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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2023 in all areas

  1. I have received a $25 coupon ever time I have ever purchased from them. They do have an expiration though. So use it while you can. @mibby That unit your looking at looks like one of the newer USB units they have come out with. And what they give you when you purchase the unit will be more than enough to get you started. 1. Yes 2. Kinda yeah and no. The price your seeing at Sweetwater for that USB is about the going rate for most of the Apollo Duos. I haven't seen it for much lower than that on the retail market. I started with a Apollo USB Twin Duo (two channels, two processes), then moved to the Twin X TB 3(two channels, quad procs). The Twin X has much better routing options than the old USB Twin had. With this new USB Apollo that's made for Windows USB, not sure if they implemented those routings options or not. Since you already have UAD plugins, join thier forum and ask there. It may take a day or two but there is always a UAD rep there that can answer any questions you have. In reference to being a long time user and seeing these prices; I have no gripe about it. I have never paid full price for any UAD plugin. And the prices that I did pay for them are more than worth it. I have gotten my money's worth. And besides, every plugin that I do have a license for, when they come out with the native version of it, I get that for free.
    4 points
  2. It's exactly the opposite. I run a studio. Subscriptions are a fixed cost. They go right into the annual budget. They save enormous amounts of money in being able to trial products for an entire year to see what is / isn't used, and never having to worry about buying something at off-sale times, never having to worry about version upgrade cost or compatibility, never wasting money on products that become discontinued / obsolete, or wasting time (money) waiting for sales, worrying about flash sales, or other nonsense. I have access to every product new / old from a company 365 days a year. No stress. Access to everything. One fee, budgeted 1 year in advance. Currently have 17 software-related annual subscriptions for studio. Those include everything from Creative Cloud, Composer Cloud, Loopcloud, Plugin Alliance to Office 365, Arcade, VPN, Spotify, some web services like Dropbox for clients, etc. They total around $2000 per year. It is a relatively fixed cost (goes up a bit each year of course, but some things also get removed / added, so stays about the same.) It covers almost all core software needs, from graphic design to music / audio production, networking, web hosting, cloud hosting, for 3 networked systems in 2 rooms. On top of that, there's a capped budget for additional software like upgrades and sample libraries. This budget cannot be exceeded, and purchases sit in an itemized list until Winter sales season (with few exceptions), and very rarely are products purchased without a full year of trialing, or a substantial review history on Youtube (if the product can't be trialed). You know what budget stresses me out the most? It isn't the subscription one. The day Native Instruments or Spitfire Audio or Orchestral Tools offers something like Creative Cloud (that covers their entire catalog) it will be purchased on day 1. I would much rather have $5K in subscriptions that cover way more than I'd ever need, than half my annual budget assigned to "hope and pray that Black Friday sales allow me to buy what I need". With these subscriptions, it is quite normal for software expenses to remain below $5000 per year. I don't know how long some of you have been around, but for a professional studio, that is ABSURDLY low. 10 years ago, it would not be uncommon to spend well over $1000 just on a handful of UAD plugins, or over $1000 on a single string library. You know what I spend on plugins last year, including PA subscripton? $400. See a difference here? The amount I spent on libraries & plugins between, say, 2005 and 2015 is likely (i have the figure somewhere) worth 30 years of my current annual subscription budget. And almost all those products are now obsolete / abandoned. Shelf life of these products are maybe a few years, unless there's a substantial fee for upgrading to newer versions. You want to talk about waste of money? Buying software is a waste of money. I have a legacy system that has a ton of abandonware worth $1000s of dollars so that projects from 10+ years ago can still be opened if needed. And most of that **** doesn't open. Most of the software can't even be authorized. It's almost entirely pointless to keep the system running. It's like a $10,000 brick of garbage. So much for "owning" software.
    3 points
  3. One of their best REM - Nightswimming
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. It would be nice if subs were setup like Autodesk and Eon. I have a sub at both but my Eon sub for Vue is relatively cheap because it is a non-commercial sub...same software, just can't make money on it's use which is fine for the hobbyist. My sub at Autodesk for Maya allows income from software use up to $100,00 a year with the stipulation that it can't be used on a project that make more than that $100,00. I never understood why I have to pay the same as a multimillion dollar studio for the same software? Even worse if you work for a living and are just getting by you pay a lot more than someone who goes to school and doesn't pay taxes or do anything to benefit anyone but themselves! Crazy world! Bill
    2 points
  6. I'm not sure how the Bakers go about prioritizing feature requests, whether by likes or by the number of replies or just by periodically reviewing activity on the forum. I can't really say they've been terribly responsive to requests over the years. There are some that have been extremely popular that have yet to be implemented (one-track-to-multiple-synths MIDI routing and a chord track come to mind). Some were eventually delivered but took years of nagging (real-time synth recording, arranger track, tempo track). Sometimes there may be a feasibility limitation due to the way CbB is architected; I suspect this is what's preventing implementation of negative/pre-roll measures, for example. But in a lot of cases, it may just come down to what developers are personally interested in working on or things that have to be done just to keep up with industry trends and compatibility demands (like the upcoming scalable UI). This FR seems like it would be quite easy to implement and pretty broadly appealing to a lot of users. And it might help that many other DAWs already have it, but... you just never know what's going to get the Bakers attention.
