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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2024 in Posts

  1. Headed to New York tonight for an 11 Night Cruise on MSC out of Brooklyn to Florida, the Bahamas, and Mexico. Be back home on the 26th, and back on here on the 27th! Satya....you're in the chair!
    7 points
  2. NEW: 1) Presets. BUG FIXES: 1) AudioUnit: Resizing problem fixed. 2) Cubase 13: Plugin no longer opens in full-screen window; issue resolved. 3) Minor bugs fixed. Please Note: 1) macOS 10.13 and Earlier: We are no longer supporting older versions of macOS (10.13 and earlier). 2) Windows Vista and Earlier: Discontinuing support for Windows Vista and earlier versions for better performance and security. Install: 1) Log-in to your PSP account and go to My plug-ins section. 2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system. You can overwrite the newer version over the old one so after downloading simply start the installer. 3) Restart your computer.
    7 points
  3. https://www.gog.com/partner/free_games?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20240108_Warmup_GR_EN&utm_source=salesmanago
    6 points
  4. For downloading (the free) Noctua. Valid until February 1st. Check your account. Thanks @Kirean
    5 points
  5. A few Jensen IRs by Zoom, freely available https://zoomcorp.com/en/us/multi-effects/guitar-effects/g6/g6-support/
    3 points
  6. There's a common theme here lately. Bon voyage, Captain Lars!
    3 points
  7. Today we have launched the fourth track off our new Kiss of Storms album. It’s called Whatever. I wrote this for my wife!! I really enjoyed writing and playing this track - bit different but I Hope you enjoy it. You can see the lyrics here https://devinelie.com/kiss-of-storms/whatever/ And the whole album is available on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/27iKYYjlWOT2Ku0ltzSEKB We’ve updated our website as well – we’ve got our own store now where you can get music and merchandise!! https://devinelie.com
    2 points
  8. https://www.pspaudioware.net/UserArea/user/assets
    2 points
  9. And the fine print: This voucher code is valid on UVI.net for any purchase of $50 or more, through Jan. 31st
    2 points
  10. That's what I've been looking ffor a long time: a good and free Jensen Cabinet IR Thanks.
    2 points
  11. Make sure you have internet access. Open Cakewalk and click "help" at the top of the screen. Log into Bandlab and close. I moved my DAW pc to my house last night to reactivate. (no internet where my studio is) Opened Cakewalk and immediately got a splash screen to log into Bandlab. Looked around a little in Bandlab then closed it. Thats all it takes to reactivate CbB. ms (there are 3 other threads on This Page about activating CbB)
    2 points
  12. From the title, I thought you were visiting France 😁 Have a great time, Larry!
    2 points
  13. Too expensive. I have exactly $193.01 to spend. I started with $200 but downloaded an MP3 album for $6.99. A symphonic metal band from Sweden featuring four girl singers that does epic covers of 80's-era American Top 40 hits. Couldn't resist.
    2 points
  14. Did anyone have trouble getting this newest bank? I click to "get" it in the Analog Lab browser, but nothing happens. I was able to download other banks, so it's really just the Vintage bank.
    2 points
  15. What? The forecast in The D calls for a high of 7 and you decide to leave??? Hell yeah, you leave! Wish we we going, too! Enjoy the Sun and sea, Larry.
    2 points
  16. Have a great trip, Larry! I look forward to hearing about your adventures when you return.
    2 points
  17. Windows updates, driver updates etc. can cause changes. Installing new software or applications can also cause issues. The best way to check what is causing it is to use Resplendence Latencymon to check for things that could be causing dropouts. Also, knowing what your audio interface is, the driver model used and bit depth and sample rate you are using can help people help you trouble shoot.
