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Please make VST3 (and Sonitus, etc.) Presets available in plug-in dropdown menu

Salvatore Sorice

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On 1/19/2023 at 9:59 AM, Sal Sorice said:

Cross-posting files from the other forum is discouraged . . . .

15 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

By whom?

1 hour ago, Sal Sorice said:

The moderators over at the referenced site.

Evidently the owner of the group (Mike of Creative Sauce) created it as a private group at Facebook, which is his right to do.  There are plenty of groups that make their sites accessible to the public for reading posts and comments and for watching videos, etc. 

I noticed on a recent video Creative Sauce still creates videos including a recent one related to Cakewalk.  He now has a sponsor. Perhaps that is why he doesn't have a presence here.  I wondered if that's why he left and why the group is private. 

From what I have seen, there have been others who used the forum here and then "went private" such as developing content and then publishing it.

I think they have a right to make money from their efforts.

In this case Sal was kind enough to share the information about this possibility (presets being listed via an *.spp file) and Mimo was kind enough to have posted here the work that he did.  I assume any individual who contributes material the results of their own individual efforts there is welcome by Bandlab to share it here.

I can understand that the owner/moderators of a private group might see a need to have a blanket policy.

Personally, I have never met Mark Zuckerberg, but based on what he has done and continues to do I have no plans to join Facebook.  I am thankful for those companies and individuals that have made their groups public. In fact I have now book marked two such groups that have content related to my music-making interests.


Edited by User 905133
fixed typos; added "the results of their own individual efforts" in the interest of clarity
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8 hours ago, User 905133 said:

Evidently the owner of the group (Mike of Creative Sauce) created it as a private group at Facebook, which is his right to do.

If I have to get on Faecebook to get the content, I'll pass. The only time I do anything Cakewalk-y on there is when I have a new custom theme to *****.

As far as crossposting, any information I post is property of ME and I will post it anywhere I please.

8 hours ago, User 905133 said:

I don't know if he approached Bandlab for financial support, but I wondered if that's why he left....

Approaching BandLab for any kind of promo money is a good way to be disappointed. It's just not how they roll.

As far as why YouTubers not being around the forum, well, unfortunately, it's apparently not even worth it for them to announce new content here, as so few hits come from this forum (or any, for that matter). That's according to @John Vere of Cactus Studios fame, who remains a stalwart forum participant. @AdK Studios is the only YouTuber who still bothers to announce new videos in the Tutorials section. It's sad. Not even XelOhh posts announcements here any more.

One reason I can think of is that we of the forum tend to be veterans who feel less in need of tutorials. Which always turns out not to be true, at least in my 5-years-of-using-Cakewalk case. My eternal inability to figure out VocalSync was solved in a Lorene "The Produce Aisle" Anderson video. She only started using the program last year, and sometimes does videos she calls "Cakestumbles" where she just flounders around discovering things. Sounds useless, maybe, but is not at all. In those videos, due to her naivete, she stumbles across features and workflows that I've missed or forgotten about.

She's one creator of Cakewalk videos that I've practically begged to check the place out, if only just to lurk and glean some good tips to share with her viewers, and AFAIK, she's had none of it. Of course, being female is unfortunately sometimes a gateway for poor treatment in forums (this one not included, our sistas in the pit are invariably warmly welcomed).

I guess people would rather have valuable information scroll away into oblivion and answer the same basic questions over and over again. Faecebook. Reddit, YouTube comments....bleah. Although I do sometimes drop in and help on the Cakewalk Reddit.

Anyway, we've all come through with the Plugin Alliance (and other) .spp's. Just about every PA effect has been covered in the past 48 hours. All hail the helpful Cakewalk forumites!

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For the record, DX and VST3 formats are supported by the Cakewalk Preset Manager.


May need to work with support for figure out why the Sonitus presets are not getting picked up (permissions?).


Plugin Alliance is a different matter. Brainworx started out as a developer of UAD plug-ins. Like other UAD plug-in developers, they relied on the UAD environment to supply the plug-in manager. Unlike other UAD plug-in developers, Brainworx, along with quite a few of the other PA lines, elected to release their plug-ins as native plug-ins without an integrated plug-in manager. Practically all native VST2/3 plug-ins have an integrated plug-in manager. That said, some of the VST3 plug-ins sold by PA do automatically work with the Cakewalk Plug-in Manager, such as plug-ins made by Bettermaker, Dear VR and Lindell.


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24 minutes ago, scook said:

For the record, DX and VST3 formats are supported by the Cakewalk Preset Manager.


May need to work with support for figure out why the Sonitus presets are not getting picked up.