    2 points
  7. LibreArp is similar as well https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2022/03/12/librearp/
    2 points
  8. at VSTAlarm https://vstalarm.com/product/trap-avengers-v-1-by-sonics-empire-limited-time-free/
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Let's assume that they'll fix it and get the code to work. What's the number one instrument you'd recommend? And what are your thoughts on MNTRA? Is this a deal one shouldn't miss? I know sometimes you get some of their instruments for free.
    2 points
  11. beastie boys - high plains drifter
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. Judas Priest - Desert Plains
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. https://www.npr.org/2013/04/28/179267628/michael-bubl-on-fishing-sinatra-and-auto-tune "People's ears are so tuned to it now. It's almost cosmetic surgery — you can fix little things." Oh, brother! Spare us that nonsense. Just a few days ago, I was reflecting on the exact opposite - how prevalent tuning and intonation, pitch, and timing issues are amongst guitarists and bass players. And it's like most people don't hear it. Even though my love of the instrument is a lifelong affair, I consider myself a mediocre guitarist, in many ways cripplingly less skilled than folks posting lessons and gear demos online, and yet, I find it hard to believe how constantly one or more of these issues creep up in their videos. People with terrifying chops who are seemingly tone-deaf. And the vibrato... The more years pass, the more I feel as if the whole world is going out of tune. So, yeah. Not buying it, Mr. Buble. It's called signing, and when done right, autotune is not necessary. I've heard enough people do it properly and consistently, under much more difficult conditions, and with material a lot more demanding, way too often to turn a deaf ear to that kind of rubbish. Of course, accidents happen live, but the video above is a train wreck, not an accident. And if you NEED autotune in the studio, stop making excuses or go get thee a vocal coach. Anyway, people still buy and enjoy those Elvis and Sinatra record right?
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Do you have access to a computer/DAW? If you rename a ".cwb" file to a ".wav" file, it just daisy-chains all the tracks together. Here is a very old post on the format, but if you have access to any DAW, you can split the tracks apart that way.
    2 points
  18. You're not wrong there.. they're coming at us from all angles.. Maybe perpetual licenses for audio software will become the analog of the digital world and go up in price and be highly sought after 🤔🤣 In a business it's not quite as bad to an extent, but they definitely add up there as well. I can't help but think that a lot of the people heavily using subscription services will be like a leaking ship when it comes to finances and struggling to make ends meet, but never really understanding why until they see what they all add up to each year. I'll be holding out as long as possible and avoid subs at all costs.. apart from phone, internet and power ones you pointed out of course.. they've got me! 🤣
    2 points
  19. I believe hypothetically would be the best replacement...
    2 points
  20. I would personally research monitors that fit your requirements and price point and then look for deals. Amazon days are coming up next month and Black Friday will be here before we know it. My first generation Dynaudio BM5As serve me well, the current version get great reviews. I allocated about 1k and was not disappointed.
    2 points
  21. Bonnie Raitt-Angel from Montgomery:
    2 points
  22. I would simply write a CAL script to do this. Personally, I would write the script to move all of the MIDI events to be close to a given time, but with a random shift of the the time position of the events. That way you do not risk overloading the synth with dense MIDI data. I would write the CAL script to move selected events so they randomly congregate around NOW. As you have never used CAL before, you might not know how to do this. Here is a script that shifts all selected controller event to a random position within 50 ticks of the NOW cursor. (do (forEachEvent (if (== Event.Kind CONTROL) (do (= Event.Time Now) (+= Event.Time (random -50 50)) :this line can be removed if you do want the events at the exact time rather than randomly shifted ) ) ) )
    2 points
  23. Excellent tune Daryl!! Well composed and performed, great hooky melody.Really enjoyed it!
    2 points
  24. The Beatles - Good Morning Good Morning:
    2 points
  25. 40-50% off deals are pretty common from this developer so hopefully something better is coming
    2 points
  26. They make good stuff. I am guitarist and I have a lot of fancy amp sims, but that STARK still gets lots of use from me. its nice to mix tones from different vendors. a well thought out GUI and workflow and easy on CPU.
