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Take Lanes cause Audio Engine to Crash [FIXED]

FIP GeBall

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Hi Everyone,

Hoping someone can assist me with an issue I'm having in Cakewalk 2020.09 version. My total project has about 67 Tracks. 3 of those tracks have Take Lanes which have not yet been committed (Flatten) as I'm currently working on comps for various background vocal harmonies. The tracks are as follows:

  • Track 55 has 15 Take Lanes
  • Track 56 has 31 Take Lanes
  • Track 57 has 63 Take Lanes

The playback audio engine worked excellent when playing the entire project until I finished recording Track 57's 63 Lanes. After recording and hitting playback, the Audio Engine Drops Out about 2 seconds in. I did not have this issue before recording the last Track's takes. I noticed if I Archive Track 57 the entire project plays smoothly again with no issues. I haven't been able to figure out which Take Lane(s) within Track 57 are causing the issue. Anyone else ever experienced this?

Here are my system specs:

  • Cakewalk by Bandlab 2020.09
  • ROG Rampage V Edition 10 Motherboard
  • Intel 17-6950X CPU 10 Core/ 20 Thread/ 40 Lanes
  • 128GB G. Skill DDR4 3200Mhz Memory
  • Nvidia RTX 2070 Super GPU
  • Samsung 970 Pro 1TB M.2 SSD
  • (5) WD 1TB Black Drives
  • SoundGrid Studio 64 Channel DSP
  • Waves SoundGrid Extreme Server V2
  • DigiGrid IOX 12 Channel I/O (Master Clock)
  • E-MU 1820 Interface 
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15 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Please try the 2020.10 EA release since there are some optimizations that improve performance when there are many take lanes with muted clips.
Also list the dropout code.

Hi Noel,

Thanks for the response. I updated to release 2020.10 EA last night after writing my post and the issue still remains. If the dropout code is the number listed in parenthesis then that # is 5


CW - Audio Drop Out.png

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19 minutes ago, scook said:

Did you click on the Help in the bottom right of the toast message and follow the instructions for drop out code 5?


Hi Scook,

I did not, Thanks for asking. I went to that site after clicking help last night but didn't read it as it looked like the old Gibson Cakewalk site (my mistake). Plus I t didn't even scroll down I just left the webpage. But now I see what you mean and with code 5 it looks as if my hard drive is not keeping up. I'll adjust my buffer size and see if that helps. 

Glad to know the Help site is a real thing.

Thanks again!


16 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Please try the 2020.10 EA release since there are some optimizations that improve performance when there are many take lanes with muted clips.
Also list the dropout code.

Hi Noel,

Thanks for the response. I updated to release 2020.10 EA last night after writing my post and the issue still remains. If the dropout code is the number listed in parenthesis then that # is 5


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  • FIP GeBall changed the title to Take Lanes cause Audio Engine to Crash [FIXED]

Yeah, the current help is hosted on the old Cakewalk server which BandLab acquired.

The web-based help is updated with every release.

The drop out codes were added in 2019.09

If you prefer, there is a pdf of the help in here

It is not updated as regularly as the web-based help though.

2 minutes ago, FIP GeBall said:


You're Awesome! I increased my playback buffer size from 256 to 512; Fixed the issue in seconds! It's always the little things (like the last screw that just would come out... LOL).


Good news - easy fix especially with the addition of the drop out codes

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Glad that the dropout diagnostics were of use. Once you followed the instructions ?
Based on your project description you have close to 173 tracks. Assuming that they are all audio tracks that is a fair amount of load on the disk. If you have a slow disk a buffer size of 256 may be too slow to keep up esp if its fragmented.  Is it an SSD?

PS: A dropout is not quite a crash <g>

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2 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Glad that the dropout diagnostics were of use. Once you followed the instructions ?
Based on your project description you have close to 173 tracks. Assuming that they are all audio tracks that is a fair amount of load on the disk. If you have a slow disk a buffer size of 256 may be too slow to keep up esp if its fragmented.  Is it an SSD?

PS: A dropout is not quite a crash <g>

Thanks Noel,

LOL... You are correct, I was a little too quick to leave the webpage and did not scroll down and read the solutions. I have the buffer size set right now at 364 and all is running smoothly. The drive is one of my WD Black 1TB Drives. Thanks for the lingo correction I'll keep that in mind going forward.


Best Regards,

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  • 2 months later...

After much investigation I have narrowed down my issue to this. Take lanes causing Audio engine drop out.

I have a small few tracks though. 2 Audio tracks with wav loops and then 2 tracks with Cherry Audio DCO-106 VSTi synth, ONE of the DCO-106 tracks has 2 take lanes with midi. If I play the track soloed, after 2 loop arounds the audio engine drops, while playing its glitching. If I delete the 2 take lanes, rest of project plays seamlessly. 

I have an AUDIENT EVO 4 I/F .. latest drivers and firmware. I have increased the ASIO Buffer size to 2048, still glitching but not dropping out.

Its a core i5 Dell Inspiron with 16GB ram, nvidia card with own memory, 2TB Hybrid Drive.

Any ideas?

EDIT .. Im beginning to wonder is it a Cherry Audio issue. I just moved the track contents inc take lanes over to an Arturia 2600 V3 track, no problems here, no dropouts, no glitchy sounds. On the DCO I was using the TAKE ME ON patch. I have another DCO track using AMBIENT KEYS patch. Once I moved the errant track from the DCO to the 2600, all other tracks play fine at 512 buffer size

SO maybe its the PATCH & a setting there in??

Edited by aidan o driscoll
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21 hours ago, aidan o driscoll said:

...and then 2 tracks with Cherry Audio DCO-106 VSTi synth

ah yes, DCO-160 is surprisingly heavy on my mighty frail i5 Latitude cpu, two DCO's in one project surely are begging for that freeze button ;) 

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3 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

What is the repoted dropout code?

Hi @Noel Borthwick  ... I would need to recreate but Im sure it was 1.

As i think I solved it by replacing one of the 2 incidents of Cherry Audio DCO-106 with an Arturia 2600 VSTi playing the same line. So as mentioned by @chris.r it looks like its a DCO issue rather than CW? However out of interest I will try 2 separate DCO incidents in Ableton and Reason, see if same issues.

For the giggle by all means download the Cherry Audio DCO106 demo and try it and see?


It seems to be related to this in DCO106 actually. The number of voices, so happens for certain patches:



When DCO tracks frozen still glitches a bit the odd time, but would need to solidly verify that. OK, I deleted the 2 incidences of the DCO from the track, glitch free ( when i say glitch I mean track while playing would crackle and/or momentarily lag, start/stop while playing with other tracks )

Edited by aidan o driscoll
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