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Everything posted by Christian Jones
Well, "deals" doesn't necessarily denote a "good" deal.. lol sorry this isn't supposed to be funny
Lol don't worry Simon, quite literally *no one* is going to misconstrue your post as a joke or that you meant it was a "deal" that Mays died. Some folks just get annoyed at OT posts and I get that .. it's just that I *never* see that same annoyance at all the OT posts in the coffeehouse downstairs--and several of them ongoing--about bacan or becan or whatever the f it is.. lol just saying, if someone is gonna take it upon themselves to crackdown on OT posts all the time maybe don't show partiality because that's even *more* annoying than OT posts. Rock on.
Well here's how I set up a ducking delay anyway and you should be able to intuit from this and apply to your specific needs. Set up a delay 100% wet on a buss. On that delay buss insert a compressor with a side chain on it. On the audio track in insert a send to the sidechain of the compressor on the delay buss (leave the track output alone). On the audio track insert a send directly to that buss.
Still though, single high end amp sims are my thing so I almost wish they didn't come out w/ this
Hmm. Yeah Softtube stuff, at least the amps which is all I've ever looked at from them have always been pricey. Like Bass Room.. I tried Bass Room way back and I didn't get what was so special about it that it should be over $100. Nembrini's amps are over $100 but that's why you wait for the fairly frequent 70-80% sales which Softtube never does. Personally I'm more interested in what Kazrog will be releasing soon with his new amps as he promised to not disappoint and I've been playfully hounding him lately when I see him post on YouTube and Twitter about True Dynamics and I'm like "That's great, where's you amps at dog?" and he's like "They're coming bro" lol. Anyway @Mesh as you know, no demo of these Softtube Marshalls can be done w/o comparing them to the Nembrini Marshall which imo is the best Marshall sim avail now so I'd like to see your review too. Myself though I won't be demoing the Softtubes unless Mesh says I must
Say you have a horizontal split screen workflow going consisting of two PRV views, like piano on one and bass or drums on the other.. it'd be nice if that Aim Assist line you call up when pressing "X" would span across both PRVs and not just the one that's in focus. This would help for lining things up across the two PRVs--like if you're trying to line up drums especially w/ some other midi data on another PRV--w/o having to place the Now Time there to do it.
Hey Larry (et al) I'm trying to get L3 Multimaximizer, do you know if the price on that ever gets below $29 on Everyplugin? With this code it's $31 and some change but I'm thinking to wait till President's Day to maybe get it for 20 something..
If 70's prog synth is what you want you can't pass up Synth Magic. I have several of his synths and they're some of the best available and not for too much money either especially when they're on sale. If you were to get just one of his synths I'd get the Quadra - it's flat out dope and Steve (the dev) said it's the best thing he's ever made (to date). The presets alone on all of his synths are awesome, no filler, just great presets as is or for great starting points. His synths use genuine samples of the hardware synths he created these from rather than modeling (nothing wrong with modeling per se, just saying). You do need the full version of Kontakt 5x but it looks like you probably have that. You can email him ask him when his next sale will be when his synths are usually half price or close. Listen to the demos there. The Logan Big Band was the first one I got and it's awesome, sounds like an old movie. https://www.synthmagic.co.uk/store.html
[SOLVED] Auto Crossfade not working like I expect
Christian Jones replied to Christian Jones's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Yep, you were right. Just tried it in one of the many take lanes I have clips on on a track and as long as I highlight the clip in the take lane that I'm working with Cakewalk will focus that clip onto the parent track and ignore all the other clips in the take lanes above/below it and will then perform the cross-fade as expected. So it appears that, if you're working in take lanes where there are other clips in other take lanes on the same track you *must* highlight the clip or else Cakewalk sees all those other clips in the other take lanes as being stacked on/underneath one another and it messes up the cross-fade function. -
