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Something a little different from the Furry Paws.


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Not Quite The Blues 

Superior Drum 3, Blues Room with some tweaks on the mixer plus my default Pro Channel stuff (N-Type, > +10 dB Comp Boz Digital > Quad Curve EQ)

EZBass Modern clean DI no other FX or Amp emulation apart from my default Pro Channel stuff.  (N-Type, > +10 dB Comp Boz Digital > Quad Curve EQ)

Arturia's Wurli V2 Warm Wurlie.  (Plus my default N-Type, > Channel Comp > Quad Curve EQ)

My iBanez Bur Poplar makes two appearances

1. Guitar Rig 5 Pro AC30  > Arturia's Phaser Bi-Tron (this is  a new FX from them based on the Mu-Tron Bi-Phase) (Plus my default N-Type, > Channel Comp > Quad Curve EQ)

2. Guitar Rig 5 Pro AC30  > Audiority's Echoes T7E MkII (Bison Echo unit) > Arturia's Chorus Dimension-D (this is another a new FX from them based on Roland's Dimension-D (Plus my default N-Type, > Channel Comp > Quad Curve EQ, PC Saturation)

Thanks for listing to the furry pawed scrapping.

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Nicely done . . .  very aptly named "Not Quite the Blues" . . . though, I could surely belt out something blueish here against it. I was thinking how I really liked the kick sound on my small speakers (small speakers matter !) . . . then Gary said he wanted more beater head umph . . . I put on my headphones, and it has some bottom, so I just think it's a very well imagined and balanced kick drum, and important to the overall groove, old school, not tacky.

BTW . . . The Furry Paws is a great band name.

Edited by noynekker
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17 hours ago, garybrun said:

Maybe be a little less beater head and more umph

Thanks Gary, I did have a little play with the sound of the Kick within this kit but I rather got the impression it was meant to sound this way, it almost feels like one of the skins is a little slack.  It is  a very old school kick/Bass drum sound.

Again thanks for your time and ears Gary.

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This is beautiful Wookiee!  Pete Green's Fleetwood Mac was most definitely a Blues band.  However, they put out one of the most beautiful guitar based instrumentals that I have ever heard (Albatross).  Although different from what you posted, it does remind me of that song.  I guess the Blues is more of a feeling or attitude rather than a fixed style encumbered by ridged rules.  Excellent song Wookiee.

The Furry Paws --- the paws pause that refreshes. ?

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@Douglas Kirby Thank you sir, the first two parts are following a classic 12 bar Blues Am, Dm, Em pattern, part 3 diverges but is still 12 bars in length.

20 hours ago, Kevin Perry said:

Steve Hillage meets Pink Floyd - nice

Thank you I suppose there is an element of his flying tea cups :D thank you sir you are most kind.

@Hidden Symmetry You are most kind sir thank you.

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1 hour ago, Wookiee said:

Thank you David, that is actually the  Arturia's Phaser Bi-Tron which is a two channel Phaser I do appreciate your time and ears thank you again.

Ah ha - so Wookie first in using one of the new Arturia Modulation plug ins -  I got them as well but have only used the Chorus Dimension one so far - after hearing this, i'll make sure I get using the Phaser quick quick!!

I like this track a lot - really good job my friend


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On 9/1/2020 at 8:48 AM, bjornpdx said:

Wookie,  I don't have furry paws and I can't play as well as that. Just love that slow blues style of chill. Excellent!

Hey you do a grand job and have some fantastic ideas and love to experiment which is always cool.

Thank you @bjornpdx I do appreciate your time and comments. 

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