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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.10 Early Access 3 [Updated 5-Nov-2020]

Morten Saether

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  On 11/4/2020 at 7:28 AM, AlexHomeStudio said:

Version 2020.1.075    On some tracks activated for recording, recording does not work! (video in the app) audio interface Roland Sonar V-Studio700, Windiws 8.1. the Problem appears in tracks from the project template. If you add a new track, everything is fine.

bandicam 2020-11-04 10-26-13-357.aviFetching info...


In Preferences | Project  | Record, does deselecting "Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record" correct this issue?

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When opening a project on a second computer, it would be nice if the Input/Output mappings were not lost on the first computer when reopening the project again there.  Would help a lot with collaboration. It is a pain having to remap all of your hardware I/Os, or change back to the particular soft synth you are using, every time it is opened on another computer that is mapped differently. For me, it is the hardware that is more of the issue, but I would imagine it is the same thing if 2 user have a different piano soft synth they are using, and are trying co collaborate on the same project. And really the same thing if you are using a laptop and have it plugged into your hardware, but then want to unplug it and use it in another location. If you could have different Input/Output profiles to manually select or auto load depending on what is present.

thanks, and we appreciate you listening to our feedback.

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  On 11/3/2020 at 7:45 AM, Promidi said:

Just to confirm, do you have Preferences | Project | MIDI > "MIDI Event Chase on Play" and "Include Note Events" both selected.

Also, to confirm , are you on 2020.10 build 75

Also, in your "sustain" articulation map, do you have it set to the correct MIDI channel.  If the MIDI track's MIDI channel is set then setting the articulation map's MIDI channel to "Follow" causes the articulation map's MIDI channel to follow your MIDI track's channel setting?

While the bakers are still working out some niggles, I have found with EA3 that for the events to be sent, the "transpose" needs to be ticked and the "chase mode" need to be set to "Full" or "Note". 

Unfortunately, with this EA3, setting "Chase Mode" to "full" reverts that setting to the following when the project is saved:

If an articulation map's "transpose" is ticked, the articulation map's reverts to "Note"
If an articulation map's "transpose" is unticked, the articulation map's reverts to "CC"

I have found the MIDI event get sent (and in the correct order with "transpose"  ticked and "chase mode"  set to "Note".


I've confirmed everything and I tried every combination you mention, to no avail. I will add that I am working on a MIDI track that is routed to the Kontakt instance (it's not a Simple Instrument track).

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  On 11/5/2020 at 7:02 PM, Ignacio Calvo Martínez said:

I've confirmed everything and I tried every combination you mention, to no avail. I will add that I am working on a MIDI track that is routed to the Kontakt instance (it's not a Simple Instrument track).


Try downloading a MIDI monitoring tool so you can see what events are actually being transmitted by the articulations in the a MIDI track.

The one I use is MIDIMonitor1.3 Windows

Just place the DLL file in your VST2 folder, rescan and insert as a VSTi

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Many thanks everyone for the stellar feedback to this EA release and helping us make it as stable as possible. We have fixed all the reported issues related to the new features. We also included a couple of small additions.

Special callout to @Promidi   @Maestro @Steve Harder for all the great feedback on articulation maps. Also @Toy who spent many hours helping us troubleshoot a complex intermittent problem with the arranger and articulation UI.

Barring any further issues we should release the final version very soon.

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Trying to understand Articulation Maps and looking forward to an in depth Help file. In the meantime I've been reading over the PDF addendum. Please forgive me if this is obvious or already explained...

BUT, I don't quite understand how to think of the articulation...clips? cells? (What are they called?) What does the length of them signify. It was my impression that they would only apply for the length of the shape.  In the simplest way of stating my query:

I have a simple violin legato articulation that is activated by pressing the sustain pedal (CC 64). When the pedal is then released the legato articulation is no longer applied and the previous articulation that was playing before depressing the pedal continues.

The way I wanted my articulation mapped "clip" to work after mapping it to CC 64 is to play the legato articulation for as long as the articulation "clip" is in the time line, then revert to the previous articulation in the same way that the pedal works.

This is not what happens. I specifically thought that is how it would behave when choosing "Duration" under "Play at" in the Art. Map Editor. But no matter what I choose in that section, nor how long or short the articulation  "clip" is, the legato articulation plays from then on, or until meeting a different articulation "clip".

Surely I am not understanding something. Is there a way to map, for example, pedal-down (CC 64, Val 127) to the start of the art. clip and pedal-up (CC64, Val 0) to the end of the art. clip? How is this done?


Edited by winkpain
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  On 11/5/2020 at 10:16 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

for all the great feedback on expression maps.



Thanks to you and all the developers for making articulation maps happen.  Adding this capability will vault Cakewalk upward in the Daw world.  Serious orchestral composers utilize articulation maps extensively and now Cakewalk has joined the short list of Daws that can support them.  

I first used Cakewalk in 1992, returned to midi last year and am a proud user now and into the future.

