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Back Concerto For Two Violins


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Its been quite a bt of a nightmare getting my new computer up and running etc. etc.
Any way.. seems like I need a new power pack...

I have posted a version of this composition a while back...  but have now rebuilt it with new samples.



New Version... little more live?

Thoughts and critical comments please.... thats how I learn.
Orchestra I find very hard to mix and eq as their are so many frequencies and you ears get tired really quick...   well mine do anyway.
Also I think I have over done the reverb...  but I cant judge it at the moment. 

Thanks in advance,




P.s.   For those who have sent calibration projects..  I haven't forgotten..  I promised this file for someone so had to complete it. 

Edited by garybrun
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2 minutes ago, David Sprouse said:

This is beautifully done.  It's a little too perfect.  At least, I've never heard anyone this tight. :D  Harpsichord sounds a little fake at points which library did you get the harpsichord from?  Dynamics are gorgeous.

Thanks David...  its too fast... should be 107bpm.
Gonna try again.
I used Spitfire Harpsichord...

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2 minutes ago, David Sprouse said:

This is a great resource for tempos, Wim Winters.  You may already know him, but others might be interested.





Thank you.
I have now changed it to 107bpm.
Im not sure how to make it less tight... any suggestions?

P.s.  Thanks so much for the comments.

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It doesn't sound as tight at this tempo!   It breathes like it's supposed to.  Nice job.  I   didn't get the timestamp, but towards the end you have some articulations that use the close mic and sound a little incongruous.  You might want to do a quick run through of mic use.  It's really noticable in constrast with the the more resonant instruments.  The harpsichord sounds like you might want to add a little of the room mic as well.

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1 minute ago, David Sprouse said:

It doesn't sound as tight at this tempo!   It breathes like it's supposed to.  Nice job.  I   didn't get the timestamp, but towards the end you have some articulations that use the close mic and sound a little incongruous.  You might want to do a quick run through of mic use.  It's really noticeable in contrast with the the more resonant instruments.  The harpsichord sounds like you might want to add a little of the room mic as well.

Yes... I agree about the harpsichord...  I did add some room mic to it..
Also its seems a little bit buggy this patch for the harpsichord.
I wanted more of a warmer tone for it...  just cant get the midle into it... without effecting the other parts of the mix.
Its very muddy.

Once again... thanks for the tips...  will take a look tomorrow as my ears are shot!!   ?

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16 hours ago, garybrun said:

I think I have over done the reverb

Maybe a touch, and to my ears the verb is a bit "dark". But, be advised, my ears are a bit "battered" and perhaps I mix a bit too bright!
I think you've created some very "convincing" performances. As to tempo, are you at 107 throughout?
Perhaps some tempo changes would "breathe" more. Now how to decide when, where, how much; you're on your own son!
That's something I struggle with all the time...
And I should add, that I didn't find the piece "tight" at all.
Big "thumbs up" from me.


Oh, and the title should read Bach, not Back; roight?

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4 hours ago, mark skinner said:

Gary , I have absolutely No suggestions for any improvements.  I was blown away by this performance..      mark

Thanks Mark.

I cant get it to sound like how I want it in my head.

The harpsichord should be more forward...  but eq is a problem-
Violins shouldnt sound so boxy.

I am using a dark chamber reverb... so will try another a little more lush.
Thanks again for listening.

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Remarkable how good this sounds, like listening to the classical radio station in town.
So I compared versions 2 and 3 and I like version 2 better. Sounds "fuller" to me. Version 3 seems to be missing those lower stringed instruments which come in around :03. (I should mention that my hearing needs to be taken into account here. It ain't what it used to be.)

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I received a notification on this? It's good to see this kind of thing here as a change! Not that I don't like pop/rock/ethereal.....I also like Bach.

Did you use Albion on this or other Spitfire libraries? Amazing realism here. I'm guessing you also used standard orchestra panning techniques?  I liked the second mix the best. Reverb on these mixes can be very subjective. I mean, do you want it to sound like it was recorded in a cathedral or a smaller venue? The choice is all up to you. I liked the balance of reverb . Sounds as if it was recorded in a nice ambient place.  

The only thing that I noticed is it seemed as if the lead parts were fighting for attention ever so slightly...I could still hear them but not quite the way a lead part might be. If you had not asked for suggestions I wouldn't have said a thing. I mean it's great as it is.

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18 hours ago, Starise said:

I received a notification on this? It's good to see this kind of thing here as a change! Not that I don't like pop/rock/ethereal.....I also like Bach.

Did you use Albion on this or other Spitfire libraries? Amazing realism here. I'm guessing you also used standard orchestra panning techniques?  I liked the second mix the best. Reverb on these mixes can be very subjective. I mean, do you want it to sound like it was recorded in a cathedral or a smaller venue? The choice is all up to you. I liked the balance of reverb . Sounds as if it was recorded in a nice ambient place.  

The only thing that I noticed is it seemed as if the lead parts were fighting for attention ever so slightly...I could still hear them but not quite the way a lead part might be. If you had not asked for suggestions I wouldn't have said a thing. I mean it's great as it is.

Hi @Starise 
Thanks for taking the time to listen and for the helpful comments.
You got notification because you have followed my posts.
I used the following plugins..

Bass -  Berlin Orchestra Inspire 03. Low Strings 8va Spicato

Harpsichord - Orchestral Tools Berlin  Harsichord

Violin Solo - Spitfire Solo Violin

Violin Solo 2 - Taylor Davis Artist Series

Violins - Spitfire Symphonic Strings

Violins 2 - Spitfire Symphonic Strings

Violas - Sptifire Symphonic Strings

Violas/Cellos -  Spitfire Symphonic Strings

Altiverb - Harpa Eldborg
Slate Digital - VBC Rack
Izotope - Tonal Balance
Eiosis - Air EQ
Waves L2 Stereo
Slate Digital - Verbsuite
Kontakt - 6.2

To me this piece was a challenge to see how real I could get sounding like a real orchestra.
Its amazing what computers can do today!!!
The second post was put through the Altiverb reverb.

I panned violin 1 Left -10 and Violin 2 right +10.
I dont know much about orchestral panning so went with what sounded right to me.

I also agree about the main violins competing against each other.
I tried some automation on the faders  (notice I used two different sample sets to get some distinction) of the two main instruments. 

My next challenge is to see how real I can make it...  in your face...  without reverb.

This has been a great exercise in eq and using reverb.

If anyone would like the midi files and would like to have ago I have forked them on BandLab.


Any suggestions for another classical piece?
This is a lot of fun... in fact it was @Wookiee who started the whole thing off for me  ?

Edited by garybrun
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Having grown up on Blues, rock 'n roll, rockabilly, and jazz, I am ashamed to say, with limited exceptions, that I have never developed a proper appreciation for classical music.  Probably to the embarrassment of my parents and teachers of any music appreciation course that I had in grade school or college.  However, I certainly can appreciate good work and you certainly have created some good work here.  Who knows  --- maybe if you post some more works like this, I will wake up my appreciation for classical music.  Keep 'em coming and well done!!!

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Thanks for listening and the encouragement @freddy j
I can't say I know about classical music...  Im just in awe how some people can compose and hear so many things in a composition.

In the old days there where no PA systems or mixers... the stage was the mix itself.
The classical composers where the rock stars of the day.

For me the challenge was seeing if I could get it as real and sound not so computer generated.

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