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2022.09 Feedback

Morten Saether

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3 hours ago, Jonathan Sasor said:

Hi Tez,

Can you send us a copy of your project? I can't readily reproduce your issue on our end. 

It was temporary, I'll try and recreate it and check if it's consistently behaving as previously described. How do you want it sent?

Update: @Jonathan Sasor  Hi, I messaged you with a project link.

Edited by Tez
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1 hour ago, GreenLight said:

It did happen with no sustain pedal in use when I played synth parts with Diva as well.

I will continue producing and report back, while also keeping in mind what you wrote above. Thanks!

@GreenLight are you only getting stuck notes with notes played from the keyboard or is it also playback of notes from the track that are sticking.
Is it simple track and keyboard controller playback or are you also using generative effects/synths etc.
Are you sure that this is specific to the 09 release? i.e. if you roll back do you still see this?

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2 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

@GreenLight are you only getting stuck notes with notes played from the keyboard or is it also playback of notes from the track that are sticking.
Is it simple track and keyboard controller playback or are you also using generative effects/synths etc.
Are you sure that this is specific to the 09 release? i.e. if you roll back do you still see this?

Hm, I think it happened both when playing on the keyboard, a NI Komplete Kontrol S49 MK1 via USB MIDI, as well as when performing transport stops. But I'm not 100% on that...

I've only had one session with 09 so far, so I will report back later this week after some more sessions. If I continue to get stuck notes, I'll do a rollback to 06 and see if it helps.

I'm thankful for your diligence. I should have done a few more session before reporting to you guys, I don't want to cause you unnecessary work with too vague descriptions. ? I just wanted to see if I was alone or not... ?

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On 10/24/2022 at 12:19 PM, Tez said:

It was temporary, I'll try and recreate it and check if it's consistently behaving as previously described. How do you want it sent?

Update: @Jonathan Sasor  Hi, I messaged you with a project link.

@Tez Thanks for sending the project. We've identified and fixed the issue.
For the record it wasn’t a timing issue but a bug where under certain conditions it would not determine the dependencies of the aux track. So it would render the bounce as if there was nothing sourcing the aux track, leading to silence.

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On 10/24/2022 at 5:23 PM, GreenLight said:

Hm, I think it happened both when playing on the keyboard, a NI Komplete Kontrol S49 MK1 via USB MIDI, as well as when performing transport stops. But I'm not 100% on that...

I've only had one session with 09 so far, so I will report back later this week after some more sessions. If I continue to get stuck notes, I'll do a rollback to 06 and see if it helps.

I'm thankful for your diligence. I should have done a few more session before reporting to you guys, I don't want to cause you unnecessary work with too vague descriptions. ? I just wanted to see if I was alone or not... ?

@GreenLight can you please retest with the new EA build. There is a setting for sending all notes off if needed.

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On 10/28/2022 at 10:43 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

@GreenLight can you please retest with the new EZ build. There is a setting for sending all notes off if needed.

Wow, cool that you made it an option, thanks!

Though I worked several hours with the original 2022.09 today without any issues... :) I will continue testing tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Folks:  A couple of  bizarre things have started happening  since I installed 2020.09

1) Certain  reverb plug ins have started   to sometimes give a huge "crash" of reverberation when I hit play, Waves Abbey Road plates  (VST3 version )  and Softtube  TSAR 1R (VST3) are both doing it. On the Softtube, sometimes it would not die down, but would continue looping into something like white noise.  Sometimes it will do it once  or twice when working on a single project.   

2) Occasionally the output to the master bus simply disappears. no meters, no sound .  the only way to get it back is to stop and start Cakewalk.  

I'm a bit mystified because no-one else has reported this, but it definitely started after 2020.09 was installed.

System is an  Intel Core i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz , 32Mb ram, Windows 10 pro  version 21H2, 64 bit.



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  • 3 months later...

"full installer" turns up this reference as part of the discussion, but I couldn't find it in that thread.

On 11/11/2022 at 8:15 AM, Noel Borthwick said:

This is a one off full installer we’re providing only for this release. Normally its determined based on what version the user is updating from. If its from the previous version we download a “thin installer” that has only the changes. If coming from an old version it gets the full installer.

  Not sure if the following is accurate:

On 11/13/2022 at 4:37 AM, Olaf said:

I got it, this time the full release actually made a difference because of the updated dlls, though.

So basically you need to skip the early access version and roll back one release to get the full installer next time. It's a shame you need to skip the early release, though. If you used a free service and limited the bandwidth, wouldn't that be an acceptable alternative?

Possibly check your files for "Cakewalk_by_BandLab_Setup" (without the quotes).  Maybe you have a full installer saved somewhere?

Can it be downloaded from Bandlab Assistant (Apps)?

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7 hours ago, Lord Tim said:

I have a vague memory of someone posting a full installer in a previous release or Early Release thread not too long ago, to help someone out that had a particularly broken installation.

If you can find that (can anyone remember where it was?) you should be able to get that in and then apply all of the updates going forward.

Then we should troubleshoot what led you to having to do this in the first place. I'm not seeing many people having catastrophic problems with the last update, so I'm sure it's something we can dig into and help you solve it. :)

The issue I'm having is with 2022.11 with horrible drop-outs. I've tried everything with the buffer to no avail. The exact same project plays perfectly on my old version of Sonar X3, so it's definitely an issue with 2022.11 and my machine. I didn't have this problem on 2022.09. I DO have the original installation files but when you try do install them, it just tells you that there's a newer version and won't go any further.

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1 hour ago, User 905133 said:

"full installer" turns up this reference as part of the discussion, but I couldn't find it in that thread.

  Not sure if the following is accurate:

Possibly check your files for "Cakewalk_by_BandLab_Setup" (without the quotes).  Maybe you have a full installer saved somewhere?

Can it be downloaded from Bandlab Assistant (Apps)?

No, it just sits there saying "downloading" and never changes.

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Be Sure it is completely uninstalled.

You could try the old way to install.  Download Bandlab Assistant and start from there. Then you might be able to roll back. Or people here could help you get the new version working.

Like check this-Check your sound card latency.  It could have changed.



Driver Setting->

Bottom 1/2 of screen Mixing Latency (you might have an ASIO button to set values. Turn it up really high to test this.


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