artifact? Otherwise super enjoyable listen ?
  2. I haven’t tried this but a possible work around might be to loop back midi to the synth track. Now add an Aux track Send the synth to the Aux track , put the Aux track in Recording mode and record it. This is the trick I use to record the metronome.
  3. I do believe the step sequencer is just a very basic tool and was designed so you could create simple midi patterns to be used in a track. I use it mostly to make drum patterns. But I’ve also used it to create synth patterns sort of like arpeggios. What I do is create patterns and then bounce to clips. I then use the patterns as normal midi data which I can edit as well as add different effects and things like panning. If it’s drums the panning is done in the instrument GUI. If I want to say, add a sweeping panning to just the hi hat I will automate it.
  4. Not sure what format you are using for the video file. Sonar is very limited in what format it will use. What is a multi track MP4? Didn’t think that’s possible? Normally we use OBS for capture to a MP4 which I thought was only stereo. I’m on my phone camping so can’t check. You then add additional audio tracks in a Video Editing software. My editor Vegas, can have multiple audio tracks and can use all my VST and DX plug ins. So I can use it like a DAW and produce a video with high quality audio. Drag and drop the audio and zoom in to sync it up to the video. I always make sure to use a count in that the camera mike picks up.
  5. Best not to save projects to C drive. Hard drives are very reasonable priced. You open the project and use Save as and put it in the data drive. Make sure you check Copy Audio with project. You should have these projects backed up to a couple of data drives by now. The last place on earth is the global audio folder. That is a sure fire way to get in trouble and loose stuff.
  6. This has been a long time issue for me and none of the fixes I tried will stay fixed. They will need updating to add Sonar stuff so possibly they can fix this once and for all. @Jesse Jost I believe is our Web Page guru
  7. Scook wrote a utility for this I think it’s a thread somewhere in the sub forum for ? I’m on my phone so to lazy to find it. But try a Google search with those words. It’s super simple with his utility
  8. Yes the Beta 58 is the most common mike on stage. You can eat it and it won’t feedback. And it most certainly takes very loud vocals no problem. A plain SM 58 is fine but if you plug both in and switch back and forth there’s a very noticeable difference in sound. If you are having trouble with plosives roll off below 150 hz. Even the cheap mixers have a hi pass filter.
  9. Definitely submit the crash dumps files to both Cakewalk and Auto tune.
  10. John Vere


    What you are experiencing is called a Loopback. Audio is going out to your interface so you can monitor it and play in time. You are correct that it should not Loopback to the new track. Make sure that what you are hearing is actually recorded to the track. Make sure Metronome during playback is not selected. Solo the track and listen. You can test if the Loopback is happening by arming a track for recording and start recording with out playing your guitar and see if the meters move. Does the audio interface use a software mixer? You might need to check there for a setting that causes the Loopback. Other than that your settings all look good in the screen shot. If this is a brand new interface it is possible that this is a defective
  11. Good call and that was my next question too. We now are told there is no activity of meters. This implies just that. But usually the audio engine gets reset when you re open a project. Which is another good call by @pwal³ Then all that it could be is the global mute. Or a hidden track or buss is soloed. That’s why I suggested toggling those to reset. The transport module is the first place you look when this happens.
  12. The transport module has both global mute and global solo buttons. Toggling those will eliminate that as being the issue. Open console view and observe if all track meters are showing playback. Observe if all buses are showing playback. Observe master bus. Then observe if the hardware buses are showing action.
  13. Back when we got the big kick in the face from Gibson the forum was pretty focused on solutions to what we could do to sustain Sonar for as long as possible. Of course we were certain that the server for CCC would be shut down and (like perpetual licensing ) we had no clue when. My action plan was I installed and activated a copy of Splat on every computer in the house. In my case that was I think 7. I figured this lessened the odds of computer failures killing Splat. So that 2006 computer I mentioned above still has that last version of Splat working perfectly fine and I was sort of correct about that solution. It was a top of the line PC from that era and I guess as long as you don’t fry the MoBo everything else was replaceable. Because it was mothballed 8 years ago it’s still in perfect working condition. Not sure if it would survive daily usage. Therefore one can maintain time machine DAWs for possible 10- 20 year no problem. I have a 2004 Dell laptop running XP I keep to run my CD printer software. Still boots every time I need it. It has Sonar 6 and Wave Lab 4 on it.
