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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.01 Early Access

Morten Saether

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Hello everyone, i am new to this forum, i have been using cakewalk for almost one year now, but with this latest update of January 2021, i am having this problem, i dont know if someone else is having this problem. On starting cakewalk, i am seeing a start screen with no words for 2-3 seconds and then the words are appearing, this has never happened before till now with the latest update, i have given the images of the start screen 3 seconds before and 3 seconds after. Just wanted to report this.



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5 hours ago, forkol said:

That does fix the issue for REX2 files and the WAV files. But...

1) The update must have had this flag cut off.  I had it on initially, and I thought that is the default. So, what is the proper default?

2) There is still an issue with the 32-bit WAV files as in the fix. They STILL do not sync to tempo even with that flag on. 

On further examination of the 32-bit files: It does seem that these 32-bit WAV files have for the Loops setting in the ACID header set to One-Shot, even though it's clearly a loop! I'd like to see a response from Cakewalk if this matters on preview, otherwise, I probably have to take this up with the sample vendor.

So the fix for your original issue had nothing to do with the bit depth of the file. There was some unusual information encoded into it by the app that created the file that our code was not handling correctly. This was fixed in the Early Access build. If you have other files that are not behaving as expected, please send us other examples to test. At the moment, I just was checking through RX2 and Wave file loops that previously had shipped with SONAR Platinum/expansion packs, and these all work as expected, so if there's another corner case with the files you happen to be working with, we'd need to verify that on our end. Thanks!

The Preview at Host option is a project-specific setting. It's off by default in the "Basic" template, but if you save a project with it on, it will persist. 

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2 hours ago, chris.r said:

thanks for this! I've asked a few times here on forum for that feature and nobody never pointed me to it... it's kind of hidden in a non-obvious place to look for settings :) 

For that reason, and for faster workflow, the "Preview at host tempo" option really needs a dedicated on/off button. (I know this isn't the place for requests, sorry!)

I am very happy that 2021.01 includes a new dedicated button for "Select Track Envelopes with Clips". Really looking forward to the final release! ?

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Problem with arranger section deletion in Ripple edit mode. When i selected section with all it deletes section and content but it moves next section without clips under section.

I deleted section 2 and section3 moved near section1 but without clips under section3 and section3 clips are under section4


Edited by solarlux
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4 hours ago, SR@BM said:

Hello everyone, i am new to this forum, i have been using cakewalk for almost one year now, but with this latest update of January 2021, i am having this problem, i dont know if someone else is having this problem. On starting cakewalk, i am seeing a start screen with no words for 2-3 seconds and then the words are appearing, this has never happened before till now with the latest update, i have given the images of the start screen 3 seconds before and 3 seconds after. Just wanted to report this.

This happens to me ALL THE TIME and has for almost as long as the Start Screen has been a thing. I'm sorry it has started happening to you but I don't think it is related specifically to 2021.01...


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8 hours ago, Will_Kaydo said:

Why do you want to use WASAPI SHARED if it works fine on ASIO?

Because, when I was asked to help debug the issue that I reported, it was pointed out to me by CBB support that if you are running Windows 10, that either WASAPI shared or WASAPI Exclusive might be/are better than ASIO, since they are the new Windows 10 driver modes. Here is what the documentation says:



WASAPI support

SONAR provides support for WASAPI (Windows Audio Session API), which is the new standard for audio in Windows 7 and future Windows operating systems.

The primary advantages of WASAPI are:

Better compatibility with consumer audio devices:

Supports a wide variety of audio devices, including newer WaveRT devices and legacy Windows audio devices.

Lets you use consumer audio devices that don’t have ASIO drivers or drivers that don’t work well under WDM.

Provides low latency access to audio devices.


On my system, I need to use a shared one because I often run either Chrome Browser or LoopCloud outside of CBB and so I need shared access to audio output.

However, you are right, generally ASIO works fine, and I might go back to it if it does not exhibit any issues.  


Can you zoom fully into the sample and check both the Beginning and End of the sample, to check if it doesn't overlap slightly over into the next measure - or not fully snapped to the start of the measure? This does not apply to all samples. 

In my case, as you said, this does not apply.  It's not actually a loop, just straight sample drag-and-drop then play. Yeah, I know about zero crossing, and from what I can tell looking at the file in a wave editor, the sample is starting at zero, it still has static 1st measure.  And again, this does not seem to happen if it is running in ASIO mode.

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5 hours ago, Jonathan Sasor said:

So the fix for your original issue had nothing to do with the bit depth of the file. There was some unusual information encoded into it by the app that created the file that our code was not handling correctly. This was fixed in the Early Access build. If you have other files that are not behaving as expected, please send us other examples to test. At the moment, I just was checking through RX2 and Wave file loops that previously had shipped with SONAR Platinum/expansion packs, and these all work as expected, so if there's another corner case with the files you happen to be working with, we'd need to verify that on our end. Thanks!

The Preview at Host option is a project-specific setting. It's off by default in the "Basic" template, but if you save a project with it on, it will persist. 

Yes, to clarify: I was only saying 32-bit because all the 32-bit files that I had from that vendor had that ACIDized-wav header info. 

Also, as I mentioned to CBB support and in my reply to the testing that I did above, you guys can use the same file that I sent in the original bug report.  It exhibits the 1st measure static issue.   I can also report that other files that have this same ACIDized-wave header issue seem to have the same issue on 1st measure start.  

Edit:  Also, as I mentioned above, it appears that these types of files do not sync to project tempo, even if the "Preview at Project Tempo" is set.  I observed that this header information in the files has been set to "One-Shot", and wondered if that was the reason why they are not synching.  

