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2019.07 Feature Overview

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Not exactly. Previously it would play from the start of the clip not the now position. Completely different function. In comp nose clicking the lower half is supposed to isolate not additionally rewind the now time by default that's why we decoupled the two. And made it require a shift gesture. There is no change in behavior from the past in that regard except that it isn't the default.

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13 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Not exactly. Previously it would play from the start of the clip not the now position. Completely different function. In comp nose clicking the lower half is supposed to isolate not additionally rewind the now time by default that's why we decoupled the two. And made it require a shift gesture. There is no change in behavior from the past in that regard except that it isn't the default.

I think the part throwing me is having to hold Shift where as before it was simply Clicking while comping both selected the clip and played it from the start of the clip.  I don’t want to have to hold shift the entire time I’m comping.  The more I can do one handed with my graphics tablet pen the better.

I would prefer comp mode to allow for selecting the clip as well as playing from the point of selection (when set during playback is selected) , all the while not having to press shift.


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As I said the shift click is for the "rewind to start of clip" behavior. Its not intended to seek to the click position itself. 
If you want to seek to the click position in a lane, click on the top half of the clip. That allows you to set the position while playing (if set during playback is enabled)

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4 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

As I said the shift click is for the "rewind to start of clip" behavior. Its not intended to seek to the click position itself. 
If you want to seek to the click position in a lane, click on the top half of the clip. That allows you to set the position while playing (if set during playback is enabled)

It’s not allowing me to set the position and select the clip at the same time during playback with Comp enabled on the smart tool.  I can select a clip but playback won’t start where I click.  I can click the middle of the clip which will start playback at that position but won’t select (isolate) that clip.   It will select the clip and playback from the clip beginning If I Shift Select.   It will select the clip and move the playhead there when the song is stopped.,  I need it to select the clip I click on and playback from where I’ve clicked.

What I’m used to is pre-slicing the phrases of the takes I’m comping. Then during playback I’m selecting each take one at a time till I decide what’s best.  Then clicking and listening to the next phrase and so forth.  Previously, while comping, selecting a take during playback would play everything from the start of that clip.  So now to do this I’m having to hold Shift then select.  I would at least like to not have to hold shift to accomplish this like before (Tablet pen in right hand selecting listening  and choosing while the left hand holds the frosted fudge little debbies) . But a step further would be  to allow both the selection of the clip and setting the playback while comping when that setting is set.

It’s a small thing but definitely noticed the change.  

I really appreciate all of the hard work going into Cakewalk and don’t want any of my small nags to over shadow all of the Greatness that’s being done. Loving all of the new features as well as the squashing of old and new bugs! I didn’t mean to nag at the bottom of an announcement thread Sorry! ✌️

Edited by Blogospherianman
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Thanks, its not a problem - I understand now. You want to be able to isolate the clip AND set the playback position at the same time. 
When I made the change originally (which was much before the addition of the new click option) I had moved the behavior to rewind to the clip start to require the CTRL modifier. However now that we have a click option it seems logical to allow it to also seek to the mouse position additionally, since it can be disabled via the click option.

I'll make the change for the next release.

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awesome updates! they nailed a lot of issues I was hoping they would fix/improve. Now If only they bring that DSP-Fx StudioVerb back my life will be complete! lol. Im just so used to that as my go-to reverb for all these years; if they could some how allow cakewalk bandlab to utilize that cursed plugin that would be so nice.


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4 hours ago, winkpain said:


However, for me the updated Help Module info is not showing. For example, hovering over Clips or the ProChannel modules cause nothing to be displayed in the Help Module. Other Help texts show as expected.

@winkpain Copy the files from C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Help Module and paste them to the %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Help Module folder (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Help Module).

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54 minutes ago, Morten Saether said:

@winkpain Copy the files from C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Help Module and paste them to the %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Help Module folder (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Help Module).

I have just done the above mentioned file moving, confirming the new file dates copied to the <username> Help Module folder. This, unfortunately, did not correct the issue. Neither did opening CbB while holding the SHIFT key.

Still no added help module text is displaying.

It is not a major issue for me, but just saying...

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31 minutes ago, scook said:

@Morten Saether I see the files are not missing, They were not overwritten with the update. I just copied the help (EN dtd 7-31). The clip help shows up OK. I do not believe PC modules ever had help module entries.

@scook  I too have copied this file dated 7-31 but still get no clip display in the help module, hovering over audio or MIDI clips.

I also notice that IF the Help Module is floating (not docked) AND IF the browser pane is collapsed, the Help Module will not display anything that the cursor hovers over.



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19 minutes ago, winkpain said:

See my Aug 14th  submission, "Updated HELP MODULE info not displaying" ....


@winkpain There is an error in the release notes. There is currently no Help Module content for ProChannel. The fix is that pressing F1 when the ProChannel EQ Fly Out is open (and a control has focus) will open the correct online help topic ("QuadCurve Equalizer module"). F1 would previously open the Track view help topic. We will update the release notes.

Are you still not seeing Help Module content for clips?

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Glad for the changes, but I've finding something really basic has changed for me and it sounds simular to what is mentioned above: 

What I’m used to is pre-slicing the phrases of the takes I’m comping. Then during playback I’m selecting each take one at a time till I decide what’s best.  Then clicking and listening to the next phrase and so forth.  Previously, while comping, selecting a take during playback would play everything from the start of that clip.  So now to do this I’m having to hold Shift then select.

Now I don't mind holding down the shift key all that much but I find that when I do it zooms in onto the clip changing from this: 



to THIS: 



Where i can only see the small section that I'm working on.    This really changes things for me, i suppose I could get used to it, but I'm used to having the wider view of things.    Is there a way to change it so it doesn't zoom when I click on it before? 

Thanks again for a great program and all your work 

Edited by HappyRon Hill
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