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Audiosnap and other workflow issues

Craig Reeves

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Cakewalk is the buggiest major DAW and it's not even close. There is a reason Cakewalk failed as a commercial product even against more limited DAWs like Reaper and FL Studio and I can't imagine this not being at least one the reasons. It's unacceptable and embarrassing.

I get that's it's free but it was actually WORSE in the past when it wasn't free.

When Cakewalk actually works it is excellent. It just doesn't work very often, and MANY features are just plain broken.

Just focus on bug fixes for the next year. Seriously. And I don't say any of this out of malice. I say this because I genuinely want Cakewalk to do better. Consider this tough love. I've used this DAW since 2000 and I've spent a lot of money on Cakewalk and their products. If I didn't care or preferred some other DAW I wouldn't be here.

But it feels often that NOTHING ever works right in this DAW. I literally find a new frustrating bug every single time I use it. Using this DAW is an exhausting experience all too often. It's just not fun anymore. That is why people left this DAW in droves. It doesn't seem as though any of these bugs ever get fixed despite being reported multiple times by multiple people. 

I've compared Cakewalk to Ableton Live 10 and Pro Tools which I'm more or less equally proficient in. Ableton certainly has its problems and I do think Cakewalk despite my complaints is the better program for my needs. I've also compared it to Pro Tools. Pro Tools is TRASH. By far the most overrated DAW on the planet. Workflow is awful, lacks several key features for production and Avid is downright abysmal to deal with....and it's overpriced (as is Ableton Suite). Pro Tools is an awful program and I only use it when I have to. 

But the MAJOR advantage Ableton and Pro Tools have as far as I'm concerned is that THEY WORK. They're reliable. Limited in many ways? Yes. But IT JUST WORKS. It doesn't crash, no new sudden bugs I've never seen before, no oddities that have been long reported that haven't been addressed. Trust me, if you think I'm rough on Cakewalk, I'm worse to Ableton and I've pretty much all but given up on Avid.

These are just a few issues. Suddenly, Legato.cal doesn't work right anymore. Instead, it just shortens the note lengths to 64th notes instead of connects them no matter what setting (whether it be 10 or 100, doesn't matter) I use. This didn't happen until today. You really never know what you're going to get with this DAW. Video below:


So I think, "OK, let's try re-installing Cakewalk to see if that will fix the problem". And in pure Cakewalk fashion, I run into yet ANOTHER bug trying to simply reinstall the thing. BTW, no other DAW has this problem (which is a common theme with Cakewalk, which may be why they're still in business and Cakewalk is not). image.thumb.png.3ac27d3bcbe5fdcd84137d9bd20bce4a.png

No other choice but to choose "Skip this file (not recommended)". It didn't fix the Legato problem, btw. *sigh*....this freaking DAW...

Quick-group latch automation STILL doesn't work properly and has been a bug since at least SONAR X3, despite reporting of it being detailed multiple times in how to reproduce the error. Video below of this error and how to reproduce: 


AudioSnap....oh boy....we all know that's broken. Here's just one example...


Workflow issues abound with regard to cutting, copying and pasting....


At this point I'm just honestly at my wits end. What's even worse is that very often bugs can't even be reproduced because they only exist in a particular project (the dreaded Cakewalk per-project bugs). Bugs that are limited to a particular project, which is strange. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've said "Welp, looks like [insert feature here] isn't working in this project for some reason. It's just frustrating, kills creativity and is downright infuriating.

I promise I'm not trying to be nasty. I'm really not. But the truth really needs to be said, because the reality, and you all know I'm right about this, is that all too often, it just seems obvious that the only people who still love Cakewalk are those who have not used anything else. The minute they try a Studio One or a Logic or whatever they see all the flaws Cakewalk has. Well I'm honestly tired of seeing that. I want Cakewalk to do better. Maybe if Cakewalk does, they might get picked up by a big company and be back in business again. But until I start seeing different I can't really recommend this DAW to others and at this point the only reason I even still use it is because I am too busy to learn anything else and I favor over the other DAWs I know well (Pro Tools and Ableton).

Edited by Craig Reeves
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Dude, if Cakewalk doesn't agree with you, then you absolutely should use something else. Go to Abelton, if that's what you need.

Cakewalk works for me, and has for more than 15 years, especially on the last album I recorded with it.