Edited by forkol
Updated with Additional information
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26 minutes ago, forkol said:

Because, when I was asked to help debug the issue that I reported, it was pointed out to me by CBB support that if you are running Windows 10, that either WASAPI shared or WASAPI Exclusive might be/are better than ASIO, since they are the new Windows 10 driver modes. 

Got you! 

I've seen a lot of users complaining about both WASAPI Exclusive and Shared drivers having issues. Recalling back when I ran only ASIO4ALL and X1LE (way before I had my first Interface.) I also couldn't watch YouTube videos.

Have you tried to download your motherboards manufacturer drivers from their website? This helps with drivers issue windows can't fix. 

Upgraded my studio machine 2 since then and I only use original from the manufacturers websites for everything. 

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8 minutes ago, Will_Kaydo said:

Got you! 

I've seen a lot of users complaining about both WASAPI Exclusive and Shared drivers having issues. Recalling back when I ran only ASIO4ALL and X1LE (way before I had my first Interface.) I also couldn't watch YouTube videos.

Have you tried to download your motherboards manufacturer drivers from their website? This helps with drivers issue windows can't fix. 

Upgraded my studio machine 2 since then and I only use original from the manufacturers websites for everything. 

I'm an experienced software developer with extensive background on testing methods and embedded systems development and support and I build all of my own Windows boxes from scratch.  As a matter of fact, not too long ago I upgraded my CPU, RAM and moved my system to an SSD, and of course I updated all my motherboard and other drivers at that time.  I don't use on-board audio as well. I don't say this to brag or that I don't make mistakes (because I do!), but 'checking drivers ' and such are part of the professional checklist that I run through when I am debugging a system.  It never hurts to be reminded to do that however, so I do thank you for the suggestion.

I still don't believe it's an issue with my audio driver, given what I have stated above, but I could be wrong.  I've posted info that I think the Bakers can use to look into the issues.  That's all I can do and hope for at this point in time.

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14 hours ago, forkol said:

That does fix the issue for REX2 files and the WAV files. But...

1) The update must have had this flag cut off.  I had it on initially, and I thought that is the default. So, what is the proper default?

2) There is still an issue with the 32-bit WAV files as in the fix. They STILL do not sync to tempo even with that flag on. 

On further examination of the 32-bit files: It does seem that these 32-bit WAV files have for the Loops setting in the ACID header set to One-Shot, even though it's clearly a loop! I'd like to see a response from Cakewalk if this matters on preview, otherwise, I probably have to take this up with the sample vendor.

Re 1 there are no changes in this update to change behavior. This is a per project / template setting so you must have inherited it from your project file.
As scook noted this is in the media browser settings.

Re 2. This has nothing to do with 32 bit files. If its set as a one shot it will not loop. Its an authoring problem if its intended to be a loop.


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15 hours ago, forkol said:

Cakewalk Developers:

I was asked to test this bug fix by Support for the issue that I submitted to you guys:

1) On the sample I sent you guys to replicate the ACID-wave file issue, if you start that sample at measure #1, and are running WASAPI shared mode driver, you will get some noise/static at the start of playback of this sample.  Here's what I know about it:

-- Seems to only happen on WASAPI shared.  Seems to play fine on ASIO and WASAPI Exclusive.  

-- The weird thing, is that it will go away if you leave Windows Media Player open.   While it is open, no static if played.  If it is closed, then there is static if played from Measure #1.

-- There is no static if the sample is moved/dragged from starting at Sample #1 and started from another spot.

-- I don't see this issue in SoundForge 10 or Studio One 4.  But, I'm running ASIO for StudioOne4, so that is probably the reason why.

I would posture to think this is a strange interaction with Windows WASAPI Shared driver with the Audio engine of CBB.  Seems whatever resource it needs is there if Windows Media Player is open, but if it closed, I suspect CBB audio engine has to create/re-create the resource, and the time or memory in doing so, causes crackles in the audio playback if played from measure #1.


There is a logged issue with WASAPI shared where the first buffer has some clicks. I'll investigate this for the next major release. 
WASAPI shared uses the windows Audio engine for mixing and has somewhat different requirements as compared to ASIO or WASAPI shared so there must be some factor related to this that we need to handle differently for the first buffer. Its not related to measure 1 it has the same issue whenever playback is started irrespective of the playback position.

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17 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Re 1 there are no changes in this update to change behavior. This is a per project / template setting so you must have inherited it from your project file.
As scook noted this is in the media browser settings.

Re 2. This has nothing to do with 32 bit files. If its set as a one shot it will not loop. Its an authoring problem if its intended to be a loop.


1) Ok, cool.  From @Jonathan Sasor reply above, it implies that maybe some templates MIGHT have this set.  Apparently, the Basic one (which I used) does not.  Is it documented/known which ones might?  Also, as some have pointed out, it's not apparent knowing if "Preview samples at Tempo" is set, and it would be nice to be able to see it and toggle it on/off as an indicator button rather than the somewhat obscure current method. I'll write a FR for this.

2) Yes, I believe it's an authoring problem, and I will get with the vendor to see if they decide to fix it (probably not).  I think another feature would be nice would be to color-code one shots in a different font color, something similar to the Instruments/Effects menu that lets you know which are DirectX and VST2/VST3 based on font color. Also, the little message window at the bottom of the browser you can't see the full info about the sample, would be nice if we could get the full info shown with maybe something like a expanded tooltip when 'hovering' over that line.

Thank you very much for the fixes so far.

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On 1/17/2021 at 7:13 PM, Colin Nicholls said:

Nope... you're using a custom theme. See here.


Thanks Colin.
Actually I was using Mercury .
Anyway, after a couple of restarts it seems to be working fine with Mercury an Tungsten.



So far so good, thanks.

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