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Customizing question

Jerry Freese

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I have a downloaded theme I love to use with one exception I just cannot find a way to change something and I believe it is possible. In the console view,  the text in the stackable sends boxes goes from a light grey/blue to a slightly darker blue and it is very difficult to see when it is clicked on. I know by seeing other themes there has to be a way to change the text color say,to red or something when it is on. Does anybody know how to do this? I've tried everything that makes sense to me. 

In the attached example  I want  "modulation" text to be a vastly different color when on. Which setting does this?


Edited by Jerry Freese
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45 minutes ago, Jerry Freese said:

 In the console view,  the text in the stackable sends boxes goes from a light grey/blue to a slightly darker blue and it is very difficult to see when it is clicked on. I know by seeing other themes there has to be a way to change the text color say,to red or something when it is on. Does anybody know how to do this?

I have found two ways to change some of the various text colors (1) using the theme editor and (2) using Preferences > Colors.  The trick is to find the right parameter. I will look this afternoon.  Here are some sample text color changes I have done in the track view.  I have done some in the console view. If you like any of the colors I have here, I have the codes written down.

Question: Is "Modulation" the name of one of your buses? If not, what is it?

PS: color changes are not always immediate [from another thread:


>>> Some change only after closing & reopening Cakewalk.

>>> Yes!  Also, I just did some tests with Notes Browser and found some theme colors change (1) when a theme is selected, (2)  when a file is reopened, and (3) when a Screen Set is changed.




Edited by User 905133
(3) to add a PS about when colors change; (2) to ask a Q; (1) to change the png--this one has "School Bus Yellow" for the bus names
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Question: Is "Modulation" the name of one of your buses? If not, what is it?

A: Actually that was just a sample from the internet to show the area of exact text I want to change. My sends are Delay & 2 reverebs

So far this isn't answering my specific question. I have found a way to change text colors but not in the box I have circled. Modulation is just an example of the text & the exact location. When it is clicked on and off it changes color. I want to know how to change those colors and those colors only.

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1 minute ago, Jerry Freese said:

Question: Is "Modulation" the name of one of your buses? If not, what is it?

A: Actually that was just a sample from the internet to show the area of exact text I want to change. My sends are Delay & 2 reverebs

So far this isn't answering my specific question. I have found a way to change text colors but not in the box I have circled. Modulation is just an example of the text & the exact location. When it is clicked on and off it changes color. I want to know how to change those colors and those colors only.

I have been looking for elements trying to find one that matched your screen shot.  When I tried to insert something into that specific location in one of my projects, I had things like buses, patch points, aux tracks, etc. I did not have FX plug-ins in that location. That's why I asked what kind of a send it was.  

When I drag Audio FX to that location, they go into the FX Sends, not the location where you have "Modulation."

I have been working on my own color schemes and I thought looking for the element you are interested in would help both of us, but I think you need someone who can look at your screen shot and tell you the name of that specific element. I tried. Sorry I couldn't answer your question.


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I have something that superficially looks like what you have, but the only way I was able to do this is by creating buses named "Short Delay," "Plate," and "Room." That takes me back to "Question: Is "Modulation" the name of one of your buses? If not, what is it?"  If I know the sends in that section are buses and not audio fx sends, that would help me to look for the elements to colorize.

Someone who has designed full themes (or has done extensive colorizing) can probably just tell you which element you need to adjust in less time than it would take for me to teach myself.   Below is a theme I tweaked slightly a few months ago with the three buses added in as sends (the image on the left). It is based on M. Titanium by @Matthew White . Perhaps he can tell you.

Notice that in M. Titanium the parameters in the Inspector/Track section seem to be a similar shade of green to "Short Delay," "Plate," and "Room" (the image on the the right).  Perhaps it is the same element. If not, finding the elements that use that color would be one way I'd look for it.  However, maybe Matthew White knows which element it is off the top of his head. I will probably continue looking for color elements myself, but it will no doubt take me some time. 

Hope this helps.



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As I had said, the "modulation" thing was just an example, it has little to do with what I am asking.  I initially thought that was enough to get someone to understand what I was asking for.

The last screenshot I provided showed and circled the exact text I want to change color of. In your example short delay,plate room, That is what I wan to change  text color of. Yours are green.  What element changes it to green? I want a different color for "on" and "off"

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8 hours ago, User 905133 said:

maybe Matthew White knows which element it is off the top of his head. I will probably continue looking for color elements myself

@Jerry Freese @User 905133

? I never know off the top of my head, I always forget and have to search every time except for the easy ones like track names lol. It doesn't help that the Theme Editor appears to be neglected and colors that change one thing are, or become (after updates to Cakewalk), colors that also change other things, this is one of those.

To change the color of the text for Sends, you need to change the color for 'Horizontal Sliders' so this will also change your horizontal sliders to the same color (as seen in the 2nd screenshot below) and that may or may not be want you want to happen, that can and does put a spanner in the works for theme creation and I often have to compromise in some areas due to this lack of separation with some colors.




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35 minutes ago, Jerry Freese said:

Thanks. I was trying to change this in preferences/colors. I don't think I have a "theme editor".

Just checked and it appears it can't be changed in color preferences, the theme editor can be downloaded free via BandLab Assistant and is easy enough to use if you just want to change a few colors in a theme. If you need more help with that, there's a group on Facebook with helpful step by step guides or I can post links here to any of those guides that you may need if you're not on Facebook or don't want to join the group. ?

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Do you have to keep bandlab assistant on your computer?  If I wanted to download/use say, Sonar platinum (bandlab version) will it run without the assistant?

I am always leery about "assistant " type programs, being as if it was really free you could just download it. "Assistant" downloads usually tell me something is phoning home,tracking or taxing my memory somehow.

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BandLab Assistant is required. It is used to activate and update CbB. It also provides access to BandLab the Chrome-based DAW and the BandLab loop library which may be used in BandLab and CbB.

BA does not phone home until it needs to reactivate the software or when asked by the user to perform some task. CbB has a 6 month activation which is refreshed when updates are applied or by BA as needed.

CbB itself contains an analytics module which may be disabled in preferences.

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You only need to run BandLab Assistant when you want to install Cakewalk and/or the Theme Editor. It can stay running all the time, but it's very easy to turn that off and just run it when you want to. Cakewalk itself will let you know when there is an update available or a couple of weeks in advance of when your subscription needs to be validated. The subscription needs to be validated at least once every 6 months.

Cakewalk has a downloader, just like SONAR did. The difference is that you need to run the same program at least once every 6 months to re-validate your license. You are never forced to update Cakewalk if you don't want to, and SONAR and Cakewalk coexist happily without interfering with each other.

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20 hours ago, Jerry Freese said:

As I had said, the "modulation" thing was just an example, it has little to do with what I am asking.  I initially thought that was enough to get someone to understand what I was asking for.

The last screenshot I provided showed and circled the exact text I want to change color of. In your example short delay,plate room, That is what I wan to change  text color of. Yours are green.  What element changes it to green? I want a different color for "on" and "off"


On 11/12/2019 at 3:37 PM, User 905133 said:

 I tried. Sorry I couldn't answer your question.


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