  14. Sonar X3 was the last version to just use serial numbers. Splat requires Command Centre. Command Centre requires the server. The server is now maintained by Bandlab. As said Splat once installed using CCC is activated until that computer dies. I have a 4 core Pentium computer with Splat on it running W7 that was my main DAW from 2006- 2012 It still boots and runs because it had lots of upgrades over time and the parts are all good stuff. It has a PCI Sound Card made by Card Deluxe, they still support the ASIO driver. It has SPDIF that teams up with my Yamaha 01v. I still have that too. It was a bulletproof system that always worked. I wouldn’t want to return to that system but it is living proof that you can keep stuff running forever if you want to! It has X3 and Splat and my copies of Cubase and Wave lab 7. If I move the ilok dongle those still work too. A time Machine I call it.
  15. You must have told the uninstaller to remove stuff. Normally that doesn’t happen but- Best practices is don’t uninstall older versions. They take up very little space. The last full installer with TTS-1 was last November
  16. I do believe it’s right there in the help menu For sure it’s in the documentation which is also in the help menu. Or you can just Google - Cakewalk Keyboard Shortcut
  17. Judging by what the OP said they are using the computers audio system for everything including Cakewalk. They most certainly don’t want to use ASIO in this case. They would’ve using WASAPI. If you use WASAPI exclusive it by passes Windows audio and therefore better performance but then you can’t have Cakewalk open if you use other audio apps. So then you use WASAPI shared. I’ve never tested that if in shared mode the sound enhancements are involved when using Cakewalk because I have always disabled them. Probably depends on the computers audio system.
  18. I originally was having the crashing issue and submitted the reports. Support recommended a clean install. Since then only crashes were related to experimenting with the Cakewalk Exchange files between Next and Sonar. I submitted those and they are looking into that. But both Sonar and Next hang up on crashing for me.
  19. I noticed this happened when Sonar was crashed. It would crash but I couldn’t re open it. I would find it in Task manager way down the list. I would have to reboot computer to kill.
  20. Ya it’s too bad Noel told us in the 11th hour. I figured out how to get the sale price using the other log in. I only made a hint about it as I was not sure they would appreciate that.
  21. Worth understanding is Behringer makes 2 interfaces that don’t have proper ASIO drivers and uses Asio4all instead. I think they are the UM2 and Um22. There are well documented to not work well with Cakewalk/Sonar.
  22. To save instruments and settings you have to save as a Project CWP file. Midi files are just midi data.
  23. USB mixers that I’ve used didn’t have your issue. They had ways to isolate the inputs and the Computer playback in the headphones. It never looped back. My Zoom L8 is a mixer. But it’s sort of a steep learning curve due to the fact that it’s 3 things in one. I love it but I actually bought it just for live performance. But it’s also a 12x4 interface. My best experience was with Yamaha mixers. I’m off camping right now but so it will be a few weeks before I’d have time. But the follow up to the above video was going to be about USB interfaces that are mixers. Sorry about the forget it comment. That was actually not aimed at you but the whole topic was sort of going sideways. It was probably I was in one of my old man grumpy guy moods.
  24. Ya no need to bother with all that. Just do as I said above and it’s there if you ever want it. But that said there’s going to be a lot of updates coming so your copy will probably be way out of date. So I would just uninstall it using the Windows Apps list. Simple. I was going to do this myself as my monthly membership runs out tomorrow. But I grabbed the sale yearly plan by purchasing it under another user account. I’ve gone to the dark side! But I have a whole year to relax and focus on recording.
  25. Ya there’s actually only two of Behringer 2x2 interfaces that don’t have ASIO and have the low quality pre amps. The UMC was considered a best bang for the bucks by 2 of the reviews I watched. They blow the Focusrite out of the water. The Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 possibly is the worst bang for the buck due to its whole feature list. In my video I have comparisons charts so you can quickly see which interfaces have what features. Everyone will need some and not others. 2 combo jacks? Midi ports? Loopback? Blend mix for direct monitoring? Meters? As a few example of features. Then you need to find out how good the pre amps are compared to others. Right now I’m using a Zoom and nobody had tested them but I figured they are medium quality. I’m looking at the SSL2 as a upgrade. I sold my Motu M4 due to learning it had issues with the drivers. There’s a few others that are rated very high like the Universal Audio and Audent I’ll be comparing. That’s a project for after summer.
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