    2 points
  18. Nice buddy! Have a blast! Get that connecting flight!
    2 points
  19. I'd add Ringo Starr in there. While not as technically proficient as the others, his impact can not be denied.
    2 points
  20. I received multiple Amazon gift cards for Christmas, totaling $200. My office/studio/rehearsal space is a garage with a wood rollup door, the only surface lacking acoustical absorption. So I figured I'd spend my $200 on some stick-on acoustical panels. When I searched for acoustic treatments on Amazon, they showed page after page of acoustic foam products. All surprisingly cheap. Got my hopes up for about 10 seconds. First thing I realized was that it was the same handful of products under dozens of different brand names. Names that are random strings of characters, such as WVOVW, OTUOER and ZHOJEREL. All with "customer" ratings of 4.7 stars. And all clearly useless, being too thin and apparently not even made of acoustical foam. We're talking the kind of low-grade lightweight packing foam you throw away. All the product descriptions included the word "soundproofing" - a red flag in itself. I always go straight to the 1-star reviews on anything I buy from Amazon. Every one of them complained that these panels did not isolate sound. Those buyers had obviously been misled into thinking that's what these products are for. Many also complained that the panels came smushed into vacuum-sealed plastic bags and were malformed and squishy. I had to explicitly search for "Auralex" to find any product that was not Chinese junk. Ultimately found a good deal, even though the panels were 5x more expensive than the fakes. But there was only one vendor selling Auralex, and that vendor was not Auralex. Some reviewers complained that what they got wasn't even actually Auralex. We'll see. Amazon does not seem to care if products they sell are fraudulent. (Example).
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Hi Gary Thanks so much - really appreciate the kind comments Nigel
    1 point
  23. Egg crates and carpet swatches. And no-pest strips.
    1 point
  24. Thanks John, that’s understood. I’ll check through the recommendations in the video and come back on here if I can’t get it sorted out
    1 point
  25. Hoping that this year they have another 50% off sale so that I can leverage my vouchers. If they do the same this year it'll kick in sometime this week.
    1 point
  26. I just tried it again today and now it works. It wasn't working for days! 😅
    1 point
  27. Brilliant. Thank you... I haven't done vocal automation... but I am on it 🙂
    1 point
  28. Hey Gary, Just a couple of "niggles" here in my opinion. There are times when Thomas' vocals get very "intimate" and need a little more automation to bring up the level. In the into for example "I don't know my destination or why I'm walkin' here" Just about lose that "here" in the mix. Another place I have noticed it is in the chorus "there again". This last run through I think those are all pretty good. Great tune, great work on your part! t
    1 point
  29. I like this Mark, definitely not Mono friendly but what sado would want to miss the sweetness of this mix. The Stereo spread of the instruments works really well. Nice cello work too the percussion work is slick too.. Love it more please
    1 point
  30. Now they sent a personal 25€ voucher if you happened to download Noctua previously.
    1 point
  31. Hello one and all. A recent & previously published work now featuring my long time friend and collaborator Homestudio Kurumin (Marcelo) on drums. Download a free copy if you like. Dean. Thank you
    1 point
  32. As someone who engineered and oversaw production on HDDs that statement is 100% NOT TRUE. YouTube is rife with idiots, so be very careful as to what you read/watch, and never assume you are an expert because you read something online. A HDD head literally flies roughly 1 micro-inch from the platter, so even a molecule of tobacco smoke can rip the head off (that is 100% true, and why de-lidding them voids any warranty). However, that does nothing to the data on the platter (with the small exception for where the head impacted). Once the hysteresis curve has been set, the platter will maintain data until another magnetic field overdrives that. The platters are basically optical flats with an oil coating on them, so you could also optionally use a degreaser on them and spray them with acid to prevent a head read (rust the crap out of them). Unless you have data on your drives that will get you sent to prison, it is sort of moot anyway; no one else but law enforcement is going to waste the time trying to get data off of old drives. We had an engineer that would play games and de-lid drives then run them on his desk to see how long they would run before the heads crashed, it actually took a lot longer than we expected.
    1 point
  33. You dont have to bounce to tracks with your effects on. It gives you the option to choose that, but even when you do or dont - it still doesnt degrade the sound.
