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Lets hear a comment sombody said to you about your music after they heard it.


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My doctor finally listened to my music and said it liked it a lot  . Then he told the office manager about my playing ,

Now every time I see her she tells me how much she enjoyed listening to my music while vacuuming and cleaning her house ?

You got one ? Lets hear it.


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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  • kennywtelejazz changed the title to Lets hear a comment sombody said to you about your music after they heard it.

" The music is ok, but you need singing lessons." - my late father in law's one and only reaction to the CD I spent ages putting together for him as a gift.

Not saying that he was wrong, but given the circumstances at least pour a little sugar on it man!

On a related note, a friend who worked in a nursing home during 2020 was told by a resident....."you have a lovely face for a mask." ?

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About 20 years ago I was playing at an open mic in a coffee house in the San Fernando Valley . I get up plug in my guitar and sit on a chair on the little riser stage .

A young guy with shoulder length hair wearing a fashionably in style plaid flannel shirt walks up gets on his knees and places his elbows and upper body partially on the riser stage and leans into my direction watching me like a Hawk as I played my guitar .

So I'm in the process of playing a Jazzed Up version of Little Wing and I say to myself I hope the guy digs what I'm playing . When I get done playing the song he says to me "Did you finally get your guitar in tune "?   



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Picture the scene....

First gig ever. It seems to be going well. Between songs the handsome young synth player is twiddling his various knobs in preparation for the next song whilst looking, even if he thinks so himself, really quite cool with his new hairstyle and pvc trousers. In her excitement, a teenage girl takes the opportunity to approach the stage and talk to him. He can't quite hear what she is saying, so he leans over to be able to hear her better.......

" Do you know any Wham songs ?"

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Me, "Hey, what do you think of this? Been working on it for about 3 months. 50 trips to the truck to listen and check the mix. I think I finally got it."

Her, "It's ok. I don't like country. Something doesn't sound right. The guitar is too loud. What's that odd sound on it? The bass doesn't sound good. Drums don't sound right. Why is there so much echo on your voice? It's too loud on the left. I think I heard the neighbors cat. Anyway, it's nice. Where are you going to pick up dinner, I'm hungry."

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3 hours ago, Bapu said:

^^^^ Every. Single. Time.

The point that you realise that not only does that person find your music, at best, boring, but they don't even have enough respect for you as a person to come up with a decent lie.


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Then there was the time a collaborator got us a mini-gig playing background music for a wine-and-cheese opening for an art gallery. As we were packing up, one of the attendees came up and said, "You guys are really good!!!" followed by more praise I thought was more the result of the wine and cheese. In reality, we were so-so at best, but it gave me a chance to practice being polite as I was wrapping up cables and packing up gear. 

I haven't thought of that incident in ages.  Thanks for asking!

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I've received many (sincere I hope) compliments, but since the topic seems to have gone toward the wah wah WAHHHH.....

I was in Bath, England, in a small lightly populated pub one afternoon. Was chatting with the barman, a young chap, mentioned that my (proto grunge Faith No More-ish) band had just finished doing a demo in a studio. He showed interest in hearing what was coming out of San Francisco at that time (1990) and asked if he could play it on the pub's sound system. Joy!

Halfway through the second song, a grumpy pub owner appeared and ordered him to turn it off, snapping "this isn't a heavy metal pub!"

Well, it wasn't a heavy metal band either....

As for people's reactions to my music in general, well, I've always tried to remember that I make it so that it sounds good to me, that my own tastes have always been outside the mainstream, and that if anyone else at all likes it, that's a bonus. Even if someone's just pretending to like it, that's nice, that they like me enough to care about my feelings.

The best/funniest times have been when friends have come to shows or listened to tracks out of a sense of duty, and I can tell that they are genuinely surprised that they like it. ?

And @User 905133, I'd take the "good driving music" to be quite a compliment.

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My sister recently said some of my band's music sounded like Nickleback. While that was insulting enough, we recorded it in 1993, so really ....Nickleback sounds like US then!!!

My sister and her husband said they like Nickleback, which made it even worse.

I mean, seriously? FML

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