PS Access was probably denied because you still had the application open (and therefore the dll) in some form. That's usually how the error happens.

Edited by timboalogo
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3 minutes ago, timboalogo said:

Dude, if Cakewalk doesn't agree with you, then you absolutely should use something else. Go to Abelton, if that's what you need.

Cakewalk works for me, and has for more than 15 years, especially on the last album I recorded with it.


PS Access was probably denied because you still had the application open (and therefore the dll) in some form. That's usually how the error happens.

Cakewalk clearly doesn't work for a lot of people which why hardly anyone uses it anymore. I want to see that change. Cakewalk has a ton of potential and I don't like seeing it go to waste. And I've used Cakewalk for 21 years so I'm in the same boat. Literally the only real tragic flaw of Cakewalk for decades has been its instability and numerous bugs.

I can say all kinds of negative things about America, but that doesn't mean I don't love America and want to move to another country. I hate when people say stuff like this. Nobody ever addresses these kinds of problems and anybody who expresses legitimate concerns with this product is bullied into leaving. This kind of behavior isn't helpful to Cakewalk.

Edited by Craig Reeves
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1 minute ago, solarlux said:

Agree about Audio Snap it should be fixed. I know all these things will be fixed if Bakers informed about this. This DAW will become best DAW

The sad thing is that in many ways it already is the best. There are GREAT qualities about Cakewalk. It's just frustrating seeing so much potential being wasted because of bugs that have been around for years yet still haven't been fixed.

But everytime I mention anything about it people will just say "go back to Ableton" or whatever. People who claim to be so pro-Cakewalk telling somebody who left another DAW who came to Cakewalk to "go back" to the DAW they came from. Who does that?

Edited by Craig Reeves
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8 minutes ago, Craig Reeves said:

The sad thing is that in many ways it already is the best. There are GREAT qualities about Cakewalk. It's just frustrating seeing so much potential being wasted because of bugs that have been around for years yet still haven't been fixed.

But everytime I mention anything about it people will just say "go back to Ableton" or whatever. People who claim to be so pro-Cakewalk telling somebody who left another DAW who came to Cakewalk to "go back" to the DAW they came from. Who does that?

Yes but we all together need Help Bakers to track all these bugs and they can fix it i know. We all can make this DAW Best of all.Many bugs fixed already and i know also Audio snap problems will be fixed. About CAL scripts they are obsolette and Cakewalk don't work with CAL scripting anymo0re.

Edited by solarlux
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1 minute ago, Craig Reeves said:

With regard to Legao, why they don't just have a Legato option under Process is beyond me. Retrograde but no Legato...oversight.

CAL scripts are obsolete and they are not developed anymore i think in futrure they will make better option for this than CAL script.

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Nobody likes bugs interrupting their workflow but if you think that other programs dont have similar bugs you likely havent used them for very long periods of time or your workflow doesnt expose similar issues. 
Regarding fixing bugs, it has been an utmost priority for at least the last 3 years. Have you looked at the changelog? We’ve fixed over a thousand issues besides all the optimizations and new features.
We are a small team and we do the best we can. Cakewalk is an enormously complex application and can be used in thousands of different ways so a bug that affects one user may never be seen by another. This is the main reason why one person may have flawless performance and another might not. If you take the effort to provide detailed steps most of the time we are able to resolve issues rapidly. CAL is an ancient legacy feature that we hardly ever look at so I’m not surprised that there may be a few issues there. Ultimately we plan on replacing it. We’ll look at the other issues.


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6 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Nobody likes bugs interrupting their workflow but if you think that other programs dont have similar bugs you likely havent used them for very long periods of time or your workflow doesnt expose similar issues. 
Regarding fixing bugs, it has been an utmost priority for at least the last 3 years. Have you looked at the changelog? We’ve fixed over a thousand issues besides all the optimizations and new features.
We are a small team and we do the best we can. Cakewalk is an enormously complex application and can be used in thousands of different ways so a bug that affects one user may never be seen by another. This is the main reason why one person may have flawless performance and another might not. If you take the effort to provide detailed steps most of the time we are able to resolve issues rapidly. CAL is an ancient legacy feature that we hardly ever look at so I’m not surprised that there may be a few issues there. Ultimately we plan on replacing it. We’ll look at the other issues.


