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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. I know I have or will catch me at least one fish out there. Matter of fact, I caught @bayoubill w/ this one last year, breaded and deep fried.. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/2738-walmart-company-to-release-its-own-daw/ See y'all next year ?
  2. From Bs Insider: "In one of the most unexpected business ventures to date McDonald's Corp is partnering with Korg Inc. to release its own digital audio workstation recording software. The McDaw (tentatively titled) is slated for release on 04.01.21 at a price of $6.99 - an unheard-of price for a daw until you consider the powerful Cakewalk by Bandlab daw which is free. When McDonald's Corp was contacted for comment they didn't respond because no one contacted them because april fools."
  3. Well I'm thinking then to just get two 24" 1080p monitors and get an arm to keep one above the other. Word @InstrEd, scope us out a good monitor arm ?
  4. If I already have a copy of this will waves let me get another one?
  5. Thanks for the responses. Does anyone know if 2560x1440 resolution on a 24" monitor makes things too small? I don't want to have to scale. How about that resolution on a 27" monitor? This is for my daw, but I'll be doing a bit of video editing too for YouTube etc. I think I would prefer two monitors rather than one big monitor and I plan to stack them vertically.
  6. Ah, so that 32" and 24" must both be 2560x1440 monitors? Because correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure in order to run a dual monitor setup both monitors have to be running at the same resolution and I'd assume you'd be running the 32" at 2560x1440.. I'm thinking of just scoring two new monitors, a 27" and 24" the 24-inch will be on amount above the 27 inch and both would be 2560x1440 I'm thinking. Because the 20.5" monitor I have now is only 1080 so I don't think I'd be able to run it in a dual monitor setup w/ a 27" or above w/ their higher resolutions
  7. Instead of the iv chord in that progression do a ii chord and call it doom blues that's what I do
  8. Yeah that's what I'm gonna to do with my current monitor put it above the new 32-inch monitor I'm gonna get. Which 32" monitor do you have?
  9. At $69? Wasn't it $39 earlier this month when we all got SPL iron for $15?
  10. So you're doing music on a 40 inch monitor? What kind of video card do you have? I don't game personally
  11. I'm about to upgrade my lcd soon which I believe is a 21.5" Samsung which I intend to mount on the wall above the new monitor. I suspect a lot of you have a multi monitor setup. Just wondering what the biggest monitor is that you guys are using that's still easy on your eyes and doesn't make you feel like you're sitting front row in a movie theater. I could fit a 32" lcd on this desk, but the farthest I'll be able to sit away from it is no more than 3 feet. My TV is 32" and I tried sitting 3 ft from it and it's not that bad really so I don't know if it'd be any different for a daw. What are you guys using?
  12. You have to have the maag eq for that other plug?
  13. Anything good I should get for cheap? Maybe that shadow hills thing
  14. If it gets real bad I can have my people extract Larry in the dead of night. In an iso tank, w/ a laptop, internet connection and some daily McDonald's he'll be kept safer than even the orange hate goblin during a pandemic and I can finally get a discounted piano
  15. Nembrini. Wait for a 70%-80% off sale and get his Marshall. Best on the market right now.
  16. Pretty sure it was a blank.. He wants to give you a chance to answer, seeing as it's a lifelong decision and all he understands that. There's just too many pianos and you practically need to buy a new ssd for every 2 or so libraries you pick up. I mean, you've probably already got 5 ssds yourself just for pianos
  17. Right on man. So my last question (for now) would be.. Out of all the piano instruments you own, vst and sampled, if you could only have one for the rest of your life, and the guy has a gun to your head and he is absolutely making you chose one, which would it be?
  18. Well that sucks. I'm having to score a Vienna key for that sax and I had thought maybe it could hold ilok stuff too but I guess Vienna hogs up a dongle all for themselves. Thanks for the heads up. Lame
  19. Watching your Ivory video. Man I don't know what piano to chose at this point lol. I may get a sampled piano after all. Is NOIRE only really good for that soft tone or can it do a good standard grand sound too? Looks like you can maybe try some of these sampled pianos before buying after all here https://account.bestservice.com/try-sound/session_booking.html
  20. Dang, and I posted my thread w/ a better deal way before Scott's. Glad you're not hurting over it though, as it would've ruined my night, you know how I get
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