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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 137]

Morten Saether

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So far, this build is working great:

  • Tried the Articulation Pane and is working again as expected.
  • Once you get your export/bounce presets customized to your needs, it's a breeze to execute this tasks.
  • The new Tracks Through Entire Mix Source category makes it possible to export a bunch of tracks routed through plugins on the main buses, each track separately, something that was not possible before. It's a bless for speeding the workflow.


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1 hour ago, Jonathan Sasor said:

Go to Help | About Cakewalk, and double-check that you're on build 120. If so, close the app, then hold CTRL when launching Cakewalk. This will force copy the new presets. 

Hello Jonathan,

Unfortunately it did not work for me.  As instructed, I confirmed I was on build 120 and then proceeded to reset CbB.  Once it completed and launched, I still had the same two presets as before.  ?



Edited by summer2000
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3 hours ago, Janis Abele said:

Which menus changed? Where I can see This audio or Synth menu?

The "Add Track Menu flyout" and the insert menu when you right click in the FX BIN.  

It has a smaller slim  look- not by much, but it's definitely noticeable and that brings a great touch to it. 

That being said: It is still larger than the original font size in menus throughout Cakewalk which is set at  a font size 11 and the New Audio FX and Synth are at a size 12 Font.

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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Please add option to export in ZIP or TAR archive file. Option to Audio files saved in ZIP or TAR or RAR file instead of Folder. Would be cool additional option. 

Also would be cool if default Piano roll keys width change. Also rename track option from piano rolls view, and zoom presets. 


Option to change track Names into track Manager and Track Manager need to be darker. 


Edited by Janis Abele
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1 hour ago, Andres Medina said:

Same here -

@Andres Medina A really helpful fellow named Ben Staton gave me the secret word to un-jumble the letters, the passphrase is:

EnableStandardTextLayouts = 1

And the bearer of secret phrases is in the "Preferences -> File" window, here:

(And then, being an ".ini" file, obviously it is run at program initialization so you'll need to restart for changes to be picked up ?)


Edited by Gavin Ray
Directions unclear, foot caught in ceiling fan
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1 hour ago, Gavin Ray said:

@Andres Medina A really helpful fellow named Ben Staton gave me the secret word to un-jumble the letters, the passphrase is:

EnableStandardTextLayouts = 1

And the bearer of secret phrases is in the "Preferences -> File" window, here:

(And then, being an ".ini" file, obviously it is run at program initialization so you'll need to restart for changes to be picked up ?)


Thanks Gavin! I'll do.

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@msmcleod I just tried this and it does not work. It still has the same limitations even with snap off. 

The reason why I keep requesting this is for editing purpose with comping and compression.

For instance: right now -  im busy with vocals. I'm having a problem with resonance on the letter "D" in the word "Destined" which I cant seem to get rid of with an EQ without thinning out the letter "D" which ends up sounding like a "T." 

I stole a letter "D" from another word and replaced the problem one. This introduced another problem which can be solved be conpressing it and changing its attack and release so that can fit perfectly in with the word, but my ears need that loop to recognized that. This is also extremely crucial when doing De-essing without a de-esser and for many other countless "Advanced/Pro editing techniques." 

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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19 minutes ago, summer2000 said:

Any other suggestions for me to recover the missing audio export presets? I'm aware I can create my own from scratch but I'd like to use the included presets as a starting point to create new ones. Thanks. 

This is not a permanent situation. I am sure @Jonathan Sasor  is working the issue.

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Detects the average tempo of a failed audio file and displays the number zero
And but
After using audioSnap , I can not do other processes such as pledging or cutting the fable, etc. It must be a feature Render AudioSnap so that I can use all the features well.

Screenshot (34).png

Edited by SaGaD Xamun
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1 hour ago, SaGaD Xamun said:

Detects the average tempo of a failed audio file and displays the number zero
And but
After using audioSnap , I can not do other processes such as pledging or cutting the fable, etc. It must be a feature Render AudioSnap so that I can use all the features well.


@SaGaD Xamun can you please provide the audio file that you used to do the detection with? You can zip it and attach here or if large upload it to a file share and put the link here.

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On 9/9/2021 at 9:57 AM, Morten Saether said:

Updated to build 123

Improvements to handling of export for aux tracks and tracks with sidechains

You can now directly export single aux tracks or tracks containing plugins with sidechains from other tracks without needing to select all contributing tracks. To do this select the desired track and export or bounce with source category tracks or source entire mix.


  • Fix to installer for some users missing export presets
  • Layout improvements
  • Opening Bounce dialog with an aux track selected disregards selection and selects entire project
  • Render properties dialogs can appear behind File Export dialog
  • Crash exporting user project as OMF 
  • Close export toast messages when closing project

Please note that there is a new updated EA with a few fixes and also some new functionality improving export for aux tracks and tracks with sidechained plugins.
The link in the main post has been updated with the new installer link. 


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