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Dropouts in Amplitube 3 plugin since audio interface upgrade


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some days ago, I replaced my Steinberg UR12 audio interface with Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen (Windows 10 64 bit system).

Since that, the AmpliTube 3 plugin produces dropouts in constant frequency. About one per second at maximum buffer setting 1024, constantly accelerating when reducing the buffer.

The Overloud TH3 plugin works fine, same with AmpliTube 3 standalone.

Anyone can help me?

Thanks a lot in advance

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Although this might not be helpful, I had a similar experience with Amplitube 4.

I was running AD2 (Addictive Drums) standalone and AT4 standalone at the same time and they were not happy sharing the ASIO driver for Focusrite very well.  Now I never had that problem within Cakewalk (running together), but did have problems trying to run the standalone AT4 and Cakewalk at the same time (mostly crackles).

This was over a year ago.  Lately, I have run AT4 standalone and Cake running AT4 and everything seemed happy, but I think that was just luck.

Make sure you are not running any programs (outside of Cakewalk) that are using the ASIO drivers and Cakewalk at the same time.  Generally as a rule-of-thumb, I just run Cakewalk by itself.  Otherwise, I do not have any other ideas.



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Thank you very much for your hint! I just reduced the set up to the minimum:

  • ASIO driver only used by Cakewalk
  • Only one track
  • with only one plugin AmpliTube 3

Unfortunately this did not change anything. The strange thing is that the dropouts / crackles are exactly periodic. The period is a bit too fast to serve as a metronome ?

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You can try Deleting AUD.INI in the cakewalk folder. Once you restart cakewalk, it will repopulate a new one. This usually helps with problems more associated with stability but it might help here. Thing is, its only one plug in correct ? The Amplitude  VST ?

It might be a problem with the plug in itself, i kind of doubt it but it might be worth posting it over at IK.

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I tried it and got rid off several Steinberg related entries in the file. @chuckebaby : right, it's only this plugin, everything else is fine. So I think I will

  1. either follow your advice to post it over at IK
  2. or accelerate the phase out AmpliTube 3 and replace it with TH3 sounds.

2. is my long term plan anyway, but this would be much easier if I had the chance to easily toggle between the new sounds and the undisturbed reference sounds.

Thank you very much for help anyway!

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@nacrainter18 I'm sorry, I wish i could be more help.

Keep me posted on how this works out. I'll keep looking around for solutions.

Only other things i can think of is trying the VST2 64 bit version of the plug in (vs. the VST2 32 bit version).

What sample rate are you running it at ? If 48 or higher, try doing a test with lower sample rates like 41.

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My initial thought was "authorization problem", but if standalone is working I guess not.
I had issues with Amp3, I had to Jbridge the x86 (32bit) in Sonar x64 then SPlat to get it to work.
But the problem was Amp3 crashing and showing the cause as AmpliTube3.vpa64. Not your issue.
Got zero help from IK and the IK forum BTW. Evidently this was a very rare issue.
When I upgraded to Amp4 the problem was solved.
Bear in mind I am running the Amp4 VST2 dll.
If you are running the Amp3 VST3 dll, I would do as Chuck suggests, try the VST2 dll.
Does Amp3 have a VST3 option, can't remember.
Also, have you tried running CbB as administrator? Long shot, might work...


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On 2/1/2020 at 6:47 AM, nacrainter18 said:

... the dropouts / crackles are exactly periodic... ?

This would suggest a background process interrupting/polling at regular intervals...

Go into Task manager - Startup, and disable any tasks that are not necessary.  (You'll need to reboot the system after this).

Also, try running latencymon to identify any processes causing large latencies.

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@DeeringAmps: AmpliTube 3 is not registered as VST3, but as VST (implies 2?). Purchasing AmpliTube 4 is no option...

@JonD: the interrupt idea sounds reasonable, but the frequency is strongly influenced by the selected buffer size (about 1 Hz at maximum / 10 Hz at minimum buffer size). Nevertheless, I checked latencymon, but again with negative result:


Generally, I decided not to pursue this issue any more. The strategic decision is to switch from AmpliTube to TH3 Cakewalk Edition, and my efforts just aimed at a smooth transition where I could optimize the new TH3 sounds bit by bit whenever I like and play with the old sounds in the meantime. Now, the optimization of the new sounds was a bit more urgent and is now 70% done, and I will finish it next weekend the latest.


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On 2/4/2020 at 1:57 PM, nacrainter18 said:

@DeeringAmps ......... Purchasing AmpliTube 4 is no option...


The Amplitube 4 installer is free.  I believe A4 acts as a shell for all of IKM's guitar software, even older versions (At least, that's how the IKM T-Racks effects system works.  All effects you don't own are simply grayed out).  Assuming A4 works the same way, your A3 "should" operate fine in the newer GUI.  Worth downloading the installer and giving it a try.

Also, if you haven't already, do a reset/rescan of your VSTs.

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