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I shaved my head this morning


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After two outdoor gigs where I thought I was gonna die from heat exhaustion, and another outdoor stage today, I said f*k it, and shaved my head.

Sheesh, I am so white. Other band members will be wearing shorts today, but I dare not, lest I completely blind the audience.

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1 hour ago, bitflipper said:

I am so white

ditto, my nickname in gym class was "snowman"!
Kinda tough in SoCal and a significant portion of your buddies are surfers.
Suffered some terrible sunburns when I was talked into a "day at the beach".

If the sun is shining when I'm dreaming I wake up "burned"; it then blisters and peels and I'm as "white" as when I started...


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12 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

Time to update your profile pic. ?

Nah. The same way you don't throw out unfashionable clothes, you just store them until they're fashionable again, time resets everything. Keeping my dome shaved is too much  work, and my next haircut will likely be in June 2024.

The red pigment visible in my thumbnail, however, will unfortunately never return.

8 minutes ago, Bapu said:

@bitflipper how did the gig go?

It was a most pleasant gig. 80 degrees, partly overcast. Nice stage, outdoors in a really cool parklike area behind a diner alongside the North Cascades Highway, a popular summertime tourist route that takes you from the Pacific Ocean to the Cascade Mountains. Many in our audience were motorists who'd heard the music from the highway and pulled in for dinner. That made our employers happy. They gave us food, always a sure way to a musician's heart. Probably literally, in this case. 

The mood was further enhanced by the gentle incense of a distant wildfire. Mmm, summertime in the Pacific Northwest.

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I have started wearing a hat again. In August!

Next week I'll be going on a whale-watching tour. Hats will be the order of the day, both for warmth and sun protection.

(I should note that I have ethical concerns about whale watching; I think we should leave the Orcas alone. But my daughter's visiting from Colorado and wanted to do it so her kids could experience it.)

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3 hours ago, craigb said:

The last time I went whale-watching, I was in downtown Portland... 

Hey !  the same thing happened to me .  I went out to enjoy  a simple local speed dating night held at a Portland night club . 

When signing up ,  I should have read the fine print. There it was plain as day . The event was being hosted by the association of Portland Female  Shamu's ! and Orcas !



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I'm just looking forward to when it stops feeling like sandpaper. Or at least a finer grit.

And then there's the dilemma of where to stop shaving.

Plus when I look in the mirror, the face in the reflection looks like somebody who's about to start a fight over a spilled beer. 

On the upside, with the money I'm saving on shampoo I'm gonna buy myself a new beanie for Christmas.

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