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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.01 Hotfix Preview [Updated to build 93]

Noel Borthwick

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 [Updated to build 93]

This hotfix addresses a few problems users have reported since 2021.01 was released and also includes some new fixes and optimizations. The following issues are addressed:

  • Projects containing certain plug-ins fail to open in 2021.01 release. We received reports that some SoundToys plugins cause projects to fail to load
  • Crash inserting Kuasa plugin
  • Deleting an articulation occasionally splits it into two smaller but invisible articulations
  • Show/Hide Articulation Pane in PRV does nothing if there are no articulations on the track
  • Ripple All not working when deleting from Arranger Inspector
  • Adding a new articulation event should default to velocity 100
  • Fixed bitmap memory leak in when editing using audio snap that could cause blank screen
  • VST3 Host Bypass does not work with plugins that report it as non-automatable 
  • Automation write not working with certain VST2 plugins until envelope was created
  • Freezing a synth could cause synth automation on all tracks to get orphaned
  • MMCSS now assigns all threads to the same MMCSS task groups for better efficiency. MMCSS thread limit has been increased to 128 to handle high number of cores. [Requires reboot after install to take effect]
  • Increased contrast of PRV clip outlines so they are visible regardless of current theme.
  • Arranger: Fix for trailing notes being incorrectly picked up by a section.
  • Ripple All not working when deleting from Arranger Inspector - additional fix for handling del key in the inspector.
  • Ripple Edit delete Section with overlapping notes at the end not working
  • Skip non automatable parameters in choose parameter dialog
  • Updated CWAF tool latest known version number string to "27.13.0.xxx".
  • Ripple edit delete using section overlaps crops the clip at the end of the left sections 
  • MMCSS threads not properly unregistered on engine termination
  • MMCSS threads could exceed quota with repeated changes to preferences
  • CbB no longer attempts to set ASIO thread priority when MMCSS is not enabled
  • Plugin Load balancing threads were not being released
  • Remove unexpected dropout message when creating or loading new projects
  • Unexpected sample rate conversion message when bouncing audio
  • Add Instrument Track not putting audio track in folder / unable to remove from folder

Thanks for your support testing this hotfix. In particular, please test ASIO with MMCSS enabled (and disabled) since there are some specific optimizations to the audio engine in this area that should make it more efficient.  You will need to reboot your PC after installing this update to test this properly.

If you are still seeing any issues after installing this hotfix please report them in the main 2021.01 feedback thread to keep reports centralized. Please note that this is an early access release - we should officially release this sometime next week after collecting more feedback.

Download the 2021.01 hotfix (build 93)

Should you need to revert to the 2020.11 release, you can download the Cakewalk 2020.11 Rollback installer.

To install, download and run the hotfix installer.
Note: If you are running Waves plugins, you may need to reboot your PC prior to running the installer if you receive an error that sndfile.dll is locked.

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41 minutes ago, Sergio Miranda said:

Cakewalk crashes when opening some projects with last version installed (01.2021).
Installed the Hotfix but still not fixing the problem with Kuassa Plugin EVE- AT4.
This problem was reported before.

@Sergio Miranda is this crash new to the 2021.01 release? Where was this reported earlier?
Can you send me the minidump since thats the only way to diagnose easily. Instructions in my signature.
Also please send me the project file that crashes.

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An updated hotfix build has been posted which includes the following extra fixes:

  • Crash inserting Kuasa plugin
  • Ripple All not working when deleting from Arranger Inspector
  • Adding a new articulation event should default to velocity 100
  • Fixed bitmap memory leak in when editing using audio snap that could cause blank screen
  • VST3 Host Bypass does not work with plugins that report it as non-automatable 
  • Automation write not working with certain VST2 plugins until envelope was created

Please report back in the main thread if you have any issues.

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I still have problems using the Arranger with overlapping notes and also with Ripple Edit using 'Delete' on the Arranger section (2021.01 build 088).

1.) The case can be simply reproduced with a new project. This is the initial state:


2.) I enable 'Split MIDI Notes', set the 'Event Overlap Threshold' to 1/16, set 'Ripple Edit' to 'All' and select 'Section 2':


3.) Then I use 'Delete' on 'Section 2' (in the popup menu on the Arranger section!). The result is not as expected (the clip is not moved forward):


4.) I have additionally screen saves what is happening with the MIDI clip:

  • The first 2 overlapping notes are not split but deleted), although 'Split MIDI Notes' is enabled!
  • The note overlapping at the end shows first '3:03:860' in the Event Inspector. After the operation it shows '2:04:893', although it is displayed still in measure 3 in the PRV! (see the screen shots below)

  a) Clip before the operation, last note selected (see Event Inspector):


  b) Clip after the Ripple Edit delete operation (I have selected the note again that it is visible in the Event Inspector):


I forgot to mention that the 3 sections have default length, exactly one measure!