I know you guys are trying, which is why I am here and no longer use Ableton as my main DAW. They've rested on their laurels over there and really aren't the least bit concerned about actually making their DAW actually good. It's claim to fame is that it is really well marketed and comes with a bunch of stock plugins out of the box (and live performance features, whatever). 

I use two other DAWs, Pro Tools and Ableton daily. They indeed have their bugs, but not as bad as Cakewalk.  Those DAWs have their own severe problems. I'll be the first to say that. Pro Tools is awful and I don't like Ableton that much for large projects. Trust and believe, those DAWs have other severe problems which is why I don't use them anymore as my main DAW.

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I have minimal issues with Cakewalk and I have used it since the 90s. I don’t use scripts so I don’t care about that. As far as Elasirique, you already figured out a great workaround that does what you need with the groove agent.  So, not a problem.  As for cut and paste, it works perfectly for me as long as I know which bar that the info begins at.  Just click on that first measure and paste. I never tried to copy blank info before the data. 

I paid for Samplitude X3=Pro and had nothing but problems.   More problems with X4 and more with x5.  I uninstalled it all and stuck with Cakewalk the entire time. So, if there are a few bugs, find a workaround, which you already have, and just use it. If it is that bad, switch DAWs.  You want my Samplitude license? 

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1 hour ago, Craig Reeves said:

I know you guys are trying, which is why I am here

They are not only trying, they are DOING a great job. 

I'm quite happy with cakewalk and have nothing to complain.   I have S1 and Cubase as well, and I use Cubase for some Reasons parallel sometimes, but I prefer Cakewalk.

One thing you don't get with other DAWs: The Cakewalk  Staff is listening, reacting and  putting Ideas and  needs into action in no time. For free. Simply incredible !!!

Beside that: Cakewalk is still the most complete Daw on the market - ok, the staff view . . . . chordtrack . . . . . I look forward to ?

I don't know, I just don't understand some People. Maybe I'm too old right now . . . . . 

Edited by mkerl
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I think what Noel said about some of us never run into issues is hugely true. I’m one   I read about the complaints and I scratch my head thinking “ WT heck is that dude trying to do anyway. 
It’s like people think software should conform to their way of thinking and if it doesn’t work that way they cry bugs 

I spent hours and hours working with midi and audio adding effects and what not , nothing hugely complicated , and months go by and everything works as planned day in day out. Cakewalk can be quirky but all software is such. 

I just upgraded from Movie Studio 14 to 17. Now that’s bugs. I returned to 14 and it is stable. At least Cakewalk has gone in the right direction and for me it is 99.9 % stable as a rock. 

Edited by John Vere
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Pretty much what John and Noel said above - if CbB was anywhere near as buggy as you wrote in the OP, Craig, I'd be either sitting on a street corner with no clients and no money or I'd have moved on years ago. I simply have no time at all for buggy software - it's literally my livelyhood.

Just looking at the percentage of people complaining about problems on here is about as common as most of the other DAW forums out there, and I think if anything is hurting Cakewalk at all, it's the minimal marketing, not the stability.

Has CbB got bugs? OF COURSE it does. You can't use software as frequently as I do without coming across any, and I've reported my fair share over the years. Many have been fixed, and some things, I've been told, are on the "we hear you, it's in the queue" list. I have a laundry list of features I'm more than happy to bore everyone with if you ask me about them that I'd love to see incorporated too.

But at least on all of the systems I've ever had CbB installed on (with a couple of very rare exceptions) I'd actually call it some of the most stable software I've ever used. Certainly far more robust than a lot of NLE packages I've had over the years. The places where I've had the most issues are on setups that already have big problems with the system or hardware or some super buggy plugin or something. I'm certainly not implying you're not having a horrible time at all - it sounds like it completely sucks - but there's got to be a reason for it, and why it's vastly different to a lot of us.

Ultimately though, you have to make a decision here.  If you enjoy using CbB, and this isn't just a rant, you have the CTO in your thread listening to your problems right now, and a team of really hands-on devs who want to help. Nobody wants to hear their software is crap, it's in their best interests to fix it. You can either work with them to see why you're not having the experience a lot of us are, or you can cut your losses and move on to something that works for you and your environment. No software is worth this kind of stress, seriously.


