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It Finally Caught up to Me


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After all these years evading the virus, I was beginning to think I was immune. Or at least very lucky. But it caught up to me at Saturday's gig.

The following day I was aching, but that's normal after moving gear so I wasn't concerned. After a gig my back usually aches for a day and then I'm good. But by Sunday night I was having chills, so I went to bed and stayed there for the next three days. Today, after a much-needed infusion  of peanut butter and jelly, I am feeling much better, but my brain remains foggy and I'm very tired.

The worst part is I don't know what to do with my time. I can't string two thoughts together, so composing and recording isn't happening. Watching TV hurts my eyes. Listening to music hurts my ears. Can't focus to read. I have no appetite. I've been banished to the garage so no household interaction. Only posting in the Coffee House has a low-enough bar for my addled head.

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That sucks. Sorry to hear that.

If it's any consolation, it's the worst the first time you get it. I've had it officially 3 times now and it was no more than minor sniffles after the first time.

I think I may have had it more times, but now it's just a bit of brain fog and being tired. I pop that Vitamin C supplement called Ester C and it knocks it right out of me. It has something in it to keep the extremely high dose of C in your system longer and seems to help me. Placebo effect maybe. I dunno.

I even live with someone who has officially had it more times than I have. The last two times when she had it I never got it.

The first time I got it, I was driving to NJ from MO. I got this nasty neck pain and thought I just tweaked my neck. 2 days later I was down and got checked and it turns out that neck pain is one of the symptoms. Never heard of that symptom on the news.

@craigb I had the flu once. I wanted to die. I remember my girlfriend held me up at the kitchen sink while I had cold water running on my head to ease the nausea as I was slumped over on a chair with my head in the sink. OMG it was awful. I see how that could be very deadly to an older person and why they worry so much about it with the seasonal flu shots and all. It's wicked.

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And on the other side of the world in oztralia, Covid smacked me down 3 days ago. In my misery I turned to read the Coffee House forum and lo and behold here’s a fellow current sufferer telling his tale of woe.

get better soon flipper of bits. The good thing about typing is it doesn’t hurt my throat which feels like it’s been cut.

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5 hours ago, Michael Vogel said:

And on the other side of the world in oztralia, Covid smacked me down 3 days ago. In my misery I turned to read the Coffee House forum and lo and behold here’s a fellow current sufferer telling his tale of woe.

get better soon flipper of bits. The good thing about typing is it doesn’t hurt my throat which feels like it’s been cut.

Get well soon Michael

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On 5/29/2024 at 8:24 PM, bitflipper said:

I don't know what to do with my time. I can't string two thoughts together

There are many people in senior positions the world over that never let that particular problem get in the way of their upward progress.

Man up and deliver the Montage review.?

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