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Playlist Attention Please !!!!!!


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4 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

This has been resolved for the next release. There is a new read only mode for the playlist.

Great news Noel!  Thanks so much for your efforts.  Any chance that little Virtual Jukebox utility could be re-implemented in Cakewalk somewhere down the road?

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On 8/19/2019 at 12:15 PM, Matthew Carr said:

Of course this could be dangerous without understanding it's meaning, but I doubt anyone would set this switch unless they knew what it did. Would be fantastic when using other programs to manage a setlist though..

I am glad to see Noel's post. Your comment is not far-fetched at all. In a live scenario, having a save reminder is often not desired. Overloud's TH series has had a "Live" button forever (off by default). Other VSTs have similar, so when you shift gears, it just shifts gears with you and blows off any changes you made.

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That is great news @Noel Borthwick. Whilst the playlist has your attention, there is an intermittent problem I have run into over many years of using it. With an enabled playlist ustilising 'wait for keypress', on certain devices, due to the fact that the upcoming project doesn't load until you start playing the current project,  playback is prone to small glitches as this happens. The problem seems to be asio driver dependent. The most recent device I encountered this on was the Behringer X32. It does not happen using wasapi mode, but then you are limited to 16 output channels.  Changing buffer settings does not help. I understand that this is probably a driver issue given that it works perfectly on some devices, but a small change to how the playlist functions would allow a workaround on any device. Would it be possible for the playlist to load ahead as the project that has just finished playing closes, rather than waiting for the keystroke for the next project to start. That way if the glitching problem presents itself you have the choice of waiting a couple of seconds until the upcoming project has finished loading before starting playback. So at the moment, with a playlist enabled and all songs set to wait for keypress:

1. Project A Loads and playlist waits.  2. Upon keypress, Project  A starts and Project B loads.  3. When Project A finishes it closes, and playlist waits for keypress. 4. Upon keypress, Project B starts and Project C loads.

Would it be possible instead to have:

1. Project A and Song B load.   2. Upon keypress, Project A starts.  3. As Project A closes, Project C loads and playlist waits.  3. Upon keystroke, Project B starts.  4. At the end of the song, as Project B closes, Project D loads.

Only 2 projects are ever open, as is the case now. The timing is such though that loading does not necessarily have to happen as playback is taking place. At the moment, loading only takes place during playback and there is no way to avoid it.

Just a thought. It may be too big a job, but you never know if you don't ask:) 



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23 hours ago, Pathfinder said:

OK-It has been a long time since I even looked at the playlist. But I do not remember a "lyrics View"?

Where can I find info about the "lyric view" in playlist?

Thanks - I did search for it but came up empty.


Lyric view is not part if the playlist feature. It is a view within each project. It can of course be used in conjunction with the plalist. If you save a song with lyric view open, it will open that way from within the playlist.  Some details here:



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51 minutes ago, Tenfoot said:

Thanks @Tenfoot, cool! Had no idea it existed, but I'm sure it can be very useful ! :D

My first thought was that project loading times might be annoying, and then I read your post above... ?

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4 hours ago, Tenfoot said:

That is great news @Noel Borthwick. Whilst the playlist has your attention, there is an intermittent problem I have run into over many years of using it. With an enabled playlist ustilising 'wait for keypress', on certain devices, due to the fact that the upcoming project doesn't load until you start playing the current project,  playback is prone to small glitches as this happens. The problem seems to be asio driver dependent. The most recent device I encountered this on was the Behringer X32. It does not happen using wasapi mode, but then you are limited to 16 output channels.  Changing buffer settings does not help. I understand that this is probably a driver issue given that it works perfectly on some devices, but a small change to how the playlist functions would allow a workaround on any device. Would it be possible for the playlist to load ahead as the project that has just finished playing closes, rather than waiting for the keystroke for the next project to start. That way if the glitching problem presents itself you have the choice of waiting a couple of seconds until the upcoming project has finished loading before starting playback. So at the moment, with a playlist enabled and all songs set to wait for keypress:

1. Project A Loads and playlist waits.  2. Upon keypress, Project  A starts and Project B loads.  3. When Project A finishes it closes, and playlist waits for keypress. 4. Upon keypress, Project B starts and Project C loads.

Would it be possible instead to have:

1. Project A and Song B load.   2. Upon keypress, Project A starts.  3. As Project A closes, Project C loads and playlist waits.  3. Upon keystroke, Project B starts.  4. At the end of the song, as Project B closes, Project D loads.

Only 2 projects are ever open, as is the case now. The timing is such though that loading does not necessarily have to happen as playback is taking place. At the moment, loading only takes place during playback and there is no way to avoid it.

Just a thought. It may be too big a job, but you never know if you don't ask:) 



Thanks I'll take a look. I think at minimum it should be preloading the next project ahead of time irrespective of the wait for keypress option.

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5 hours ago, GreenLight said:

Thanks @Tenfoot, cool! Had no idea it existed, but I'm sure it can be very useful ! :D

My first thought was that project loading times might be annoying, and then I read your post above... ?

Give it a try though greenlight. This issue does not occur with every audio interface. There is zero load time in it's absence as the next project loads whilst the current one is playing.

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Say you have 3 songs in a playlist.  If you set a delay for song 2, it looks to me like it doesn't do anything but wait during the delay between song 1 and song 2.  Then when the delay is over, and song 2 starts to play, it seems to then load song 3.  I hear some glitching while song 2 is starting to play as a result, and I have a very capable laptop loading off of SSD.  Shouldn't it be loading during the delay so as not to interfere with song 2?  Maybe Tenfoot's suggestion would solve this but wouldn't it be better to also have it load during the delay?

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39 minutes ago, craigr68 said:

Say you have 3 songs in a playlist.  If you set a delay for song 2, it looks to me like it doesn't do anything but wait during the delay between song 1 and song 2.  Then when the delay is over, and song 2 starts to play, it seems to then load song 3.  I hear some glitching while song 2 is starting to play as a result, and I have a very capable laptop loading off of SSD.  Shouldn't it be loading during the delay so as not to interfere with song 2?  Maybe Tenfoot's suggestion would solve this but wouldn't it be better to also have it load during the delay?

The suggestion I made would mean that the project would be loading in the delay/wait for keypress craigr68, but Noel's suggestion would solve our problem too.  The Ioading syntax would work the same as it does now, but not wait for the keypress/end of delay to commence loading the upcoming project, so it would be loading in the pause as you suggest. As the playlist completed project  A, it would close that project and immediately load project C, THEN wait for the keypress/end of pause to start playback of project B. If this were the case and nothing else changed, at worst we would need to load a dummy project at the start of the playlist to avoid a single instance of song loading whilst playback was taking place detween project A and B, though hopefully this would be addressed too.

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That sounds good.  I just would prefer not to have to hit a keypress and if it needs time to load, then load it during a small delay, so as not to interfere with playback.  I think it only takes about 2 or 3 seconds to load my songs.  I wonder if there could be a way to load during playback unobtrusively.  I'm just putting ideas out there.

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5 minutes ago, craigr68 said:

That sounds good.  I just would prefer not to have to hit a keypress and if it needs time to load, then load it during a small delay, so as not to interfere with playback.  I think it only takes about 2 or 3 seconds to load my songs.  I wonder if there could be a way to load during playback unobtrusively.  I'm just putting ideas out there.

I was just editing my post to include the pause as well as the wait for keystroke as you posted! Take a look. I think it would work exactly as we both need:)

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