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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2023 in Posts

  1. https://shop.vb-audio.com/en/win-apps/36-vbaudiomatrix.html https://vb-audio.com/Matrix/index.htm VB-Audio has announced the release of a new audio framework for Windows that allows you to connect several audio devices and applications together channel by channel. Offering total control of audio routing, the Matrix software lets you connect up to 3 physical ASIO devices, multiple Windows applications and DAW software, and even computers with VBAN streaming. Now with the VB-Audio Matrix, all audio streams can be managed, routed and mixed together, from your USB MIC to any ASIO devices, from your ASIO device to any audio applications, to or from Voicemeeter to Discord, Zoom or Ableton Live, to or from all other computer thanks to VBAN streaming features… All connections will be possible channel by channel. VBMatrix application is free to use without any functional limitation. You pay what you want when you want if you find it useful. Thanks for your participation!
    7 points
  2. A Linux DAW is an incomplete solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Other than getting-over on "the man" (Microsoft or Apple), what's a significant benefit?
    5 points
  3. Upgrade form version 1, $50. $149 full price. Don’t believe there is an intro discount hence the no deal but looks amazing. Can’t wait to upgrade. From website: https://soniccharge.com/forum/topic/2466-synplant-2-is-here?~post12645 The upgrade price for all Synplant version 1 owners is $50/€50 (incl. VAT), and the full price is $149/€149 (incl. VAT). In other words, Synplant version 1 owners get the upgrade for the price difference. Once installed, Synplant 2 will replace Synplant version 1. Unfortunately, you cannot run them both side by side. If you open a patch or an old song created with Synplant version 1, the audio engine will run in "backwards compatibility mode" to ensure that everything sounds exactly like before. However, you will have the option to upgrade old patches to the better-sounding version 2 audio engine. Genopatch is the big new thing obviously, but this update is stuffed with a lot of other enhancements. Here is a brief run-down: Rewritten audio engine with plenty of new parameters ("genes") and improved DSP algorithms for every part of the signal chain. New DNA editor with a structured parameter layout and animating graphs of the various settings. You can automate and control all genes with MIDI CC. New "bulb modes" give you alternative ways to trigger the different branches: velocities, different ranges over the keyboard, and a "layered" mode that triggers multiple branches simultaneously. New performance features, such as support for mono patches, glide/portamento, and tempo sync that synchronize any rhythmic components of the sound to the host tempo. Instead of growing all branches, the mod-wheel can easily be reassigned to control various standard destinations, such as filter cutoff, LFO amount, envelope time, and more. Rudimentary MPE support with per-channel mod-wheel, pitch-bend, and pressure. Extendible and moddable with Javascript support, skins, etc., just like Microtonic.
    5 points
  4. All ready exists, not the blocking but if the number of posts exceeds a certain number they get blocked. Blocking is not the solution, reporting with a reason, rather than the empty reports of which so many are.
    5 points
  5. https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/pro-audio-app-studio-one-now-supports-linux
    4 points
  6. Simon & Garfunkel - America
    4 points
  7. The Clash - I'm so Bored With the U.S.A.
    4 points
  8. Stranglers - Big In America
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. Best approach with UAD is just ignore them when they do stuff like that. Even with their initial high prices when they went native, for those that ignored them, you ended up getting them at $14 per plugin, or $39 without the thank you voucher. Just ignore them until this bundle offer is over, or whenever they make sense again down the track. I'm sure most of us don't really need any of the plugins, they're just nice to haves 🙂 I'd say this offer was pretty well planned from the onset of the UAD Polymax freebie and knowing they were coming up to Black Friday as a good way to void lots of the active $25 thanks, which for a lot of people will expire before the end of the month. Ignore them and they may add some other offers over this month when sales drop 🙂
    3 points
  11. Oh dang... that's a bummer =/ One thing I've learned from being on this Deals Forum... always snatch a deal the moment you see it. Before they take it away or it expires.
    3 points
  12. Eurika I have found a solution! Steve Slate drums has a free plugin that supports aftertouch events! https://stevenslatedrums.com/ssd5/#SSD5FREE I will also attach my kit preset and mappings for Cakewalk for the Alesis Surge Mesh SE kit. Thanks for everyone's help! basic-kit-with-choke.ssd5kit alesis surge mesh se.iom
    3 points
  13. $69 intro price - Kontakt (Full required) https://www.bestservice.com/en/hoard_picked_acoustic.html
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. I used Ubuntu on a couple of old computers for basic internet stuff and it was fine for that. But I don't think at my age I would want to go the Linux route for my music stuff. I'm getting up in years and rather make music then trouble-shoot.
    2 points
  16. If I didn't have two years left of subscription I'd get a perpetual license. I create in Ableton but mix in Pro Tools. I have a pair of Avid S1 control surfaces and to me that's the best option I've found for mixing.
    2 points
  17. Great product. Takes a little time to wrap your head around it (at least it did for me). Ceiling Of Sound is a pretty nifty product of theirs too.