Plugin Alliance is a different matter. Brainworx started out as a developer of UAD plug-ins. Like other UAD plug-in developers, they relied on the UAD environment to supply the plug-in manager. Unlike other UAD plug-in developers, Brainworx, along with quite a few of the other PA lines, elected to release their plug-ins as native plug-ins without an integrated plug-in manager. Practically all native VST2/3 plug-ins have an integrated plug-in manager. That said, some of the VST3 plug-ins sold by PA do automatically work with the Cakewalk Plug-in Manager; such as plug-ins made by Bettermaker, Dear VR and Lindell.


This sounds strange to me! AFAIK do all the PA plugins support the usual plugin preset way in CbB as VST2 (listbox on top)! But not their VST3 version! But if I use the VST3 version in Reaper, then there is no problem at all. The presets are selectable in their common place. Thus there is a certain thing missing in CbB for the VST3 presets IMHO!

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14 minutes ago, marled said:

This sounds strange to me! AFAIK do all the PA plugins support the usual plugin preset way in CbB as VST2 (listbox on top)! But not their VST3 version! But if I use the VST3 version in Reaper, then there is no problem at all. The presets are selectable in their common place. Thus there is a certain thing missing in CbB for the VST3 presets IMHO!

Such analysis has been demonstrated faulty so many times over the years it is hard to believe some still cling to it.

HO aside, all this means is CbB and Reaper are different.

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On 1/23/2023 at 8:00 AM, marled said:

there is a certain thing missing in CbB for the VST3 presets

What is missing is scanning the folders where the .vstpresets reside and using them to populate the native Cakewalk preset list.

When VST3 presets are present, they are present in locations specified in Steinberg's VST3 spec. Cakewalk should be able to check those locations and populate the menu if possible (which is surely what Reaper, Studio One, et al are doing). If Cakewalk is able to display a list of valid presets in the VST3 menu, it should be able to populate the other menu with them.

As it stands, I believe there is a way for hosts to query a plug-in itself to get a list of factory presets and that is what Cakewalk does. Unfortunately, that mechanism seems to have fallen out of use by plug-in developers. When it's present, it works in both the VST2 and VST3 versions. It works in the Lindell T-100, for instance, and I think maybe the Millenium NSEQ.

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4 hours ago, Kevin Perry said:

This one "C:\ProgramData\VST3 Presets"

I think that may be one of the canonical locations, but I don't see it often either.

The usual one, which the PA stuff uses, is Documents\VST3 Presets\<Company Name>\<Product Name>

In that location on my system there are 6 manufacturers who have created folders, but not all of them have used them for presets. They probably created the folders to store user presets.

One of the things I dislike about the forcing-on-everyone of VST3 is that it seemed to coincide with developers dropping support for the query-the-plug-in method I described earlier.

The ones that bothered to started making their own preset managers, some of which are crap. Things like presets work better for me when I know where to find them. It took embarrassingly long for me to figure out that Plugin Alliance products actually do come with presets. I thought for years that I was on my own, which naturally didn't endear their products to me. I mean, I like their stuff okay, I just thought "no presets, ever" was something I just had to live with, kind of like "no mix control, ever" is a thing with Freakshow Industries.

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FWIW, my computer has two VST3 Presets Folders.  One has 3 subfolder, two of which are empty. The other has 1 subfolder.  The presets must have been placed there by the manufacturer's installation process.  One is Plug-in Boutique's Virtual CZ (by Oli Larkin), the other is McDSP's EC300 (Magnetic Echo).

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I will add that on my computer there are two VST3 Presets folders. One folder for Focusrite (with sub-folders for Red 2 EQ and Red 3 Compressor),  the other folder for Plugin Boutique (with sub-folder for Virtual CZ).

With the VST3 version of any of these plugins loaded in Cakewalk, the preset window in the plugin header shows "No Preset ", but the VST3 pull-down menu item "Load Factory Preset" opens the VST3 Presets folder.

With the VST2 version of any of these plugins loaded, the preset window in the plugin header has a fully populated preset list, and displays the current preset name.

For the bx_oberhausen here, both the VST2/VST3 plugins show "No Preset" in the Cakewalk plugin header. This plugin uses .papreset files that are located in a presets sub-folder for the synth under Program Files. These presets are accessed using the preset system within the plugin itself, rather than Cakewalk. In this case, there don't appear to be any factory .fxp or .vst3preset files that I can find.

If I am missing anything here please correct me... ;)

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And everyone and their dog seems to implement their own preset management scheme now anyway, putting presets in a variety of places (Program Data, Program Files\Common Files, VST3 Preset folder, User folder...).

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8 minutes ago, Kevin Perry said:

And everyone and their dog seems to implement their own preset management scheme now anyway, putting presets in a variety of places (Program Data, Program Files\Common Files, VST3 Preset folder, User folder...).

^^^ This!!!


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