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2021.09 Feedback

Morten Saether

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3 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Re 1 the sources are per project while export presets are global. So this isn't really possible without having a concept of per project presets which seems a bit overkill. I'm not sure I understand your workflow and why you need it to remember that state though. We could possibly consider remembering the selected sources state for the duration of the editing session but I'm not sure how useful that would be.

Yeah, I guess I have somewhat of an edge case. I have Sends from the Master bus to three more buses - each for a corresponding HW output, which is currently two pair of headphones and speakers. Point is that each can be processed with FX independently, e.g. for room correction, adapting the sound for the vocalist needs, etc. So when I do audio export of a project, most of the time I only want the Master bus output, not any other buses out there.
What could perhaps help if, say, there's an option to only select the Default Bus for export when source category is set to Buses. But if that also implies a lot of coding/maintenance and blah, I can survive)) I sure did so far)))

51 minutes ago, Morten Saether said:

You can quickly deselect all buses by holding down CTRL+SHIFT and clicking any bus, then simply click the Master bus.

Another solution is to solo the Master bus. You can also save the export settings as a task. The track/bus selection state is saved with each task.

These are certainly some very helpful ideas. I'll probably stick to CTRL+SHIFT and/or master bus solo for now. Thank you.

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On 9/23/2021 at 4:31 AM, gmp said:

The External Encoder configuration utility is not working right in 2021.09 new export window.

 I have the External Encoder setup to create an mp3 or an mp3 and also a wav file at the same time.  The mp3 is a variable rate mp3 called VBR 4. In the Export window under Format/File Type I can see my custom choices - VBR 4 and also VBR 4 + Wav. Sometimes I can get the VBR 4 to export correctly, other times I get an error message:

Warning the External Encoder returned an error code and the file may have encoded properly

With this error no file is created. 

If I choose VBR 4 + Wav under format/file, no wav file is created, once an mp3 did get created, other times I got the error code.

Here are the settings for creating an mp3 and a wav file at the same time.  I put this in the External Encoder configuration utility window

MP3 VBR4 + Wav - file name
Extension - mp3
keep source file - checked
PATH:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities
COMMAND LINE: lame -V4 --vbr-new -m j %I %O

I also copied the 3 Lame files to the 64 bit folder C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities and used that as the Path. That didn't work either. The 3 files in the Shared Folder are lame.css  lame.exe  lame.dll

All this has worked for about 10-15 years just fine

@gmp - we've found and fixed the issue here. We'll get an update out ASAP.

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Something weird going on in this update..

I'm using Analog Lab Lite (vst instrument), and the sound works fine when playing back inside the project or when rendering with the "Render in Real-time" option enabled, but when doing a normal export there is NO sound rendered from the track Analog Lab Lite is on. I didn't find another VST with this issue either.

I reproduced it on a completely new project as well, so I don't think it's project related..

EDIT: The issue was that this specific VST reacts negatively to setting a larger buffer size for exports - anything above 70ms produced no sound in export, but "Playback"/35ms/70ms settings work fine!

Edited by VibeHistorian
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Thanks for this update! As mentioned before I really appreciate the improvements of Audio Snap and the export! ?

2 minor issues that I found with 'Export > Standard MIDI File...':

  • The warning 'This project contains digital audio data ...  the digital audio data will not be saved.' appears even if no audio
      clip/track is selected on a export to 'Standard MIDI File...'. I think in this case it is needless (it would reduce 1 click).
  • If a selection starts at the beginning (001-01), then it is ignored and the whole clip is exported.
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2 hours ago, VibeHistorian said:

EDIT: The issue was that this specific VST reacts negatively to setting a larger buffer size for exports - anything above 70ms produced no sound in export, but "Playback"/35ms/70ms settings work fine!

Noel has implicitly recommended staying under 50ms unless you know all your plugins are compatible with large buffers. I have run mine at 20ms (960 samples at 48kHz) for years without a problem.

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3 hours ago, VibeHistorian said:

Something weird going on in this update..

I'm using Analog Lab Lite (vst instrument), and the sound works fine when playing back inside the project or when rendering with the "Render in Real-time" option enabled, but when doing a normal export there is NO sound rendered from the track Analog Lab Lite is on. I didn't find another VST with this issue either.

I reproduced it on a completely new project as well, so I don't think it's project related..

EDIT: The issue was that this specific VST reacts negatively to setting a larger buffer size for exports - anything above 70ms produced no sound in export, but "Playback"/35ms/70ms settings work fine!

This is a known issue explicitly mentioned in the release notes. Its out of our control:

Caution: Some plugins can be unstable or crash with large buffer sizes so use this with caution. Depending on the plugins used, we recommend using moderate sizes like 50-100 msec rather than higher sizes. Also if you are using plugin automation, large buffer sizes will not sound smooth if you are using plugins that do not support sample accurate automation.

Several IK multimedia plugins also have this issue.

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1 hour ago, marled said:

Thanks for this update! As mentioned before I really appreciate the improvements of Audio Snap and the export! ?

2 minor issues that I found with 'Export > Standard MIDI File...':

  • The warning 'This project contains digital audio data ...  the digital audio data will not be saved.' appears even if no audio
      clip/track is selected on a export to 'Standard MIDI File...'. I think in this case it is needless (it would reduce 1 click).
  • If a selection starts at the beginning (001-01), then it is ignored and the whole clip is exported.

