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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. My Korg Z1 keys are 5 5/8" and this old M-Audio oxygen 61 I had was around that. The Akai keys are around 5". You can tell just by looking at it out of the box that the keys are short. They're also pretty stiff and the shortness adds to that. Maybe someone else wouldn't care.
  2. Word that's Tyler from HASR. He turned me on to the Dr. Bonkers bass cabs and I got all the ones he suggested to get out of that collection, these here from Dr. Bonkers MBGR-B 810 GEEK-T 410 GEEK-RB 410 AGI 115 ORG 810
  3. This here https://www.ownhammer.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=190&products_id=354 It's the only bass IR pack they have and is one of the best on the market for Ampeg IR
  4. Also you should try the Nembrini PSA1000jr on bass with some good IRs. I have Ownhammer Ampeg IRs and DR. Bonkers. Ton of sounds there. I have a real PSA-1 and it's probably my favorite piece of gear as you can plug just about anything into it and it sounds rad. Actually to my ears the PSA1000jr is better than a lot of amp sims I've tried for guitar/bass but then I've always liked the PSA sound and I'd say the Nembrini PSA sim is about 85% there to the hardware.
  5. Do you also get Nuno Bettencourt to play your guitars?
  6. If you're and M-tron owner they made some free choir sounds available called "IsolationChoir" for free download
  7. Lol I came in here hoping I wouldn't regret buying Hollywood Backup Singers earlier today. These are cool though, and that reminds me I still need to download the free M-Tron choirs we got
  8. I'll ask RME this too but thought I'd see if someone here knew. I know there's a different voltage requirement in say Poland or Germany than the USA. I'm just wondering if I bought an RME audio interface from ebay from someone in Central Europe, would it work in the USA w/ the USA's different voltage requirement? Like, what if someone in Switzerland bought an RME UFX from Sweetwater and someone else in NY or Oregon bought a UFX from Sweetwater.. would Sweetwater send them each a different UFX each w/ a different voltage plug or whatever or would they both get the same exact interface? I know some appliances would need a voltage converter in this case, but is that the case with an audio interface too? Hmm
  9. Christian Jones

    Zo Finding ;)

    Did you like Darkglass better than PA Ampeg VR?
  10. Ever see the episode where Will got Carlton all whacked out on speed pills or whatever it was and Carlton was basically all buzzed out doing that dance and just acting all crazy.. it was one of those after school special-type episodes. They did a similar thing with Jessica on Saved by the Bell.
  11. Yeah it's like w/ any form of martial arts; you can spend your whole life mastering it but what's the point if you never get to kick someone's @ss
  12. Might as well get this, I mean how many of you guys are actually making music w/ these plugs you be buying anyway ?
  13. I'd use that thing. It wouldn't have the b@lls to take my @ss
  14. So Da Capo? Is that your favorite of theirs? I'm checking it out. I'm after that noir sound but yeah those phrase instruments they have seem like it be hard to get your money's worth from them
  15. Word, I got that email too. I love grimy choirs. I use the boys choir a lot which doesn't sound so great in isolation but in a mix adds a real cool grimy old choir sound and that's where I think Melotron stuff sounds best anyway, in context.
  16. Do you have any of these? I dig this kind of noir sound but I wish it was more than just phrases
  17. Yeah that's a crazy price for that little thing I remember seeing that. Why does it cost so much?
  18. Yeah I have a nice American strat from '05 I think but I only play Warmoth guitars anymore. I'll be building another tele baritone soon. Then my tech just does the fret work and assembly for me.
  19. Nice a Kurzweil. They used to be the be all end all for piano sounds in the 90's. Even that little Micro Piano model was sought after. What kind of deal did you get?
  20. Sometimes I'll have a plugin on a track and I'll hold down Ctrl and drag/copy that plug to another track etc and each time I do it the plugin GUI opens. There's other time when I just want to insert a plug but not have the GUI launch. I could have sworn there was a feature to turn off the plugin GUI launch each time one is inserted, but can't find it in Cakewalk or Google. Can it be done?
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