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First of all, I want to thank the Bakers for their diligent work with this release.  This early release is adding a major feature that is needing that extra attention.

It's almost ready.

2020.10 EA3 Build 84

Pitch bend transforms:  The example below is the MIDI transform settings I believe should result in changing the pitch bends from full to half


Channel aftertouch to key aftertouch transform:  The example below is the MIDI transform settings I believe should result in changing Channel aftertouch to Key aftertouch affecting Note C3 (60) .  What actually happens is the resultant values get zeroed out.


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  On 11/6/2020 at 12:54 AM, winkpain said:

Surely I am not understanding something. Is there a way to map, for example, pedal-down (CC 64, Vel 127) to the start of the art. clip and pedal-up (CC64, Vel 0) to the end of the art. clip? How is this done?


Controller events do not have velocity information therein.  Velocity only pertains to Note MIDI events.

Do do what you have described as above, you need to have two entries under "Generate New MIDI Events" in the single articulation.

One to send CC64 127 and the other to send CC64 0

The "Play at" settings for these entries need to be as follows:

For the entry that contains the CC64 127, the "play at" needs to be set to "At Start"

For the entry that contains the CC64 0, the "play at" needs to be set to "At End"

Also, make sure the articulation map's start point is before the note(s) you wish this articulation map to affect.

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  On 11/6/2020 at 1:32 AM, chris.r said:

Placing the articulation in the exactly same time as the note will result in the articulation taking effect before note?


Actually yes, you're right, but you don't have to have it at exactly the same time  As long as it's on the note or before.  I prefer to have it slightly before so I can tell that it's before simply by looking at it on the screen in the PRV - especially when zoomed out a bit.

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  On 11/6/2020 at 1:23 AM, Promidi said:

Controller events do not have velocity information therein.  Velocity only pertains to Note MIDI events.

Do do what you have described as above, you need to have two entries under "Generate New MIDI Events" in the single articulation.

One to send CC64 127 and the other to send CC64 0

The "Play at" settings for these entries need to be as follows:

For the entry that contains the CC64 127, the "play at" needs to be set to "At Start"

For the entry that contains the CC64 0, the "play at" needs to be set to "At End"

Also, make sure the articulation map's start point is before the note(s) you wish this articulation map to affect.


Ah hah! Yes. Now that's dialing in the understanding.

Thank you!

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...So then, what if an articulation is conditional on two conditions?

Following from my above example: If for the legato articulation to be called, both the pedal (CC 64) must be "down" (127) and the note(s) velocity must be with a range of, say, 0-39. Is there a way to map one of these new articulations thusly?  Is this where the Transform section comes in? And what/where is this done if so, in the In sub-section or Out sub-section?

Edited by winkpain
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  On 11/6/2020 at 3:20 AM, winkpain said:

...So then, what if an articulation is conditional on two conditions?

Following from my above example: If for the legato articulation to be called both the pedal (CC 64) must be "down" (127) and the note(s) velocity must be with a range of, say, 0-39. Is there a way to map one of these new articulations thusly?  Is this where the Transform section comes in? And what/where is this done if so in the In sub-section or Out sub-section?


Just to make sure I understand what your synth responds to.  For the articulation to trigger, it needs to receive a CC64 127 event....  but it will only work for those notes whose velocities fall between 0 and 39.

Which VSTi or synth are you using that responds to both CC64 and notes with velocities between 0 and 39?

For the given articulation, you would still have to have the two entries under "Generate New MIDI Events" for the CC64 events to actually generate the CC64 events.  Then in the same articulation you would have to have an entry under "Transform Existing MIDI events" that maps all velocities from 0 to 127 to 0 to 39

I hope my understanding of what you're asking is correct.

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  On 11/6/2020 at 3:44 AM, Promidi said:

Just to make sure I understand what your synth responds to.  For the articulation to trigger, it needs to receive a CC64 127 event....  but it will only work for those notes whose velocities fall between 0 and 39.

Which VSTi or synth are you using that responds to both CC64 and notes with velocities between 0 and 39?

For the given articulation, you would still have to have the two entries under "Generate New MIDI Events" for the CC64 events to actually generate the CC64 events.  Then in the same articulation you would have to have an entry under "Transform Existing MIDI events" that maps all velocities from 0 to 127 to 0 to 39

I hope my understanding of what you're asking is correct.


I use mostly Cinesamples in Kontakt for orchestral instruments. They have many ways to map articulations within an instrument, but for my example I am using their strings "Velocity map". It is set up as shown in the attached (2nd) image. Velocity ranges simply call on the various articulation samples (in their "Articulations" patches), and when using these, velocities no longer have any effect on "volume" of the notes.

I have set up my Cakewalk Articulation map as shown in the other attached (1st) image. I think this is working, but I don't quite understand what the In, Out, and Offset settings in the Transform section mean exactly. BUT it is working!

CW articulation map.JPG

CS Velocity map.JPG

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