Yes we should not be displaying that error message. Its a known issue thanks.

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3 hours ago, Darren Lavery said:

HI Bakers.

Since the new update I seem to be having a problem where cakewalk is freezing when it tries to flush plugins, and I'm having to close it down via task manager, don't know if anyone has reported this issue.

In addition to what Jon said, have you set your bounce buffer size to a high value? If so set it back to Follow Playback buffer size and retry.

Also you can easily disable the plugin flushing as mentioned in the release notes:

Edit > Preferences > Audio - Configuration File:

BounceFlushTailsMaxDurationSec=n (0 to 60; default is 20; set to 0 to disable tails flushing)
Effects tails maximum flush length while bouncing (seconds).

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Something about the new Export feature has me totally stumped....

It used to be the case that you could include in the file info not just the track name but also the artist and album name in such a way that it was digitally 'baked' in. I do understand that you can use tags to include those variables in the file name, but how do you lock that info into the actual file so artist and album name displays underneath the track name in either the wav or mp3 file when you stream it from (for example) Google Drive or Dropbox? I've tried filling the info into the Notes section within CbB before exporting, but it doesn't do this. It only feeds the file naming tags. I hope I've not made this clear as mud! Any help with this would be v much appreciated.

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9 minutes ago, Johnny F said:

Something about the new Export feature has me totally stumped....

It used to be the case that you could include in the file info not just the track name but also the artist and album name in such a way that it was digitally 'baked' in. I do understand that you can use tags to include those variables in the file name, but how do you lock that info into the actual file so artist and album name displays underneath the track name in either the wav or mp3 file when you stream it from (for example) Google Drive or Dropbox? I've tried filling the info into the Notes section within CbB before exporting, but it doesn't do this. It only feeds the file naming tags. I hope I've not made this clear as mud! Any help with this would be v much appreciated.

Speaking of Export, one little gripe I have is the export has finished dialog box that sits on top of the clock near the lower right hand corner indefinitely. Is there a way to make that go away, say after 30 seconds or so....



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1 hour ago, Einstein R said:

Speaking of Export, one little gripe I have is the export has finished dialog box that sits on top of the clock near the lower right hand corner indefinitely. Is there a way to make that go away, say after 30 seconds or so....


There was a heated ?discussion about this detail in the Early Access... so you are not alone in this request. :)

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With version 2021.09 the upsample function (render & playback) seems to have a bug.
When I do a render (freeze track) of a synthesizer on which I have set the upsample function, the result is an audio file with a stutter effect.

If I open an existing project, on which the upsample function (2X) is on and whose synthesizer tracks have not been frozen, it is absolutely necessary to set the upsample function to off and then to on, otherwise the sound is completely distorted. 

If I unfreeze a track that was playing correctly from an existing project and then freeze it again, I end up with stutter

I also sometimes get a message that the sampling rate of the synthesizer is not correctly set at the time of rendering...

Test made with the synthesizers of the Komplete Ultimate 13 suite and the Synthogy pianos

x299 9980XE Skylake X 18-Core 64g ram Apollo thunderbolt audio card

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2 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

@Jean Corivo Have you tried rolling  back to the prior release to verify that this is actually specific to 09?
Upsample on render depends on whether the plugin supports it. Not all synths support it properly. Also by any chance are you setting the render buffer size to a higher value?


@Noel Borthwick 

Hi Noel,

I did the test of reinstalling Cakewalk 2021.06 Update 3 (build without changing any asio parameter of the apollo UAD card. The render (freeze track) works fine with oversampling on

I then reinstalled version 2021.09, I open the same project and try to render on the same track and I only hear stutter. It gives the impression that the synthesizers are no longer synchronized on the wordclock reference of the project.

I did the test with a new project, same result.

All the tests were done with a sampling rate of 48khz 

Edited by Jean Corivo
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HELP !!!
I've upgraded to the new version this morning and CW close directly after opening or when I try to open/create a project!!!
Uninstall/reinstall does not make any difference...
I'ts not the first time that I find this issue when upgrading.

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1 hour ago, Tlx said:

HELP !!!
I've upgraded to the new version this morning and CW close directly after opening or when I try to open/create a project!!!
Uninstall/reinstall does not make any difference...
I'ts not the first time that I find this issue when upgrading.

Hi @Tlx - you can try opening Cakewalk in safe mode: press and hold the shift key while Cakewalk launches. This is useful for disabling plugins in case one of them is causing issues on project load, although it seems unlikely this is happening on launch of a clean project, such as the "Empty" template.

What are you using for an audio interface?  

If your issues persist, you can also try reverting to version 2021.06 with the rollback installer here. Keep us posted.

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3 hours ago, Tlx said:

HELP !!!
I've upgraded to the new version this morning and CW close directly after opening or when I try to open/create a project!!!
Uninstall/reinstall does not make any difference...
I'ts not the first time that I find this issue when upgrading.

Which version of Windows are you running?
This sounds like you potentially have a bad installation and some components did not install properly if its crashing immediately on creating a new project. I suggest rebooting your computer make sure you don’t have Antivirus software running and then try reinstalling Cakewalk.
You can also rollback to the last version and reinstall the software again.

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