Edit: FYI, that sndfile.dll problem was a Waves issue they're sorting out. There's a sticky thread at the top of the forum about it. Reboot your machine or kill that process before you update.  This is what I'm saying about the bugs stuff - haven't got that version of Waves? No issue. Wasn't previously running CbB before you updated? No issue. But for someone doing either thing, you get that error and it's from a bug in a 3rd party product that CbB had no control over. The environment is the biggest factor here.


Edited by Lord Tim
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3 hours ago, Craig Reeves said:

Cakewalk is the buggiest major DAW and it's not even close. There is a reason Cakewalk failed as a commercial product even against more limited DAWs like Reaper and FL Studio and I can't imagine this not being at least one the reasons. It's unacceptable and embarrassing.

I get that's it's free but it was actually WORSE in the past when it wasn't free.

When Cakewalk actually works it is excellent. It just doesn't work very often, and MANY features are just plain broken.

Just focus on bug fixes for the next year. Seriously. And I don't say any of this out of malice. I say this because I genuinely want Cakewalk to do better. Consider this tough love. I've used this DAW since 2000 and I've spent a lot of money on Cakewalk and their products. If I didn't care or preferred some other DAW I wouldn't be here.

But it feels often that NOTHING ever works right in this DAW. I literally find a new frustrating bug every single time I use it. Using this DAW is an exhausting experience all too often. It's just not fun anymore. That is why people left this DAW in droves. It doesn't seem as though any of these bugs ever get fixed despite being reported multiple times by multiple people. 

I've compared Cakewalk to Ableton Live 10 and Pro Tools which I'm more or less equally proficient in. Ableton certainly has its problems and I do think Cakewalk despite my complaints is the better program for my needs. I've also compared it to Pro Tools. Pro Tools is TRASH. By far the most overrated DAW on the planet. Workflow is awful, lacks several key features for production and Avid is downright abysmal to deal with....and it's overpriced (as is Ableton Suite). Pro Tools is an awful program and I only use it when I have to. 

But the MAJOR advantage Ableton and Pro Tools have as far as I'm concerned is that THEY WORK. They're reliable. Limited in many ways? Yes. But IT JUST WORKS. It doesn't crash, no new sudden bugs I've never seen before, no oddities that have been long reported that haven't been addressed. Trust me, if you think I'm rough on Cakewalk, I'm worse to Ableton and I've pretty much all but given up on Avid.

These are just a few issues. Suddenly, Legato.cal doesn't work right anymore. Instead, it just shortens the note lengths to 64th notes instead of connects them no matter what setting (whether it be 10 or 100, doesn't matter) I use. This didn't happen until today. You really never know what you're going to get with this DAW. Video below:


So I think, "OK, let's try re-installing Cakewalk to see if that will fix the problem". And in pure Cakewalk fashion, I run into yet ANOTHER bug trying to simply reinstall the thing. BTW, no other DAW has this problem (which is a common theme with Cakewalk, which may be why they're still in business and Cakewalk is not). image.thumb.png.3ac27d3bcbe5fdcd84137d9bd20bce4a.png

No other choice but to choose "Skip this file (not recommended)". It didn't fix the Legato problem, btw. *sigh*....this freaking DAW...

Quick-group latch automation STILL doesn't work properly and has been a bug since at least SONAR X3, despite reporting of it being detailed multiple times in how to reproduce the error. Video below of this error and how to reproduce: 


AudioSnap....oh boy....we all know that's broken. Here's just one example...


Workflow issues abound with regard to cutting, copying and pasting....


At this point I'm just honestly at my wits end. What's even worse is that very often bugs can't even be reproduced because they only exist in a particular project (the dreaded Cakewalk per-project bugs). Bugs that are limited to a particular project, which is strange. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've said "Welp, looks like [insert feature here] isn't working in this project for some reason. It's just frustrating, kills creativity and is downright infuriating.

I promise I'm not trying to be nasty. I'm really not. But the truth really needs to be said, because the reality, and you all know I'm right about this, is that all too often, it just seems obvious that the only people who still love Cakewalk are those who have not used anything else. The minute they try a Studio One or a Logic or whatever they see all the flaws Cakewalk has. Well I'm honestly tired of seeing that. I want Cakewalk to do better. Maybe if Cakewalk does, they might get picked up by a big company and be back in business again. But until I start seeing different I can't really recommend this DAW to others and at this point the only reason I even still use it is because I am too busy to learn anything else and I favor over the other DAWs I know well (Pro Tools and Ableton).

So, do you document things & send bug reports or just bitch?

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