    2 points
  27. Yes I have been a Loopcloud evangelist. I really like the concept and its integration into DAWs like cakewalk. I have been paying annual sub for it last few years, many of those years getting a reduced sub offer. However this year I got no email reminder my sub was up and it got renewed. I have sent a cancel sub / refund request. they are usually good with this stuff. No doubt they will offer a reduced sub BUT this time I wont be renewing at any price. Especially in the last year I have just not been using it at all and for the next year I cannot justify paying any amount for it for this reason. So another cull victim, but makes sense. Another reason is cost of living here in Ireland - generally getting very expensive here. I am noting even via biz that people have less disposable and are cutting things out and choosing what to spend on and what not to spend on. As an aside it is getting rather eye watering when you look at your DDs every month, the number of subs for various things going out across your software, TV, motor cars, comms etc really does add up to a large amount these days. Psychologically all relatively "small" amounts - but the €15 here, €30 there, €50 etc etc all does add up
    2 points
  28. Phrasebox for just $24.99 today! This offer is only available this weekend. https://audioplugin.deals/product/phrasebox-by-venomode/
    1 point
  29. Just use code FLASH_SALE https://www.mntra.io/shop/
    1 point
  30. Here's a new tune I finished up recently. Finally broke down and invested in Omnisphere a couple months ago, so this was kind of a maiden voyage through those deep waters! I started and ended with a clock ticking sound to set the rhythm and also the theme of the song, and at the same time JohnnyV was doing his own "clock ticking" song. Haha, great minds think alike!
    1 point
  31. Why are you trying to put audio effects on a MIDI track?
    1 point
  32. I also got a Thank you voucher for all the purchases I made on their website. Latest Thank you voucher expired after I upgraded to Diamond edition, but I asked them to reactivate it for the latest native plugin on sale that I didn’t own, and they activated a new one, so I got it for 14$. Excellent customer service.
    1 point
  33. IMO, just liking the post isn't enough if the feature is really important to you. Replying to the topic, with your own reasons why it's important to you, is more likely to get and hold the attention of those making the decisions about how to allocate coding time. And don't worry about necro'ing an old thread, that just shows that the feature is desired by many people over a long period of time. The devs don't have time to ready every post, but they will notice if the same topic keeps rising to the surface. And persistence is not futile. One of my own pet features/headaches was how Cakewalk named and numbered interface inputs, which was DIRE with my old Presonus Firepods. I lobbied for a great long time, others chimed in, and it eventually happened in a very elegant, flexible way. All that you've said about how your hardware recorder had it, about how you researched PT, S1 and Cubase and they all had it, etc., helps make a better case for including it in Cakewalk Sonar (because Cakewalk by BandLab is now feature frozen). AFAIK, the streamlined Cakewalk group at BandLab doesn't have a dedicated marketing person to keep an eye on the competition and suggest/insist that the product include certain new features. This can be a blessing, as it puts quality ahead of questionable "big" feature bloat, but maybe there's a downside as well. This forum is the only way I know of short of making a YouTube video to advocate for features and fixes in the software. Extra points for using the word "clunky" in your post.😆 (The only thing to leave out is a suggestion that it would be easy to do, because there's no way for us to know that.)
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. The Band - Acadian Driftwood:
    1 point
  36. Thank you for that! One of the first Priest songs I ever heard.
    1 point
  37. Got a present for ya! Check your PM's... 😊
    1 point
  38. The Donnas - Huff All Night:
    1 point
  39. Cool and unique sound design. Don't know how to compare though what you could've done in Cakewalk
    1 point
  40. I, for one, do not miss all the hiss and static, the short play times and having to replace the records often because I had played them until they were flat! As a DJ (late 1980 thru late 1983), we were required to hold each record and look at it across the grooves. If the surfaces was a dark and shiny black, we played it. If it was dull and gray, it meant the grooves were gone and the record was flat. Those were noted in our log (so the program manager could replace it) and tossed. Oh, and, yes, I could spin a record on my finger tip while fading in another with my other hand! It looked really cool for those looking into the DJ booth. 😎
    1 point
  41. Got my full LOOPCLOUD Refund - €109 and cancelled. As predicted got an offer email afterwards for 30% off .. nope
    1 point
  42. No, THAT's how you create customer loyalty... 😎
    1 point
  43. It is false, they survived: https://www.gibson.com/en-US/ But as I said above, for those like me who had subscribed to a lifetime subscription, we should have sued Gibson for deception on the goods. But asking Bandlab for a special price, No, I don't see how a contract with Gibson would concern Bandlab, Bandlab owes us nothing (rather, we owe Bandlab for saving our DAW).
    1 point
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