    2 points
  18. Liikkuva is nice. Decent price too, if you remember to use vst10off code (gives 10% off) as I think the intro price for the library was 49 bucks.
    2 points
  19. My lyric was just a simple line, but yours is really good! Kudos, El Diablo. Although I am a little uncomfortable praising "the devil," you have clearly won this round! Hopefully there are no eternal consequences for that.
    2 points
  20. Not in the sense that you are asking. That's not how Synplant works https://soniccharge.com/synplant The following videos might help provide a more nuanced answer on the Genopatch mutation engine older video with more info on Genopatch.
    2 points
  21. It does indeed, because many of the recent spam has contained it, no not going to say as then the spammers would know.
    2 points
  22. Nightranger - (You Can) Still Rock In America
    2 points
  23. Kim Wilde - Kids In America
    2 points
  24. The Sounds - Living In America
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. This. After I first jumped in, I spent at least as many hours with Theme Editor as I did with Cakewalk, all of it just as enjoyable. And fine with me, I suspect there are more people who checked out and enjoyed the themes I made than who did the same for my music (it helps that the themes actually got released). My compulsive desire to theme every possible element got me to delve into features I had otherwise ignored or been unaware of. None of that would have been possible without TYLIP, as well as the inspiration @Colin Nicholls provided with his Steampunk theme. What a revelation! Themes can also reference pop culture! I hope that there are enough themeable elements in Sonar that we get to have our fun again. Although I doubt I'll ever have a theme I like using as much as I do Green Flat Dark and Blue Flat Dark. Here's hoping that the features of the new UI make up for that.
    2 points
  27. There are some great 80s/synthwave presets from Xenos for Diva, Spire, Hive, and Sylneth. Old School Colors for Diva is particularly good (if you have Diva). EDIT: He has lots of good presets for the original Massive that would fit the bill. I still love the "not X" version of Massive even with its small interface.
    2 points
  28. https://agushardiman.tv/monster-toys-v1-the-ultimate-free-toy-instruments-plugin-for-your-musical-masterpieces/
    2 points
  29. Thanks Jonathan Why has this problem started since the update I have been using the same set up for a few years now with no problems, the asio driver is the manufacturer driver downloaded from the zoom r24 site and is upto date, as I said previously I have changed nothing except download and install update 09
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. A lot of download midi files start the count at zero and if you use the metronome you don’t notice the missing or quiet first click until you export it. I’m using them as backing tracks so I need that first click. So Ripple edit and Select All and drag the project 1 measure. Or I fix it in Wave Lab.
    2 points
  32. New Roland MC-500 hardware MIDI sequencer - $1000 in 1988. I spent the money on an 80286 PC and a Musiquest MPU-501 interface that came bundled with Cakewalk 2.0a for DOS. The rest is history. I emphasize New because I actually bought a used one for $50 c. 2001 just to play with.
    2 points
  33. I Wanna – All American Rejects
    2 points
  34. I clicked on the link and saw what looks like a web page made for little kids and I left.
    2 points
  35. I've uploaded the (possibly) final version of the document, updated for 2023.09 and including recent contributions from folks since the previous update. Thanks folks, it's been fun. I'm looking forward to the theming possibilities in the new Sonar. Hopefully, it won't require anything like as comprehensive as the YLIP.
    2 points
  36. Just two tracks in this song so far, Still a work in progress. 😉 Harmonica solo and a few more tracks planned. Hope you like this song awesome Cakewalk peeps! Critiques and suggestions welcome... 🌹💗😘
    1 point
  37. With invasive drivers you cannot change the dialogue. The other device will show and you can select it but after you hit Apply the invasive driver returns. I was surprised my Tascam invaded the box as it never did this with Motu or Focusrite. But I guess Zooms driver isn't as robust.
    1 point
  38. I need to switch to using one monitor for Cakewalk and second monitor for viewing other apps a lot. Solution is simple. A workspace saved with one monitor set up multi dock at bottom and a workspace saved with multi dock on second monitor. It’s actually the only 2 workspaces I have. 2 seconds to flip over.
    1 point
  39. Xenos Soundworks is offering 50% off everything at xenossoundworks.com with the coupon code: SubscribeToYoutubeChannel The coupon expires on October 9, 2023. https://xenossoundworks.com/
    1 point
  40. Your creative process and the way you experimented with chord progressions and various virtual instruments sound fascinating. It's clear that you put a lot of effort into your music, especially considering the challenging conditions in Arizona during the summer. It's always exciting to hear about the tools and techniques artists use to craft their songs. Keep up the great work, and I hope your musical journey continues to be fulfilling and inspiring! 🎵🎶👏
    1 point
  41. I own it and all of their other drum libraries that I picked up on sales for $15 USD each or so last year, so there is a potential they may discount this more heavily in the coming months. I think it sounds good. Listen to the demos and if you like the sound, that is what you get. It requires full version of KONTAKT.
    1 point
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