    1 point
  34. Thank you for your answers but you should really read the OP where all of this is explained. If you read all I have said, this is not an installation issue. It's an Authorization issue. And as I said in the OP they were working for at least a month.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Here's a different take: what they are good at is cutting corners to lower the cost of manufacture. Long before China was flooding the world with cheap garbage, they were subcontracting for North American and European manufacturers. Working for foreign companies who stressed one prime directive: make it cheaply. Since that was their bread 'n butter, that became the nexus of their collective expertise. Chinese engineers learn the same stuff in school as everybody else, so it's not like they suffer from mass incompetence. Every engineer learns the concept of "high quality, on-time, or cheap; pick two". When a trusted high-end brand such as Telefunken hired them to increase the profit margin for microphones, the engineers were given a clear mission - make an existing product that looked the same but was cheap to manufacture. So they did. They came up with a microphone that looked exactly like a $3000 Telefunken but cost under $100 to make. Unfortunately, it did not sound like a Telefunken and when users tore them down they found that the guts of the mic were far inferior to the German-made original. You could in fact buy the same exact microphone under a Chinese brand for $150. It was the greedy executives at Telefunken who were the villains of that story. The only thing that's changed is that the Chinese got smart and cut out the middle man, instead selling their cheap crap directly to consumers. Amazon made that possible.
    1 point
  37. https://shop.vb-audio.com/en/win-apps/36-vbaudiomatrix.html https://vb-audio.com/Matrix/index.htm VB-Audio has announced the release of a new audio framework for Windows that allows you to connect several audio devices and applications together channel by channel. Offering total control of audio routing, the Matrix software lets you connect up to 3 physical ASIO devices, multiple Windows applications and DAW software, and even computers with VBAN streaming. Now with the VB-Audio Matrix, all audio streams can be managed, routed and mixed together, from your USB MIC to any ASIO devices, from your ASIO device to any audio applications, to or from Voicemeeter to Discord, Zoom or Ableton Live, to or from all other computer thanks to VBAN streaming features… All connections will be possible channel by channel. VBMatrix application is free to use without any functional limitation. You pay what you want when you want if you find it useful. Thanks for your participation!
    1 point
  38. Personally IMHO all of these type of plugins/processors are gimmicks but as they say YMMV. In the studio we had to deal with a variety of leakage types... Console module crosstalk - electronic bleed from other modules or just console electronics. Tape track bleed through - adjacent tracks bleeding through (more of an issue on 24 track tape and its physically smaller track area). Tape print through - one layer of tape imprinting on another. You would always have some pre or post print through - which was louder depended on how the tape was stored. One of the most famous examples is the vocal pre-delay on Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love. Headphone bleed - cue mix getting picked up by vocal or acoustic microphones. While most of the time you could ignore this stuff sometimes it was an issue and it could be a real pain in rear ('Where the hell is that guitar coming from? All the guitar tracks are muted!"). Except for 'Whole Lotta Love' where they liked the effect of the vocal pre-delay due to tape print through I don't recall ever hearing a producer say 'Thank god for that (name your instrument) bleeding through!'. I do recall a couple of occasions of spending time to manually erase all non-used tracks or sections between parts to eliminate bleed through as much as possible; an easy thing to do on a DAW, but sometimes challenging to do on a tapedeck. I am waiting for someone to create the plugin that let's you enjoy the magic of recreating all 4 types for bleed through in your DAW so that you (and the end listener) can realistically enjoy the full experience of yesteryear's recording studios.
    1 point
  39. If it doesn't have to be this set of consoles and you are open to other options, maybe one of the console emulations from this package is good enough? And it's also cheaper. 😄 https://shop.presonus.com/Retro-Mix-Legends
    1 point
  40. I once walked into a warehouse full of retired disk drives. It was at a high-security facility where they work on nuclear submarines. When I asked my guide/escort what that was about, he explained that they have a strenuous protocol for disposing of old drives. They would start with a magnetic wipe, placing the drive into a very strong oscillating magnetic field. But that was just the start of the process. Then they'd physically disassemble the individual platters and sandblast the oxide coating. Finally, the remaining aluminum substrate was run through a chipper, leaving rice-grain sized pellets of aluminum that were then melted down. You might try that.
    1 point
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