[SOLVED] Auto Crossfade not working like I expect
Christian Jones replied to Christian Jones's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Hmm, well maybe it does matter that I happen to be trying to do this in a Take Lane where it is one of many take lanes and Cakewalk is probably viewing all the other clips in the take lanes below it has essentially being "underneath" the clip on the take lane I'm working with. Usually when you highlight a given take lane it focuses it on the parent track, and probably I didn't highlight the clips when I was trying to do this. How do you split a clip by swiping? I haven't heard of that. I usually just hold down alt and a pair of scissors appear and lets me cut/split the clip. Or if I have several clips highlighted it will split them all simultaneously in the same spot, and I can swipe up or down to highlight however many clips prior to that - probably that's what you mean? Yeah Cakewalk will automatically apply a fade at the end of a clip after you split it, but I think auto crossfade may be a little more precise When you want to fade overlapping regions in a specific way. I'm not at the daw now but your probably right that it's the other clips in the take lanes below the take lane I'm working in that's making the fade behave this way. Thanks -
So in Track View under Options I check Auto Crossfade. Then in a single track (a Take Lane actually, but shouldn't matter I don't think) I have an audio clip and I split the clip into two, still on the same track. Then, when I go to stretch the edge of the right clip to overlap the edge of the left clip the left clip will do the auto crossfade like I expect for just that portion of the clip where it got overlapped, but the clip on the right whose edge I had dragged over onto the left clip - the fade on that clip ends up fading the whole length of the clip rather than just the portion that overlapped with the left clip. Why is that happening and how do I get the auto crossfade to do its thing only on the overlapped portions of the clips?
Lol yeah I'd only recommend occasionally getting blazed before working on a song if you're just going to be writing on the instrument w/ little work being done in the daw itself other than the most basic functions. In moderation it's a cool and effective way (for some) to come at the song from a different angle for writing purposes - not "money take" recording purposes.. you don't really wanna be doing deep daw stuff this way and if something should go wrong troubleshooting in that state is just dumb @ss amateur hour (or hours) trust me. Another tip I have is to find a song by some other artist you like that is somewhat similar to yours and observe how their song flows and get ideas from that, and this can be very helpful when you hit a road block in a song you're trying to write. I don't mean to copy their song structure verbatim (necessarily), but just check out the structure and get inspired.. kinda like that scene in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts was at that fancy dinner and she didn't know the proper uppity dinning etiquette or how to eat the food the right way until some nice older guy across the table picked up the food w/ his hands as he looked at her and smiled assuredly. Actually, you can do this from the get go right when you begin writing the song: find a song from some artist out there like I said but go ahead and copy the structure of that song verbatim - not the music, just the structure, like a template, and write your song within that structure. What you don't like that idea? Think it's cheating or something? You know what they say about great artists stealing and that's cool, but personally--musically speaking-- I never minded ripping people off this way and besides, I learned this tip from Doug Marks
I should take you upstairs and introduce you to my people there, say "This is my friend Larry, and he has this problem" lol but seriously I'm confused as to how this ARS3 app works.. it sounds like you were trying to bounce down through it, but I was under the impression that we were supposed to just check/verify through it but not necessarily bounce down through it but again I don't know. I'll probably still get it when it's a on a a better sale and then maybe we'll both be f'd
Larry, was wondering if you ever resolved that ARS3 issue?
