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2019.07 Feature Overview

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I just installed Cakewalk, finally, and love the new improvements! Unfortunately, one small workflow flaw is still present: when dragging a selection of clips with the mouse, if you then decide to cancel before drop (for example you've forgot to change the snap setting from "Snap To" to "Snap By" -  happens to me often) after clicking ESC key the whole selection of clips gets lost and only one clip keeps highlighted. This one would be brilliant to solve.

Additionally if there would be a way to change this snap TO/BY setting with a keyboard shortcut on the fly during dragging, that would be also a great improvement. Nevertheless awesome job gents, many thanks! :D

Edited by chris.r
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  On 8/8/2019 at 11:27 PM, Chris Boshuizen said:

Thanks, what a wonderful update! This is already making my life easier!

Can we add an option to disable lane-reusing on recording? For large numbers of takes this feature makes keeping track the good ones very hard because they are all disjointed and out of order. 


Chris, can you describe in more detail what you mean by this, what issue you are running into? I do most of my recording by doing full-length takes, so I may not have encountered the situation you're talking about yet.

Does Cakewalk use the first available lane if your newly-recorded clip doesn't overlap with any previously-recorded clip(s)? If it does, then yes, it would be nice to be able to turn that off.

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I gotta say, this release, all these new features, I'm still bumping into cool stuff that I either hadn't noticed or hadn't quite grasped how useful the feature would be.

For instance, Selection Markers. The ability to make selections with persistent repositionable markers is going to be HUGE for me.

In my workflow, it'll allow me to do the same kind of precision selecting that I do in audio editors like Sound Forge and Audacity.

And all the markers having the little letters on them so I know which one I'm moving! Brill!

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  On 8/21/2019 at 3:27 PM, David Baay said:

D'oh!  ln all my decades of computer use, I never realized this was possible. I have always 'escaped' by finding a place in the UI where it's disallowed to drop the object. 

Thanks for the 'pro tip'.  ?



  On 8/21/2019 at 7:34 PM, Colin Nicholls said:

...and I use Ctrl-Z!


In each of these situations Cakewalk won't preserve the selection of clips, whether you do ESC key or drop where it's disallowed or if you ctrl+drag-copy the clips and then ctrl+Z. Only if you move the clips and ctrl+Z Cakewalk will back to the selection. That's ok if you copy/move just one or two clips, but if there's a bunch of them that was laboriously selected then it become a major break in the workflow.

Dear Alchemists, we need a fix, please! :D 

Edited by chris.r
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  On 8/22/2019 at 3:26 PM, chris.r said:

That's ok if you copy/move just one or two clips, but if there's a bunch of them that was laboriously selected then it become a major break in the workflow.


Not to downplay the importance of having this issue addressed, but I try to avoid making complicated selections because it's all too easy to lose them  (or inadvertently include/exclude something) by my own ineptitude if not by a bug. ;^)

I'll usually just take the the extra bit of time to perform several  independent operations on partial selections.

And I also make liberal use of Ctrl+Z. ;^)


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The way I'm used to work in Cakewalk causes that almost none of the clips starts/ends at the bar lines exactly. That's why I'm heavily dependent on the SNAP BY function and also arranging song parts requires thoughtful clip selections. Along with the ability for siblings (linked clips) this makes a powerful workflow for me that I loved for decades to work with. Making clip selections is a huge part of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/15/2019 at 11:38 AM, Starship Krupa said:

Does Cakewalk use the first available lane if your newly-recorded clip doesn't overlap with any previously-recorded clip(s)? If it does, then yes, it would be nice to be able to turn that off.


Correct! So the takes end up looking like this:

Take 8 ==========================
Take 7 ==========================
Take 5 ==========================
Take 9  === Take 4   ================
Take 3  =====  Take 6 ===============
Take 2 ==========================
Take 1 ==========================

This is a specific feature that was added and announced in one of the Sonar monthly releases 2 or so years ago. 

This causes me a lot of problems, becausen my mind, Take 9 is an improved version of Take 8, so it should logically sit nearby.  Sometimes, in big projects, I can't even find the newest take! Comping can become a real nightmare. 

I would really prefer them to look like this, like it used to:

Take 9  ===
Take 8 ==========================
Take 7 ==========================
                              Take 6 ================
Take 5 ==========================
                     Take 4   =================
Take 3  ===== 
Take 2 ===========================
Take 1 =========================


Thanks for reading!

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It could be useful in a smaller project that you wish to keep more compact, but certainly I can see where that could get very confusing in a large project with many takes. My brain can only keep track of so many before I have to start thinking in terms of "the one at the top is the most recent, and probably the keeper."

+1 for giving the user the ability to switch this behavior back to the way it used to work. I haven't encountered it yet, but if I did and didn't know it worked that way, I would find it confusing.

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