Edited by marled
Added last sentence
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Thanks. After installing fix Cakewalk_by_BandLab_Update_Setup_27.01.0.088 I can finally  open my projects. I tried t o open several of them, so I hope it will be ok now.. Thanks a lot!

But I can't import my keyboart shortcuts and I can't change them, because I don't see keyboard shortcuts  in Edit-preferences at all.

Thanks for reply



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2 hours ago, marled said:

I still have problems using the Arranger with overlapping notes and also with Ripple Edit using 'Delete' on the Arranger section (2021.01 build 088)...

Hmm maybe I'm too late with this, but the whole process, in addition, should exclude all notes that starting times fall within the threshold window at the end of the selection/section.

Edited by chris.r
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19 minutes ago, Hrabe EM said:

Thanks. After installing fix Cakewalk_by_BandLab_Update_Setup_27.01.0.088 I can finally  open my projects. I tried t o open several of them, so I hope it will be ok now.. Thanks a lot!

But I can't import my keyboart shortcuts and I can't change them, because I don't see keyboard shortcuts  in Edit-preferences at all.

Thanks for reply



Have you this option selected as advanced how in picture?



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3 hours ago, marled said:

I still have problems using the Arranger with overlapping notes and also with Ripple Edit using 'Delete' on the Arranger section (2021.01 build 088).

1.) The case can be simply reproduced with a new project. This is the initial state:


2.) I enable 'Split MIDI Notes', set the 'Event Overlap Threshold' to 1/16, set 'Ripple Edit' to 'All' and select 'Section 2':


3.) Then I use 'Delete' on 'Section 2' (in the popup menu on the Arranger section!). The result is not as expected (the clip is not moved forward):


4.) I have additionally screen saves what is happening with the MIDI clip:

  • The first 2 overlapping notes are not split but deleted), although 'Split MIDI Notes' is enabled!
  • The note overlapping at the end shows first '3:03:860' in the Event Inspector. After the operation it shows '2:04:893', although it is displayed still in measure 3 in the PRV! (see the screen shots below)

  a) Clip before the operation, last note selected (see Event Inspector):


  b) Clip after the Ripple Edit delete operation (I have selected the note again that it is visible in the Event Inspector):


I forgot to mention that the 3 sections have default length, exactly one measure!

An explanation of what is going on here:

1. The Clips are being rippled by the amount of "clip" that was removed, rather than the whole section extent. This was an old bug.
This has now been fixed and will be available in the next update.

2. The notes being deleted is expected due to the size of the overlap threshold (1/4 note) - i.e. as the notes overlap the section end by < 1/4 note, they're being included with the section when it's deleted.  Setting a lower threshold amount (or turning it off), splits the notes as expected.

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5 hours ago, msmcleod said:

2. The notes being deleted is expected due to the size of the overlap threshold (1/4 note) - i.e. as the notes overlap the section end by < 1/4 note, they're being included with the section when it's deleted.  Setting a lower threshold amount (or turning it off), splits the notes as expected.

Somehow I guess that I understand the program logic and how complicated it really is from the view of a musician!

As a musician

  • I want that tiny note overlaps (to previous or next section) are copied and moved with the current section. But overlaps from the previous or next sections should not be copied/moved!
  • But I don't want that a tiny overlap into the begin or end of the current section causes the notes being deleted with the current section, because their major part is in the previous or next section!
  • I think that notes logically belong to the section where their major part is located (okay, I understand that witty persons could create other exotic examples! ?).

I am aware that this is not easy to program, but I hope it is possible and will find a way into a future release!

Edited by marled
Added last sentence, better specification of the 1st point
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Build 91 has been posted. It includes fixes for some more reported and preexisting issues.

  • Freezing a synth could cause synth automation on all tracks to get orphaned
  • MMCSS now assigns all threads to the same MMCSS task groups for better efficiency. MMCSS thread limit has been increased to 128 to handle high number of cores.
  • Increased contrast of PRV clip outlines so they are visible regardless of current theme.
  • Arranger: Fix for trailing notes being incorrectly picked up by a section.
  • Ripple All not working when deleting from Arranger Inspector - additional fix for handling del key in the inspector.
  • Ripple Edit delete Section with overlapping notes at the end not working
  • Skip non automatable parameters in choose parameter dialog
  • Updated CWAF tool to latest known version number string to "27.13.0.xxx".

Please report back in the main thread ASAP if you have any issues. 

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