Private Message Complaint
Christian Jones replied to Larry Graham Alexander's topic in The Coffee House
Agreed 100%.. if the goal is to teach, break down the theory of it all.. that I'd actually be interested in. Otherwise it's no different than someone popping in a Bach or any artist's cd sans commentary/breakdown. -
I wouldn't use the word "horrible" on its sound, but judging from BIAS FX1 which is where I left off w/ it.. imo of course I just feel like once you get up to the higher end single amp sims you see how inferior BIAS really is. BIAS FX1 is the first amp sim I ever gave the time of day to a couple years ago. And for the year that I used it, it had this awful bug that Noel et al here recently figured out was on BIAS' end where I'd hit record in CbB and I'd play and when I'd stop the recording the wavefile would just vanish, and it wouldn't be found in the audio folder or even in the history. It'd just be like the recording never happened, and a few of us here reported this and I've talked about it here before. This would happen randomly, maybe every 10 or so takes. And it was f'n w/ my head big time man.. I'd lay down a dope take and watch it vanish and I'd be at my daw like wtf and questioning myself whether I actually hit record or the space bar, then later on in bed in the middle of the night I'd be like "No! I watched the f'n waveform get drawn!" And I did this for a year and I'll never forgive BIAS for that s#!t lol sorry To Positive Grid's credit, once Noel sussed out the bug maybe 7mo ago I snapped and emailed PG for a refund even though I'd had the software over a year by then. It was really a symbolic request, but they did upgrade me the BIAS FX2 for free as a consolation. I don't care though lol Yeah I'll get the lid back on that can 'o worm sorry ?
100% off wouldn't be enough. OK ok not a BIAS fan.. I'll be quiet ?
So the wheel gets a triple gold Dayton
What's My Prognosis with Windows 7?
Christian Jones replied to razor7music's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Perhaps your Win7 installation will still run on that original drive as it currently is but the serial number will have been chewed up by MS so you wouldn't ever be able to reinstall/re-register it or download any leftover Win7 updates you haven't downloaded yet. Afaik anyway. -
What's My Prognosis with Windows 7?
Christian Jones replied to razor7music's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Actually, if something does go wrong it's possible that I could go really wrong where that upgrade wizard won't simply revert you back to where you started w/ your Win7 installation but instead can, possibly, seriously f everything up to where your Win7 system image will be your only way back. IIRC, Mcleod (now a mod here), had two machines that he attempted to upgrade to Win10 from Win7 via this utility and one machine upgraded w/o a hitch and the other.. I believe he said it wrecked his system and the image backup was the only way to restore it. If you read Tezza's thread up there you'll see my thread linked to in there from 6mo prior when I was going through this Win10 upgrade and Mcleod talks about what happened w/ his machines in my thread. @abacabalso has detailed walkthrough posts in there and it's safe to follow abacab's advice on this stuff w/o asking further. Basically, most people are able to do the free Win10 upgrade w/ this utility w/ zero problems, and a very precious few get their whole system f'd up and have to do an image restore. Actually, Mcleod is the only one I've heard say it didn't go well for one of his machines. -
What's My Prognosis with Windows 7?
Christian Jones replied to razor7music's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
No. If you're talking about the free Win10 upgrade utility, that won't be possible afaik. This free Win10 utility essentially takes from you your Win7 serial and in exchange gives you back, legitimately, a Win10 serial/installation, so you exchange one for the other; you won't be left with both. Unless of course by "something goes wrong" you're referring to not being able to successfully complete the Win10 upgrade then yeah you can fall back onto the Win7 installation provided you arranged a proper backup. -
What's My Prognosis with Windows 7?
Christian Jones replied to razor7music's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Lol was breaking your b@lls. And it's not a loophole if MS knows about it and allows it to go on. But by all means needlessly part with your money if you wish.. it's your bread? -
What's My Prognosis with Windows 7?
Christian Jones replied to razor7music's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
The bold there.. I agree. And once you do [research], you'd be only the latest of the countless guys here, including mods, who've long since upgraded to Win10 for free through that there utility. ..LOL but if that pro IT gut is instead telling you to shovel up the bread to MS rather than legitimately take what they've made available to you for free then that's on you and I don't think MS will object ? -
Private Message Complaint
Christian Jones replied to Larry Graham Alexander's topic in The Coffee House
Thanks for the evening read ? Agree for the most part and in general those who post excessively anywhere don't get many listens, that's just how it is - everywhere. It's like this guy here in Seattle who posts ads in a well known artist publication in the Musicians section.. he's been posting the same ads for the last 10+ years trying to start an avant rock band and he drives people crazy as he posts like 4 to 6 iterations of the same ad in a row almost daily, and the consensus is that's why he's been trying to start his band up for the last 10+ years.