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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. Or we could just pass on this all together lol
  2. There's definitely somebody(s) somewhere twisting their f'n mustache to this. I agree w/ Craig. At my go-to supermarket here in Seattle it's not toilet paper that's the problem, it's the broken oven in the bakery. For nearly *two weeks* now the bakery has had a sign up on the donut case and the bakery bread wall back there that says, "Our oven just broke so we can't bake anything." Who's on that? When are they gonna fix that f'n thing?! I don't want that massed produced bread loaf they got in the regular bread section. How come nothing's being done about that pos oven? When can I get a Kaiser roll and a Boston cream? I don't need toilet paper, I'll take a f'n shower. When are they gonna bake some f'n bread?!
  3. All five thus far: https://www.waves.com/using-ovox-on-instruments-demos-free-presets?utm_source=wnletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=top-gui&utm_campaign=ovox-instruments-non-owners https://www.waves.com/ovox-producer-pack-free-presets-grammy-winners?utm_source=wnletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=download-free-btn&utm_campaign=ar-collection-gen-2-feb-2020 https://www.waves.com/ovox-vocal-resynthesis-free-hip-hop-preset-pack-tips?utm_source=wnletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=download-free-btn&utm_campaign=ovox-hip-hop-preset-pack-non-owners https://www.waves.com/ovox-vocal-resynthesis-free-future-soul-presets?utm_source=wnletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=download-free-btn&utm_campaign=ovox-future-soul-preset-pack-non-owners https://www.waves.com/ovox-producer-pack-ii-free-presets
  4. That's f'd up dude. So you're litteraly starting over right now? What b@lls. Did you ever get that PhD? What's your plans now? Where do you live? I'll take the red eye tonight and we'll get wasted over the rest of that story
  5. My plan is to invest in this O9A deal and stay with it until Ozone 11 or 12. Definitely not gonna upgrade every new version, especially if it's gonna be $100 or more a pop with a diminished return. It's like w/ my Samsung S10+ phone; the next step up is the S20+ that just came out replete w/ it's full 25% performance increase! yeah whatever.
  6. Why is Battery 3 not on that list but Battery 4 is? I know some people prefer B3 over B4 but it's not like NI would give a f about that..
  7. Well it says this in the OP: B4 Native Instruments B4 II Native Instruments Bandstand Native Instruments Battery Native Instruments Battery 2 Native Instruments ----- Why B4?
  8. Why is Battery 4 on that list? I don't believe there's even a Battery 5. Are they closing out Battery all together?
  9. You're like the Bob Ross of pianists. Now I want this. I'm sort of in the market for a good piano. The best piano I have now is The Grandeur. @Simeon Amburgey what's the best piano vst you've tried?
  10. So hold down Shift while I try to slip edit is what you're saying? What's the deal with the same start and end point and why is that mattering, or interfering I should say, here?
  11. If you're using pedals, like that wah pedal, see about isolating them from each other if they're not already, or if that wah pedal is the only pedal try something like a $20 1 Spot to isolate it from all outside interference. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/1Spot9v--truetone-1-spot-slim-9v-dc-adapter I've got 11 pedals in my studio so I use a much bigger version of the 1 Spot https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/1SpotProCS12--truetone-1-spot-pro-cs12-12-output-isolated-guitar-pedal-power-supply Two of my pedals are an EHX Small Clone and a Keely Compressor, and I often use them together so if you thought a chorus pedal like a Small Clone is gonna pick up noise try amplifying that further w/ a compressor. Actually the Keely is relatively quiet for a compressor. In my studio my pedals are all hooked up to a patchbay and sit on the table top for easy adjustment and so I can easily connect whatever pedals in whatever order I want at any given time rather than having them all in the chain all the time. When I got the Keely, just merely plugging it into the patchbay--not even putting it in the chain but just hooking it to the back of the patchbay caused a buzz and some RF interference in my guitar signal, and it wasn't even in the dang chain. Then I bought that CS12 and was able to isolate all 11 pedals and my signal cleaned up quite and all non-inherent noise from *the pedals* was gone. But my guitar pickups still pick s#!t up when sitting in front of the PC of I've got distortion going.. I have to swivel my chair to the left 90 degrees and it goes away, and actually it's different every day.. sometimes I have to swivel my chair a full 180 degrees or somewhere in between. I would start by throwing $20 at a 1Spot for that wah as it should be isolated regardless. Or get a full on pedal power supply and I recommend Truetone.
  12. Like bluzdog said you'll be fine man, go ahead and buy that Phoenix verb there and get you this deal. Except, don't get the deal in my original post from AudioDeluxe; get the cheaper deal below from JRR Shop.
  13. Yeah must be a bug because today on the same track it's not happening and I can slip edit however I want. But when it was happening--and it will again I'm sure--I also noticed that if I zoomed out a bit then I was able to slip edit just one take lane rather than them all. When I was zoomed in (enlarged) then instead of that slip edit bar icon showing up this weird open book-looking icon showed up instead and slip edited all the clips as a group. Lame, but if you encounter this again try zooming out a bit and see if you can slip edit w/o having to change clips' start times etc. Still lame.
  14. Well dang there goes my "Behringer to release its own DAW" April Fools joke I had planned for y'all. That's alright though.. my "Walmart to release its own DAW" worked real nice on you guys last year.. I'll just use that one on y'all again.
  15. Near as I could tell on this video anyway at the very end of it it looks like he switches the track that the compressor is on to mono and that changes the compressor, but it's hard to see what he's doing, at the very end
  16. I'm happen to be watching a vid on it now, if I see I'll let you know
  17. So what's your favorite vibey compressor? I like vibey/gritty as opposed to clean though of course they both have their place even in the same setting but you know what I'm saying,
  18. Ah so like the SSL G bus comp that a lot of folks mix into for glue, this Iron/Shadow is a glue comp during the mixing process as opposed to the mastering process which is where Ozone would come in (?)..
  19. I'm seeing that this is happening when all of the clips in the take lanes have the same start time. That's why when I cut a bit off of the start of the clip then it lets me slip edit it while leaving the rest of the clips/takes lanes in that track alone. Is this a bug or some feature that can be disabled?
  20. But, but.. If we have O9A why do we need this? All these "have to have it" posts like there never was an Ozone.. I thought I was doing good ?
  21. Anyone know a solution to this? I don't believe I solved this for the OP as today I'm having the same exact problem where I have this track that won't let me slip edit only one of the take lanes and instead it's slip editing *all* take lanes on the track even though nothing is highlighted. In fact, even when I *do* highlight the one clip in the one take lane that I want to slip edit it *still* grabs all of the clips in all the take lanes in that track. The one exception is if I use the split tool to cut some of the clip in question away and *then* it let's me slip edit just that one clip/take lane. Anyone know what's up? I'm like a fly that circled back and landed on the wallpaper this time and now we're both stuck lol
  22. Btw, there's an even better price than the one I originally listed in this thread. And guess who found it? None other. He's just better at this than we are.
  23. Are you talking about an Izotope product that's usually a paid app but that *you* got for free in a Plugin Boutique promo e.g.? Like Neutron Elements? That would still qualify - wouldn't matter if *you* didn't pay for the app so long as it's not an app that's free all day everyday, like Izotope Vinyl.
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